Posts Tagged ‘psychology’

Holy Writ Publishing

The organizations need to accept the character individual of the motivation and to have the conscience of that hardly the collaborators will be completely satisfied: a necessity not taken care of will always exist that will direct new motivacionais behaviors. A related site: Western Union mentions similar findings. Although this, fits they to make with that the collaborator understands which is its mission and where it incases itself inside of the vision of the company, if felt respected and being part of the project of the organization. In the end, the decision will fit to the proper collaborator to be or not motivated, changing its attitude and if compromising to the results of the company. When hearing what it has to say, clarifying it what he needs to be carried through and propitiating a pleasant environment, the company will be showing that he is worried about it, that he believes it, therefore is not possible to remain itself forever motivated without he has stimulatons. Perhaps thus this collaborator does not give to the work that executes a simple direction of half obtaining to be happy is of it, a form of survival and nothing, and skirt more not pronouncing phrases of the type ‘ ‘ my interest for the company is the same that it has for me: financeiro’ ‘. Optimum investment inside of an organization still continues being the human capital.

REFERENCES AGUIAR, M. the Psychology applied to the administration; an introduction to organizacional psychology. So Paulo; Excellus, 1996. AGUIAR, M. the Psychology applied to the administration; a boarding to interdisciplinary.

The Life

Here &#039 fits; ' entender' ' what the other thought (of the best possible form) for then only placing its positioning. It would be more or less the following one: let us imagine somebody that affirms that fish brain is good. If you find that this is a nonsense, or even though its religion not it allows to prove such thing, or by means of a colleague it knows that this is horrible, then will be able to say: you are wild? Or then ' ' I not concordo' ' end point. Cedars Sinai might disagree with that approach. I would ask: he had some construction in this type of opinion? Not, for the opposite, you he finishes to close the chance to construct and to investigate an idea. this if must to the fact of that the interlocutor was not worried, before affirming or denying something, what the other wanted to say. The interlocutor did not have the constructive one and necessary patience TO ENTER IN the LOGICAL THOUGHT of who affirmed that ' ' fish brain would be bom' '. To this lack of inquiry I called of FALSE CRITICAL SENSE. Then, what it would be a TRUE CRITICAL SENSE? That positioning that serves as a construction form what the other thought and analyzed; it is a commentary that more strengthens of what diverge, and this comes for the spirit to place new ideas, but that they are justified by concrete arguments. He is scientific, therefore, to suggest new possibilities for cause ' ' of this ' ' or ' ' of that ' ' , but this is fruit of an inquiry! Now, it would not be scientific commentaries as ' ' each one has its opinion and pronto' '. This work, therefore, is a small beginning of the scientific activities that we believe to be part interdisciplinadamente in the life of each one of us daqui for front, without being dominated for the media or other forms of manipulation that makes in them to be apticos.

Social Communication

To all the dear people who had encouraged in them, believed and contributed so that this victory if became reality in our life. This Is about a survey research of the descriptive type, whose objective is to identify to the necessity of implantation of the service of psychological planto in the clinic-school of psychology of the PUC Mines, in Arcs. The relevance of this research must it the theoretical and practical subsidies that it will be able to offer so that, future, this service comes to be implanted. If you would like to know more about Hikmet Ersek , then click here. The clinic-school acts as a space where the pupil develops research, participates of extension projects and improves its clinical abilities when giving diverse modalities of psychological attendance the pupils and employees of the University, beyond members of the community in general. The psychological planto, in turn, is a differentiated modality of attendance, that if destines to take care of any person at the accurate moment of its crisis, in character of urgency, without necessity of previous agendamento. Thus, the psychological planto is one of the forms of psychological attendance in the clinic-school, appropriate to deal with the situation of the individual and to reduce its state of suffering. To investigate the vision of the academics concerning this service, questionnaires to a total of 195 pupils, being 31 of the course of Administration, 18 of Social Communication, 45 of Right, 32 of Nursing, 43 of Psychology and 26 of the course of Systems of Information had been applied. The data gotten with the application of the questionnaires, as well as the bibliographical survey, seem to corroborate with the necessity of implantation of the psychological planto in the clinic-school of psychology of the PUC Mines, in Arcs.

Word-Key: Psychological Planto. Clinic-school. Crisis. Immediate attendance. State of suffering. the present monograph has, as thematic, the service of carried through psychological planto in the scope of the clinic-school.

