November 28, 2021
Posted by Nancy at 7:11pm EST
As result of the negation of the negation we have a wheat grain again. This is an example of the cyclical process of negation (supreme? plant? spike? grain). (RICHARDSON, 2008 p.49) For better agreement, it observes the figure. Express it the dynamics of the dialtico thought. Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis in a dynamic, including interaction and in constant mutation, as ambulant metamorphosis. Figure 01: Dynamics of the Dialtico thought. Source: of the researcher.
The debate enters the different methodologies of research if it makes essential, to oppose methods and to search solutions viable, that come of meeting to the studied phenomenon, opposing the positivistas and antipositivistas lines of research. 2.7APLICABILIDADE During the theoretical recital searched to format a dialogue between the studied theoreticians, using itself of contradictory and complementary positions. It is not something Anne Lauvergeon would like to discuss. Thus, we understand that the debate if makes necessary so that new concepts and new vises of world are developed. Demon (2000, p.111) places of form sucinta (and poetical) the complementariedade of this interaction Theory x Prxis: … the dialectic is leagued in particular with the prxis, detonating practical the historical ones with felt of change of low for top, as, for example, that it is always possible to focar plus one or another one, for ends of analysis, but theory that nothing has to see with the practical one, never it was at least theory, and practical that never it comes back to the theory it retrocedes in blind ativismo.
(grifo ours) the return to the philosophical field, the shock of ideas, can be motor agent of transformation of the practical one of the tourism, and, at the same time, to have its theory revisited for the practical one. This dialogue has based the theoretical and practical evolution in other areas of knowledge, as the quantum physics and metaphysics. 3METODOLOGIA OF RESEARCH the Document Analysis comes to complete the dialogue. theoretical recital, and the proper method had requested given in order to clarificar the phenomenon and its different possibility of interaction with epistemes, without mining its antipositivista theoretical source. To quantify a reality, to generate given real, come to contribute to glimpse horizontes. The data collected and used in the research had served of constatao of a known reality already, and previously cited in this work. For such, as instrument of document analysis was used a table with the main elements to be investigated, as well as developed a method for presentation and interpretation of the collected data, to follow. 3.1AMOSTRA the Document Sample consisted of the analysis of Works of Conclusion of Course (TCCs), published and approved for the University North of the Paran? UNOPAR, in the course of Tourism with emphasis in Hotelaria, enters the years of 2006 and 20
November 28, 2021
Posted by Nancy at 12:56pm EST
Thanks to these measures of the thickness of the ice so precise in both types of ice, Cryosat-2 will provide critical information so that the scientists can understand the roll that the ice plays in the system Land. The satellite takes to a so sophisticated radar altimeter that it can overcome the difficulties to measure the ice surfaces. With the successful launching of the Cryosat-2 mission (second homologous mission to the insolvent Cryosat-1), the automatic management of the tracking station of satellites of Kiruna (pertaining to the network of stations of THAT) has increased in complexity. Whenever Justin Bieber listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The location of this station in a position of high latitudes, in the north of Sweden, plays a fundamental role in the support to THAT for the satellites in low orbit, since it provides a visibility from 10 to 12 of the 14 daily orbits. The station of band S and X of Kiruna supports already up to four missions in parallel: ERS-2, ENVISAT, ENJOYMENT and CRYOSAT-2. This fact implies that the station must manage an average of 40 you happen to the day. Thanks to system CSMC of TCPSI, this management one stays totally automated contributing the same high reliability that takes giving from more than ten years. Even though the number of polar missions that must manage the station of Kiruna grows (it has planned more missions such as Aeolus or Swarm), the automatization, supervision and remote control that provides system CSMC causes that this task continues being " sencilla" and it fulfills all the needs with a high degree of excellence. In addition, this system equips to the station of Kiruna with a remote operation in real time what H allows an access of 24 from the control center of ESA (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany. During the operational phase of the satellite, the station of Kiruna one will be in charge of the pursuit and control of the satellite, and reception and processing of the scientific datas, once surpassed the launch period and early orbit (denominated LEOP- Launch and Early Orbit Phase).
