December 31, 2012
Posted by Nancy at 12:10pm EST
In this specific law not the nature of the force that builds on a body; or it can be the friction force or the one that the wind exerts on the candles of a boat, we also found that if the acceleration is known a body, it is possible to be calculated his speed and its displacement like function of the time. Until the moment three forces have been identified in the nature that essentially defer to each other by their origin and magnitude. I hope that educational you and students of the causes find more than three. 1) The gravitational force, 2) the electromagnetic force, the 3) and nuclear forces.
we consider the movement of a body that falls freely. direction of movement agrees with the direction of the field. As the field strenght comes given by the expression. G= F/M, F = MG. And in such conditions, the body falls under the action of a constant force, which implies that their movement uniformly is accelerated.
When the body is sent vertically upwards, it acts on the force exerted by the field of gravitation that consequently prints an acceleration to him in opposite direction of its movement and, the speed of ascent of the body is falling progressively, until being annulled. And the body is in its peak altitude since then the movement changes of direction and the body falls. You can observe that These forces can be appreciated by the consequences that the movement produces. Without the movement the forces serian totally null, because even though the bodies are on a surface, the gravity force prints a movement on such bodies which tend towards the Earth.
December 20, 2012
Posted by Nancy at 4:44pm EST
The medieval Pythagorean tradition, the hermetismo and the cabalismo had added an immense wealth, extending the universal harmonias, to the quarrel of parallelism. This intense complexity contributed as key to understand the nature, affirming and preparing the land for the mathematical thought on the universe. Another present important characteristic in the renascentista magic is the cult to the sun? the call ‘ ‘ heliocentrismo’ ‘. The cult to Hermes Trismegisto tended to attribute to the Sun the position of ‘ ‘ second deus’ ‘ , as strong religious symbol. This perception fortified the position of astro as a primordial image of the ideas, conceived as esplendor intelligible. The copernicana revolution was presented under the religious atmosphere, which considered it as an act of contemplation of in agreement world revelation of God, despite the same one has been carried through on the basis of a huge mathematical calculation. According to Yates, the copernicana discovery came to the light with the blessing of Hermes Trismegisto.
The new vision of world, as a new panorama of references and attitudes, proposal for the hypothesis elaborated for Coprnico was based on an intense distinction given to the Sun, having induced that thinker to undertake mathematical calculations, under the idea of that the Sun was really in the center of the planetary system. This revolutionary interpretation represented the capacity of intervention and experimentation human beings as one practical rational? attitude that substituted the medieval contemplativa ethics gradually. In this context, Giordano Bruno, intensely religious hermetista, considered the Sun, of the copernicana theory, closely on to the solar magic of Ficino. On the basis of analysis Yates the French, the use of the copernicana theory made by Bruno demonstrates, of impressive form, as they were uncertain and moving the borders between genuine science and the hermetismo during the Renaissance. This sensible ‘ ‘ hibridismo’ ‘ the magic of the Renaissance enters and the primrdios of modern science are reflected of a great transformation in the way to see the man and the world.
December 09, 2012
Posted by Nancy at 9:09am EST
Starting from January 1, 2010, in accordance with new rules regulating construction activities, the general contractor that takes the responsibility to the customer to construct an object 'turnkey', apparently, must be have a certificate of admission to the construction activities in the project design and have an impact on safety. It should be borne in mind that the construction company can be a member several SROs in construction (Section 7, Article. 55.6 Urban Development Code), but may have one certificate of admission to the construction work, are only one of them (Section 2, Article. 55.8 Urban Development Code). At the same time each sro determines types of work, addressing issues of certificates of admission to which is assigned by the general meeting of its members to the activity, and is not obliged to assume authority over all species listed in the Schedule. Thus, apparently, the law assumes that if any sro in the building, did not assume the authority to decide on the issue of a certificate of admission to the building works at a time when he provided the project documentation and necessary for the construction of turnkey, her party performing a function of the general contractor for construction of such an object, simply enter in the another organization. Firstly, such an approach would entail the obligation of the applicant not only meet the requirements for issuing certificates of admission to the construction work, which seems quite logical, but also pay for the right to perform their financial participation in two or more SROs in the building, which is clearly not consistent with the objectives of the new legislation. It should also be noted that the transition from one sro in the building to another is not facilitates the financial burden, as in the case of termination for any reason, including voluntary exit, can not be returned earlier paid admission, membership fees and contributions to the compensation fund (item 4 Art.
55.7 Town Planning Code).