Literary Circles
As repeatedly noted, "the issue of illegal use of someone else's text, thoughts, and works as a whole, multiplied by the modern technology of computers and networking technologies leads to a brilliant result – literary theft has become the total scale. " The concept of plagiarism does not quite certain content, and in particular cases is not always possible to clearly separate it from neighboring concepts: imitation, Drawing of co-authorship and other similar cases, the similarity of products. In any case, the coincidence of certain ideas is not plagiarism, since any new product in some way based on ideas that do not belong author. Meanwhile, a man reaching his mind to something, often tend to consider themselves the primary source, and sees in every repetition of his own thoughts encroachment on their rights. Plagiarism is inextricably linked with business and referatnym there are sites that clearly separate their activities from robbery and theft of scientific ideas and texts. If you read Wikipedia, so it is clearly stated that the subject of plagiarism is not an idea, and its design, the outer shell. Weight literary works, is not enclosed in nothing new in content, has, nevertheless, a peculiar form, new shades of expression, only the assignment of this deeply personal side of work, may be called plagiarism.
Therefore not be considered plagiarism or borrowing the plot (the plot is borrowed and in many dramas of Shakespeare, fairy tales and Alexei Tolstoy), or ready-to-use types (artistic device Shchedrin applied to it and Nozdryov Molchalin), not to mention a new treatment known characters in world literature (Don Juan, Faust). Similarly, can not be considered plagiarism summary of work (essays), the most entity which assumes use of another's data without the self-treatment. Recently, new, unprecedented form of borrowing ideas and design works, for which there is no finally established ideas about the presence of plagiarism. One of such forms is a film or literary novelization of computer games, or, conversely, production of computer games on the subject of works of cinema or literature. There novelization of such games as Doom or Master of Magic, the film Mortal Kombat on the story of the same game. Sometimes these products are produced in consultation with the authors of the originals, even for commercial purposes, and sometimes the authors cover the story original game content that takes the product beyond the scope of plagiarism, but possibly a direct loan unauthorized allowing accuse the author of plagiarism. For example, in 2007 in the Russian segment of the Internet began Campaign published by "Eksmo" Spirande book, which was seeing straight rip-off appeared in the 1998 game show The Legend of Zelda consoles for Nintendo, the author of the story which is Shigeru Miyamoto.
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