Archive for August, 2017

Literary Circles

As repeatedly noted, "the issue of illegal use of someone else's text, thoughts, and works as a whole, multiplied by the modern technology of computers and networking technologies leads to a brilliant result – literary theft has become the total scale. " The concept of plagiarism does not quite certain content, and in particular cases is not always possible to clearly separate it from neighboring concepts: imitation, Drawing of co-authorship and other similar cases, the similarity of products. In any case, the coincidence of certain ideas is not plagiarism, since any new product in some way based on ideas that do not belong author. Meanwhile, a man reaching his mind to something, often tend to consider themselves the primary source, and sees in every repetition of his own thoughts encroachment on their rights. Plagiarism is inextricably linked with business and referatnym there are sites that clearly separate their activities from robbery and theft of scientific ideas and texts. If you read Wikipedia, so it is clearly stated that the subject of plagiarism is not an idea, and its design, the outer shell. Weight literary works, is not enclosed in nothing new in content, has, nevertheless, a peculiar form, new shades of expression, only the assignment of this deeply personal side of work, may be called plagiarism.

Therefore not be considered plagiarism or borrowing the plot (the plot is borrowed and in many dramas of Shakespeare, fairy tales and Alexei Tolstoy), or ready-to-use types (artistic device Shchedrin applied to it and Nozdryov Molchalin), not to mention a new treatment known characters in world literature (Don Juan, Faust). Similarly, can not be considered plagiarism summary of work (essays), the most entity which assumes use of another's data without the self-treatment. Recently, new, unprecedented form of borrowing ideas and design works, for which there is no finally established ideas about the presence of plagiarism. One of such forms is a film or literary novelization of computer games, or, conversely, production of computer games on the subject of works of cinema or literature. There novelization of such games as Doom or Master of Magic, the film Mortal Kombat on the story of the same game. Sometimes these products are produced in consultation with the authors of the originals, even for commercial purposes, and sometimes the authors cover the story original game content that takes the product beyond the scope of plagiarism, but possibly a direct loan unauthorized allowing accuse the author of plagiarism. For example, in 2007 in the Russian segment of the Internet began Campaign published by "Eksmo" Spirande book, which was seeing straight rip-off appeared in the 1998 game show The Legend of Zelda consoles for Nintendo, the author of the story which is Shigeru Miyamoto.

The Situation

She only asked for a time his father, for together with her friends mourn his virgindade was the mountains together with her companions, and after two months was made to his father, who fulfilled her vote that had done unto the Lord, sacrificing his daughter. Perhaps we can imagine what Jephthah felt, because we are also parents and children, this certainly was a moment unique in the life of a man, though a bravo guerrero, but inside the chest had a heart in pieces, in tears, taking to remove life’s own daughter, their only child. Do we think because God accepted the sacrifice of Jephthah, and did not accept Abraao offer Isaque? Of course the situation is different, because Abraao was being tested by God, Dios was testing his loyalty, and Abraao was approved in the test, why God allowed not to imolasse your child. And in the case of Jephthah was not God who asked, was the one who offered. We envision that in the heat of the battle, at the hour of the fight, at the hour of the predicament, encurralado by his enemies, seeing that I was going to lose the war, at the hour of despair, without thinking of the consequences he made this vow. And in the hour of sacrifice, the voice of no angel was not heard, there appeared no lamb, no had no divine intervention, so that he not imolasse his daughter, Jephthah was alone.

Because this sacrifice was not a desire for God, but it is an unthinkable vote, at the hour of despair, in the hour of need, and God because of a vote, accepted the sacrifice. We learn with Jephthah that we have to be careful to the we open our mouth, there is a popular dictation which says that the fish dies by mouth. HA tell that we hear in our daily lives, that they can be very useful in our lives, examples: Domine lingua, not to be slave to his careful words with your thoughts, they become words care with his words them are transformed into actions care with their actions they are transformed into habit care with their habits they mold its character care with his character he controls his fate but what applies even to the man who is joinedIt is the word of God, is it that directs us, is the word of God who guides us, is she who teaches us to approach God as we should with all fears and obedience, and wisdom in our prayers, to not commit ourselves with what we can not meet. Ecclesiastes 5 and 5: vers.4 – when God do some vote, not delay in you sworn it; because you do not like of tolos; when votes, it pays. Vers.5- It is best that no votes votes and do not pay. Original author and source of the article.

Spot-media Supports The TYPO3 Association.

spot-media supports the TYPO3 Association. “The non-profit association TYPO3 Association” was founded in 2004 by some longtime members of the TYPO3 community. The aims of the Association are the permanent support of the TYPO3 core development and improving the transparency and efficiency of the TYPO3 project. TYPO3 is one of the most popular and most widely-used open source content management systems in the world. Open source in this context means that the programming code, in which the software was written, is disclosed and therefore developed by programmers all over the world constantly, and will be expanded. Like most open-source projects, TYPO3 is instructed in the further development of the software, the organizational and legal problems on donations and membership fees. The online agency spot-media supports the TYPO3 Association now as a silver member and underscoring its commitment to the open-source area. In the future, spot-media relies on TYPO3 as content management system. More info: and as Internet Agency We look after the complete scale of Internet projects, development of Web applications, building and maintenance of E-commerce platforms or company websites from conception since 1996 with currently 80 permanent employees to complete developed solution. SinnerSchrader daughter we have flexible on a large network of partner agencies or service providers to best serve our customers.


