Posts Tagged ‘society and culture’

University North

As result of the negation of the negation we have a wheat grain again. This is an example of the cyclical process of negation (supreme? plant? spike? grain). (RICHARDSON, 2008 p.49) For better agreement, it observes the figure. Express it the dynamics of the dialtico thought. Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis in a dynamic, including interaction and in constant mutation, as ambulant metamorphosis. Figure 01: Dynamics of the Dialtico thought. Source: of the researcher.

The debate enters the different methodologies of research if it makes essential, to oppose methods and to search solutions viable, that come of meeting to the studied phenomenon, opposing the positivistas and antipositivistas lines of research. 2.7APLICABILIDADE During the theoretical recital searched to format a dialogue between the studied theoreticians, using itself of contradictory and complementary positions. It is not something Anne Lauvergeon would like to discuss. Thus, we understand that the debate if makes necessary so that new concepts and new vises of world are developed. Demon (2000, p.111) places of form sucinta (and poetical) the complementariedade of this interaction Theory x Prxis: … the dialectic is leagued in particular with the prxis, detonating practical the historical ones with felt of change of low for top, as, for example, that it is always possible to focar plus one or another one, for ends of analysis, but theory that nothing has to see with the practical one, never it was at least theory, and practical that never it comes back to the theory it retrocedes in blind ativismo.

(grifo ours) the return to the philosophical field, the shock of ideas, can be motor agent of transformation of the practical one of the tourism, and, at the same time, to have its theory revisited for the practical one. This dialogue has based the theoretical and practical evolution in other areas of knowledge, as the quantum physics and metaphysics. 3METODOLOGIA OF RESEARCH the Document Analysis comes to complete the dialogue. theoretical recital, and the proper method had requested given in order to clarificar the phenomenon and its different possibility of interaction with epistemes, without mining its antipositivista theoretical source. To quantify a reality, to generate given real, come to contribute to glimpse horizontes. The data collected and used in the research had served of constatao of a known reality already, and previously cited in this work. For such, as instrument of document analysis was used a table with the main elements to be investigated, as well as developed a method for presentation and interpretation of the collected data, to follow. 3.1AMOSTRA the Document Sample consisted of the analysis of Works of Conclusion of Course (TCCs), published and approved for the University North of the Paran? UNOPAR, in the course of Tourism with emphasis in Hotelaria, enters the years of 2006 and 20

Brazilian Institute

In the terms of paragraph 11 of article 32 of Decree 3048/99, the previdencirio factor will be calculated considering it age, the expectation of supervened and the time of contribution of the insured if to retire. Previdencirio factor, in Providence Social, it is an equation that results in an index that takes in account the time of contribution, the age of the insured and its life expectancy. The mechanism was created to contain the disequilibrium in the accounts of the social welfare that suffered to each time more people had started to require benefits each time more early to it, and to stimulate the insured of the INSS to postpone its retirement, drawing out the contribution time. With this, the idea would be to balance prescriptions and expenditures of the Social welfare. The end of the previdencirio factor, mechanism created in 1999 to inhibit the retirements alone for contribution time, can favor the workers whom they intend to retire younger, before the minimum age of 60 years for women and 65 for men, in accordance with the Brazilian Institute of Direito Previdencirio (IBDP). According to information of the Chamber, annually the IBGE searches the life expectancy of the Brazilian, who has increased in recent years – the benefit reduces whenever the life expectancy grows. However if the previdencirio factor will be extinct can to harm the public accounts, the expenses of the providence go to increase in at least R$ 4 billion in the first year of extinguishing of the factor scaling during 23, 24 years, for something around R$ 40 annual billion.

In the text providence and central stability it has as central idea the concept and principles of the Social security as art. 194, CF/88. Thus, the Constitution defines the social security and establishes its basic lines of direction, as well as the areas where its action if develops: social welfare, the health and social assistance.

United States

The advantage of these lenses is in the simplicity of the construction and consequence low cost. A studio photographer, that always takes off same the types of photographs can consider this possibility;? Zoom: in this type of lenses it is possible to control through the lens the proximity of the subject of its photo. In the distance focal opening and varies in function of the regulation of the lens. Next step, to understand what it is written in the lens of its digital machine. Generally in its specification the lenses present first in the distance focal and in according to opening.