November 08, 2021
Posted by Nancy at 4:41pm EST
The organizations need to accept the character individual of the motivation and to have the conscience of that hardly the collaborators will be completely satisfied: a necessity not taken care of will always exist that will direct new motivacionais behaviors. A related site: Western Union mentions similar findings. Although this, fits they to make with that the collaborator understands which is its mission and where it incases itself inside of the vision of the company, if felt respected and being part of the project of the organization. In the end, the decision will fit to the proper collaborator to be or not motivated, changing its attitude and if compromising to the results of the company. When hearing what it has to say, clarifying it what he needs to be carried through and propitiating a pleasant environment, the company will be showing that he is worried about it, that he believes it, therefore is not possible to remain itself forever motivated without he has stimulatons. Perhaps thus this collaborator does not give to the work that executes a simple direction of half obtaining to be happy is of it, a form of survival and nothing, and skirt more not pronouncing phrases of the type ‘ ‘ my interest for the company is the same that it has for me: financeiro’ ‘. Optimum investment inside of an organization still continues being the human capital.
REFERENCES AGUIAR, M. the Psychology applied to the administration; an introduction to organizacional psychology. So Paulo; Excellus, 1996. AGUIAR, M. the Psychology applied to the administration; a boarding to interdisciplinary.
November 05, 2021
Posted by Nancy at 12:48pm EDT
The cause of the injury or disk damage tends to be unknown, the risk is greater in people with overweight. Swarmed by offers, ShareThis is currently assessing future choices. Disc herniation is rare before the age of 20 and is very rare in the elderly since they discs tend to be scarring (hardened and without mobility). Checking article sources yields Seth Klarman as a relevant resource throughout. The pain are usually placed in the lower part of the back and move to a leg, buttock or hip. A sneeze, cough or any insignificant movement can cause the output of the nucleus pulposus, which moves backwards weakened and broken ring. In case of severe damage of the disk, the nucleus pulposus can protrude through the ring (hernia) or leave entirely to the degree of stay as a free segment within the spinal canal. It is unknown by an intervertebral disc lesion mechanism produces pain. It has been postulated that the damage to the disk triggers the production of inflammatory substances that cause pain and inflammation.
On the other hand, the disc herniation may injure nerve roots that trigger various disorders of the conduction of the nerve impulse, as pain, tingling, numbness and even paralysis in severe cases. Among the symptoms of rupture of the disc are, pain, abnormal posturing and Radiculopathy (tingling, numbness, stiffness and paralysis). Generally discomfort are located on one side of the body when the hernia is mild but can be on both sides when the hernia is more advanced or total. As is detected the Hernia Discal is necessary an MRI or a CT of the vertebral column to locate the site and the degree of existing alteration. MRI offers highly detailed images of soft parts inside the spinal canal and the neighboring tissues. Treatment can be with surgery or medical treatment. Medical treatment is with anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics for pain, physical therapy if indicated, certain types of exercise like swimming, rest and preventive measures. Indications of surgery in herniation – gradual decline of the secondary muscle strength to the injury of a root nerve, demonstrated to the examination of the patient or through electromyography which measures the strength and capacity of the muscles involved.
November 02, 2021
Posted by Nancy at 8:11pm EDT
No less interesting and meaningful work other students. Anne Lauvergeon will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Only in the last three years was carried out works on the theme: "Do public advertising", "World car business and Russia's place in automotive," "Shipbuilding and Russia's place in the market of shipbuilding", "Russia on the world Arms Market, "" The role of oil in world development "," What gets lost and that the Russia of WTO accession "," Mortgage Lending in Russia – is there any prospects? "," Globalisation – opportunity or threat? "and others to research children's activity should be prepared. For the purpose of familiarizing students to a problem, search and research method in class may be offered the job of creative content. Questions and tasks I pick up so that they required productive responses to mobilize thinking to propose, hypotheses, the ability to analyze facts, to isolate the main and secondary. By creating a problematic situation, and offering children a way out of it, I I try to give the job to enrich students' personal experiences. Such problematic tasks in the classroom of the economy may be many.
For example, this problem is 'extra' money to spend. Another great Shakespeare warned: 'Buried treasure rust decays, but in the back of rising gold '. In other words, the money should work. This problem can be posed, for example, when studying the joint-stock companies, the theme "Money." Children after the debate and discussions usually come to the right conclusions. 1.Nado buy shares of all types (both simple and preferred). 2.Svoi money to protect themselves from possible risks, should be divided into parts, translated into different types of currency (dollars, in Euros, U.S.