April 09, 2017
Posted by Nancy at 1:41pm EDT
The advice was not investor – or object-fair or the prospectus contains errors, claims for damages are considering 6,000 investors have since 2003 in 15 bulk carriers and special tanker of the Dusseldorf emission House idea capital invested. But the economic course of the Fund is far from satisfactory. The equity invested a total of approximately 220 million is due to the desolate for several years situation in the shipping markets and the part below the forecasts this Charter revenue at risk. For investors of the Fund NAVALIA 02 MT Port Moody NAVALIA 03 MT port Russel NAVALIA 04 MT Port Stanley NAVALIA 05 MT port Union NAVALIA 06 MT port said NAVALIA 07 MT port Stewart NAVALIA 08 MT port Nelson / port Mouton NAVALIA 09 Port Moresby / port Melbourne NAVALIA 10 MS port Maubert NAVALIA 11 MS port style NAVALIA 12 MS port Kelang NAVALIA 13 MS Port Elizabeth turns the question, how they should proceed in the face of this situation. Basically, investors bear the economic risk of their investment.
Prerequisite is, however, that in the run-up to the Investment decision were informed accurately and completely and fit the participation to them. The advice was not investor – or object-fair or the prospectus contains errors, are claims for compensation against the adviser or the founding shareholders of the Fund. If you answer one of the following questions with “Yes”, some that that you were given wrong advice speaks: you wanted to create the money invested in the NAVALIA Fund as retirement savings? The consultant stressed the security of investment in the shipping funds towards you? The consultants presented the regular distributions or repayment of the invested money safe? Has your advisor you not informed, as the Charter rates, the market of vessels and ship prices have developed in the past few years and what risks may result? Your Advisor not told you what specifically the funds of investors should be used and what are the distribution costs? Did you like your bank or savings bank Advisor say, how much is the Commission receiving the credit institution for the mediation of participation? Have only received the brochure after consulting and drawing the participation and risks were not mentioned in the consultation, there is talk of those in the prospectus? We determine how your specific chances are, to assert claims for damages, like for you in the context of an initial assessment based on the individual circumstances of your case. Call us, we are happy to help you. Nittel Firm specializing in banking and capital market law your contact Michael Minderjahn, lawyer more information about Nittel To find firm for banking and capital market law, on the Internet at or.
April 02, 2017
Posted by Nancy at 1:56am EDT
Markus Fischer Landshut: Many are looking for factoring – the correct form of investment in times of crisis the proper and safe form of investment to find their own retirement savings for themselves, because in our times, it is difficult to find exactly this correct form of investment. We are looking for investment opportunities that involves little risk and yet promise a high profitability. It is also true that interest rates for capital investments decrease steadily. As an example here is the reduction of the guarantee rate life insurance this year to 1.75%. A growing number of investors, therefore are taking refuge in precious metals and create your cash in gold and silver.
But an industry developing positively despite the difficult economic situation and can benefit even – the factoring industry. Factoring is a good alternative for medium-sized companies, which get no loans right now, and can’t promise collateral also investors. For investors, the investment required in the factoring industry can be. The investment in so-called factoring can also for small investors Fund pay only a small budget. With a small capital, investors can benefit from the current developments of the factoring companies. Markus Fischer offered exactly such a product to interested investors from April of this year. Short term and secure investment, according to Markus Fischer on the question what will convince the customer of his product? Especially be so Markus Fischer of the M1 factoring GmbH, that each active consultants will get an own assets liability for the protection of this product is the product,.
Security for customer and consultant is important Markus Fischer. Markus Fischer M1: More liquidity through the tightening of lending standards, the capital adequacy according to Basel II and III, are gaining mid-market alternative financing instruments as an important adjunct in the financing mix more and more. With factoring, we offer you a flexible liquidity, which adapts to fluctuations in sales and growth. Payment terms are bridged by the sale of the claim and the claims against failure protected. Within the framework of the factoring of receivables, the accounts receivable and the reminders are taken over by us. Focus on your core business and increase your sales and profits.
April 01, 2017
Posted by Nancy at 1:12am EDT
Are the costs for the approval-Messenger service with a Special flat and EUR 30, or 60 euros in Vienna. GO!Express positions itself for years as a successful provider of official channels, particularly in visa matters. Added value for the customers of the paperwork: so a damage call in the event of damage fast service, and the Alliance takes over the coordination of repair appointments, assessment and quality control. Hull damage the Alliance organize on request in a network of Austrian quality companies the completion of the repair, and two days time to repair even a rental car customers will be available. Information and help get a separate service hotline by phone.
Every day, cancel the Alliance dispenses with the usual single or multi-year contracts and offers the possibility to the daily cancellation of car insurance customers. “Our offer provides a convenience product, which still do not exist in this form in the online market and we priced this ranks us under the Top provider”, emphasizes Oswald. “Our medium-term objective is to position itself as the leading online company in the Austrian insurance market.” If’s go go’s although is quick to recognize, according to Oswald, in this country have no immediate online boom with rapid market growth it is foreseeable that Austria will remain an island without direct market. “Online sales we see a large levers for growth in acquiring new customers in the medium to long term. When a spill-over of the recognizable in other countries trends towards online insurance then only prepared and experienced provider will have a chance on higher market share.” This applies all the more, experience more revolutionary than evolutionary enter such market developments.