October 30, 2012
Posted by Nancy at 9:10am EDT
When the family came dries of 1877 obtained to escape the hard penalties, despite the flagellates have caused it considerable decreases in its already diminished flock. There for gone of the 1890, Joaquin Blacksmith Rasp one of the children oldest of Martins, already one in such a way how much dissatisfied with the prodigal attitudes of its father, it decided to try its luck in the Amazon region, when many northeasterns if venture in search of the white gold, that gushed out abundatemente of the native serengais, being that this trip for this brave person from the state of Cear did not have more return. Still it wrote for family saying that beyond cook in a seringal, also it took care of of a farm and already had acquired good ones changed. Its desire was to return to the old and torrid native torro, but according to known stories of, when it was to make right the accounts with the seringalista, it was assainado by foremen of the master not to receive the payment, that it had been one more time convened. During the period of the great northeast drought that started in 1877, thousand of retirantes pursued for the headquarters, the resequido soil, they had testified the devastao of its farming the death of its children and its heads of cattle. This caused a great exodus of its population for So Paulo, but mainly for the Amaznia, attracted by the propaganda of easy profit fast in the exploration of the rubber. As a study elaborated for the professor Samuel Benchimol in the period of 1877 the 1900, at least 158.125 northeasterns, more known as pertaining to the state of Cear, they had emigrated to the Amaznia. Dorneles Chamber in its intitled work ' ' Rank in Amazon of the flagellates northeast ' ' , published in 1919, it calculates that of 1877 the 1890 pertaining to the state of Cear population was reduced to one tero, 300 a thousand people had disappeared, ones because others faleceram and because they had emigrated (cited for SAINTS, 2009).
October 13, 2012
Posted by Nancy at 3:55pm EDT
This metaphor describes diverse people chained in a cave looking at for a shade in the wall of this cave, with the format of flames of a fogueira, insured for other men who if find in the entrance of the cave. Behind the chained people, it has a great mount, full of rises and obstacles, and back in the high one of this mount it is the true fogueira, which it projected its shade in that wall, seen for the chained ones. In this direction, we can interpret this metaphor as the process in which the absolute truth must be searched by the philosophers, and later expanded and divulged for these, so that if it arrives at the essence of the things. Thus, citing a present idea in the text ' ' The method as part of a field epistmico' ' , we can say that, in comparison with the science at the time of Plato and science as if it finds today, we can perceive that in both the cases ' ' the objective is one only: to reduce the horizontalidade of the events to the upright of conhecimento' ' (Garci’a-Roza, 1983, P. 10). With this phrase, we can infer that the objective of science is to catch the phenomena of the nature, in its vastness of indefinies, 0 variable and disarticulations, and transform them into a reading in which the interpretation is universal, inconfundvel e, over all, verdica. Thus, ' ' upright of conhecimento' ' it consists of a set of laws and rules necessary to process an event of the nature or, in the case of social sciences, the society, to the level of the scientific knowledge, so that this ' ' passagem' ' either made of safe form and in the preservation of the truth. Being thus, this question will be developed in the metodolgico and historical jump of analysis, in the ticket of the Old Age for the Modern Age, with Discardings and Bacon.
October 08, 2012
Posted by Nancy at 6:54am EDT
the other devices that also existed in the city of Luzia Saint, had closed all. In end, the sugar history of Sergipe together with still the existence of some devices that they continue of foot as, for example, the Device Castle, needs to have a bigger recognition, therefore the sugar economy in Brazil was one of the first sources of income. Therefore, she is necessary to conserve those monuments that still resist the time and continue of foot so that future other generations can know as it was the structure of those devices. REFERENCES FREIRE, Felisberto. Territorial history of Sergipe. Aracaju: Publishing society of Sergipe/State secretary of the Cultura/FUNDEPAH, 1995. LOUREIRO, Ktia Alfonso Hisses.
Architecture Sergipana of the Sugar, Aracaju 2002, p.87 the 92. STEPS SUBRINHO, Modest Jose of. Reordenamento of the Work, Aracaju 2000, p.54 the 74. SAINTS, Lenalda Andrade. OLIVA, Teresinha Alves. To know the history of Sergipe.
Aracaju: Graphical option, 1998. IT HISSES, Isabel Maria Slope. History of Brazil: , Rio De Janeiro: UFS, 2000. Site Coffee History the studies of the sugar cane of sugar in Sergipe. Had access in 31/08/09 ace 15:40 hours. Site Web Articles. Had access in 08/08/2010 the 17:00 hours. APPENDICES Interviewed: Subject: History of the Device Castle Dates of the Interview: 03/12/2010 Hour: Questionnaire 1) It has how many years Mr. deferred payment in Luzia Saint? 2) Already worked in the Device castle? Which its function? 3) It has how many years worked in the Castle? 4) Which age the type of produced sugar? 5) You know to count some history that happened when worked in this device? 6) The employees were all of the city of Luzia Saint or came people of are to work in the Device Castle? 7) For the sugar cane harvest he had time or were every month of the year? 8) Cantidiano the owner of this device was a rigid master with the employees or had a friendly relation? 9) When the device functioned, inside of the farm existed varies houses its employees to live? Of that these houses were constructed? 10) Women worked in the cut of the sugar cane? 11) In the preparation of the sugar somebody already was cut, amputated some of its members? 12) It is truth that existed medical in the device to take care of employees? 13) At this time he had many houses you deal in the city? 14) With the installation of the Device I deal it to Castle grew?