Archive for March, 2012


Our eyes see more than able to perceive our brain. We see only what used to see what goes into our circle of expertise. When the armada of Columbus landed on the Caribbean islands – none of the natives could not see these ships, although they were on the horizon. The Indians did not see the approaching ships of Columbus – because they do not have knowledge about what can be. What he saw did not match the images and the bed thinking Indians. The brain can not distinguish image of the ship – this image is not in the head of an Indian – and hence there is no ship.

And the Indians did not see the ships of Columbus. And only the shaman carefully scrutinized incomprehensible ripples on the surface of the ocean and after a while he could see ships. And as soon as he saw the ships – he told me that he saw the other Indians. And other Indians have seen ships. It seems incredible, but an experiment where you will be asked to see something.

Look carefully at this picture number 1 you see an old woman with a large hooked nose, sunken lips? See? Remember her image? Well, look at the picture number 2 What do you see in this picture? A young girl, an elegant little nose, delicate eyelashes, hat. She is about 20-25, is not it? In most cases this is not visible, because you already have experience and knowledge with respect to this figure, and formed the image of looking at the picture number 1. In order to see the young girl, you need to get rid of bed thinking and I have imposed upon you in Figure 1. Try it. Got it? If not, then look at the picture number 3 This is clearly visible to the young girl that I mentioned above. Now you've got knowledge and experience on this picture – now you can see on the 2-meter image and young girls and toothless old woman. And you know what's interesting – if I showed you the first image number 3 and then the picture number 2 you would see a young girl and here and there you could not see the old woman. Want some fun? Call your friend and show figure 1 and ask – what he thinks about this old woman about her character, habits. Say thanks and ask him to leave. Call another friend, show them the picture number 3 – that he may carefully look into the features of this girl and ask him to describe the nature of this girl. Now bring both of them (try that they could not poke into the monitor and specify the features of ladies finger). Now ask them to speak on the appearance of this lady. If everything is properly done, a good mood on the day you provided:) In order that would recognize the unknown, you need to look for nepristrastnym eyes, throwing all our knowledge and experience – look no emotion. Indians like animals they see the places of power or the place of death, that is inaccessible to us. Evenki waving his hand in a rare young pine forest, surrounded by moss and vozmuscheniyaem hard 'you do not vidis – traht (path)' – for us it is just a drab landscape. We are not accustomed to see it, our experience of our knowledge do not allow us to see something in our Judgement can not be.