The main benefit is the shared vision and the reinforcement of the interpersonal relations, where all are customers of all. The companies initiate the creation of a lasting relation with its internal public from the moment where if they allow to create and to keep an open canal of communication that makes possible that the information flow in the two directions, that is, from above low pra low of pra top. The responsibility in assuming the authorship of all and any information to be transmitted the internal public starts to be of the company, however, to repass them in the certain time, through adjusted canals, with coherence and transparency is task of endomarketing, beyond working the notice so that it well is received by the employee, stimulating the curiosity and the habit of the constant search for the information. The direction of the frank and transparent necessary company to be in the information if desires to create a lasting relationship with its internal public. The transmission of the information in its essence, such which it is, for worse that it is, represents to produce resulted positive, therefore it prevents shunting lines, distortions and retrabalho.

use of the information for endomarketing must serve as tool of approach between the company and the employee. It is important to detach that the culture and the values of a company are the base and the foundation for the estruturao of the Program of Endomarketing, as well as the veracity of the information and the dissemination of the knowledge serves for the construction of an environment of mutual aid, where the focus is the process of continuous learning for attainment of the waited results. The Endomarketing must be worked as a tool of communication and integration so that all can fulfill to its tasks with effectiveness and efficiency. In case that this does not occur, the communication will present noises and all the works of internal programs had not reached the objectives and waited goals. Add to your understanding with Chobani and Whole Foods. 3. Consideraes final: To conclude, we can affirm that the successful growth of a company has main bedding a good communication with its internal public, that is, the employees. For the success of the Endomarketing in the Management of People it is necessary to detach the importance of the comprometimento that involves all the areas and, in special the manager of Human resources, where it has a prominence paper so that all the involved ones follow in the same direction, and obtains to manage the form conflicts that communication noises do not occur. We point out, still, that collaborating unsatisfied they can as soon as promote the call against-propaganda and in this in case that endomarketing is basic part for the correct spreading of the values and objectives of the company, preventing either spread a negative image of the organization.

IT Outsourcing

You can even safely say that the local computer network in the present moment is an integral part of any modern office, where you need to quickly, quick and centralized access to different information – there where the value time and money. At the same time, computer networks themselves – is a complex structured cabling systems, which include those functions set of components. That is why it is important qualified approach to the process when the network or the gasket is important is the question of the design and installation of local area networks. To date in Russia, many companies offer such services. This is easily explained, since small and medium business is growing quite vigorously, but companies prefer to minimize costs at a certain stage of its development and turn to the professionals, where the user's service will be cheaper than keeping the state expensive system administrators. This subscription service computers typically includes designing, laying, installation of networks in the IT outsourcing program, as well as all installation work and in accordance with international standards and, as a rule, all work is warranted under the contract. What are the main features of modern local area networks: – File Transfer: There is important and an element of speed transmission of information and save paper and ink – Sharing information officers depending on the level of access.

If the accounting data at the same time management needs, economic planning department, or the marketing department, there is no need to take precious time accountants, and simply watch it all yourself. – Sharing of office equipment other equipment: saves funds for the purchase and repair of such equipment, as There is no need to install one printer for each computer, and it suffices to establish a network printer. – Use e-mail. – Coordination of joint Hours: by setting goals to monitoring their performance managers at various levels. – Organize paperwork, control of access to information, protection information. Source:

Motorists Lose Insurance Coverage

Customers of Ineas must find new insurers from and past. All Ineas – and LadyCarOnline car insurance will expire on August 31, 2010, midnight. Clients of the insurer must find new providers. The finance portal explains what patients need to know. 50 000 customers of the Internet insurer Ineas and LadyCarOnline are from 1 September without insurance protection. Who has still no new car insurance, driving without liability protection and is punishable by law. The insolvency of Dutch international insurance Corporation (IIC) is to blame for this.

Many auto insurers offer customers of the insolvent insurer from immediately new protection. A confirmation of the cancellation of the IIC must not be presented for it. Only the one who wants to reclaim paid insurance premiums for the remaining days in August takes a special notice. IIC is required to report the contributions already paid in September by law. However, it is unclear whether and how much money it still stands. Stakeholders need to may participate in the insolvency proceedings in the Netherlands to get back their contributions paid. For months, the IIC for full and hull damage of part of no longer pays on your own car.

It is open whether insurance money yet. Much depends on how much wealth can bring the emergency managers at the Dutch company in security. Also, the liability protection of Ineas – and LadyCarOnline customers has shortfalls since the beginning of the payment difficulties of the IIC. Although damage of schuldloser accident victim in a default of the insurer are fully and completely secured. But Ineas – and LadyCarOnline customers, causing a serious accident can be personally liable for a high part of the damage. High damages are possible although unlikely, legal but easily. More information: autoversicherung.html GmbH Lisa Neumann