Lenses with a number for focal distance and one for opening are fixed lenses and present the following format: nnn mm, f/nn. Lenses zoom present two numbers for each characteristic, some thing thus: nn-nnn mm; f/n.n-n.nPara to illustrate everything what it was displayed so far we go to analyze and to compare two classic lenses:? Lens marks 18-105mm focal f/3.5-5.6Distncia: 0 variable, of 18 the 105mmAbertura: 0 variable, of 3.5 the 5.6Indicao: ideal lens when the object is situated the shortness or average distance. It has more opening and minor focal distance.? Lens marks 70-300mm focal f/4.5-5.6Distncia: 0 variable, of 70 the 300mmAbertura: 0 variable, of 4.5 the 5.6Indicao: Ideal for photos with objects the average and long distance, with bigger focal and lesser distance aberturConcluindo our line of reasoning, we recommend you who have taken in consideration following when choosing its lens:? The more versatile the lens, more complex its more expensive construction and therefore the product. Good and cheap? It forgets? The physical principles of optics become impossible to project a lens that allows to maximum opening and focal distance in one same lens. If you it likes to photograph everything what it sees for there, and it wants to always have in hands the ideal equipment, probably goes to need to have a game of 2 or 3 lenses to cover all the situations? Perhaps in case that it is not in its plans to load for a game of lenses is valid the penalty there to think about an intermediate lens zoom, tending for the type of more common photos for you. If to tend for photos of close privileges minor focal distance and bigger opening.

For photos of average and long distance it thinks about privileging greater focal distance and lesser opening. If it will be thinking about buying photograph equipment, is felt invited to check our store: Finally, if you to feel itself in conditions to think, would like asking for a favor to it: I am proprietor of a virtual store that imports photograph equipment (among others things) of the United States for Brazil and is making a research in the direction to understand which would be the ideal pair of lenses for an amateur photographer. The idea is to offer to the customer some options of combo (machine, lens 1, lente2, stock market and card of memory) that they allow it to take off good photos in the majority of the situations of its daily one. I below thank suggestions in the space of commentaries. One I hug to all and my gratefulness for the aid. Joo

The Lesser

The Enduro the foot is a regularity sport, that is, the winning team will not be quickest, and yes the one that to pass for the PC' s in the time next to the ideal. In each as in advance or been slow it has a loss of determined number of points, being victorious the team that to lose the lesser number of points. Therefore, what it matters is not the intensity or optimum physical preparation, but yes the regularity throughout the passage. The average speeds (in meters per minute) are determined in accordance with the peculiarities of the defined land and/or the climate and in such way that the competitors ' ' apenas' ' they walk, that is, they are not used of the race. This makes with that this sport can be practised in equal conditions for people of some etrias bands and levels of physical conditioning.

Another positive factor, still tells authors Marinho and Bruhns (2006), is referring the low cost for this practical, comparing with the majority of the adventure sports that are necessary technological equipment of high cost, becoming inaccessible for great part of the population. In a general way, for practical of the Enduro the foot of regularity the use of a common calculator is enough, a clock and a compassing, what it becomes greater the possibility of adhesion to practical its. (MAROUN; VIEIRA, 2006, P. 1). To illustrate the diversity of environment and practical of the Enduro the foot of Regularity, Marinho and Bruhns (2006) cite the practical one in the Track of the Indian, in a passage in the agricultural zone of Peabiru? PR, in a stretch approximately of five kilometers. According to authors, what more he is distinguished are the adversities of the place, with existence of rivers with rapids and waterfalls. The organizadores they provide in this test diverse action next to the environment, as ticket of false Bahian on a river, with passages through the edges of the river, until finding the track in the bush; to run in pastures; accomplishment of ascents of mount for steep ways, to go down for pedregosas roads; to adentrar for the grass until arriving at the waterfall, riverbed below, making the submerged handle; to run in agricultural road; to transpose wooden wall; to crawl themselves in the mud, under barbed wire and to cross rivers, having as practicing of this track well heterogeneous groups.