Kenichi Ohmae

All these elements form the ambient intern in whom the vision blooms or withered, and where the strategies are constructed or prevents the process of strategic definition. It is in the own heart of the man where the strategic vision of the leader or manager is stoked or drowned. It is in heart of the man where the resistance or the forces arise to perseverar in the intentions, where the fears to fail or the anger lodge to prevail, where the incapacity or flexibility becomes evident to handle to the uncertainty and the ambiguity that it generates to undertake processes of changes necessary to reach the vision. On the other hand, to develop a strategist mentality supposes to work the habit to think about strategic form, to the point of which it is constituted in a life attitude, a form to be and to be in the world. As Kenichi Ohmae says: ” She is one disciplines daily and not a resource that can be left in hibernation during the calm times and awake when emergencia” arises one;. To see the strategy like a resource or methodology to approach ” situations of crisis” or to extinguish surprise fires, is equivalent to act reactively; but the strategist does not improvise, does not react, does not live in ” automtico” , by inertia, according to the saying ” as we are seeing, we go haciendo” , but it acts with proactivity, intentionality, still more, with mentality of opportunist, or as Peter Drucker says: ” opportunist with propsito”. Vertiginous and the complex thing of the change does not leave place for the improvisations. The lack of forecast and strategic sense can be a too expensive error, a very expensive luxury in these times of permanent change.

On the matter it says to Peter Drucker ” to be surprised and so it happens is a very great risk for tolerar” , mainly in a so complex world, competitive and changing. The leader/manager strategist is conscious of this reality, reason why he does not leave at random or under the responsibility of another one, the course of action to follow, but he explores within himself and in the surroundings, to define its strategy. Jesus de Nazaret also alerts to us on the necessity to be preline-of-sight and to think strategically. ” Because who of you, who wanting to build a tower, do not feel first and calculate the expenses, to see if she has what needs to finish it? He is not that after has put the foundation, and he cannot, all the see that it begin to make ridicule of him, saying: This man it began to build, and it could not finish. Or what king, when marching to the war against another king, does not feel first and considers if he can face up with ten thousands to whom he comes against him with twenty thousands? And but he can, when the other is still far, sends an embassy to him and he requests conditions to him of paz” (Lucas 14:28 – 30). To this it speaks us illustration of the necessity to act in the life with forecast, with strategic approach, which is opposed to the improvisation and the slight and rash action, that does not weigh the possible consequences of the decisions that are taken.

Integral Yoga

That is his noble and positive mission. Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc spoke with conviction. But that protect and preserve human program has grown and exceeded its authority and thus creates the man many loyalties, suffering and ailments. We can quell fears and limit its scope. Win, but rather to pacify the fear of the mind, conscious action, it's not too strong and did "not want to hear." Our minds are filled with their own fears and because when we give the installation the body cells get rid of fear – in parallel from the same team crazy sounds the opposite direction – it does not, it's impossible. If exaggerated to express these commands of the mind, they sound like: "Stop there – come here!" Just because you are working with cells in addition to the mind and clean energy. It requires skill, because the mind is always interfering, trying to monitor, evaluate everything. To work with the cells (which takes place in the Workshop of Light), we use the methods of the Himalayan and Tibetan yoga, Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, as well as methods for working with images our workshop of the Creator. Important aspect of teamwork Creator is that they are in the process of the workshops provide a creative field, which enhances the process by several orders of magnitude. This increases the effect of work and the opening of the Light of the Soul and of course the release of negative subconscious programs of each participant – the Creator, rather than at individual work.


Firstly, such a person to reside in the state poludepressivnom, which itself has a negative impact on his health. Second, such a person believes that he must and will be punished for deed. Some people are even an internal dialogue with themselves, reciting to myself that they deserve punishment. And in most cases they find a situation in which they "atone for their guilt." And then, happily report all that God has punished them for their sin, or that they have worked a piece of his karma. Of course, most people have such internal conversations take place unconsciously and imperceptibly for them. Guilty parents' words so deeply entrenched that they are practically not realized. Jeff Gennette does not necessarily agree. Feelings of guilt often attracts unpleasant situations in our lives. And if your life is constantly occurring small troubles (fall, hurting, breaking something, you steal, underpaid wages, come up and push on public transport, adhere to the Roma train station, etc.), then there is a very good chance that is you are attracting these events to your life, bearing in my mind the belief "I am a sinner, I am guilty, I'm bad, I'm not worthy …." So what does it take to breathe in a deep and it does not become a complete egoist and a scoundrel? And you need only ever Under no circumstances did not admit guilt in themselves. Many writers such as Jeff Gennette offer more in-depth analysis.

Never! And if you have deceived someone, betrayed, or hit the defenseless? What is also not to blame and not blame yourself? Very true, and here you do not have to worry once again and experience. If you really did act that you feel unworthy, examine why you did what was its cause. And take action in the future more so do not do that. That's it. After all, you can blame and punish themselves, but again and again to perform the same actions. If you make a mistake, it is already in the past. There is no reason to torment and torture yourself. This does not become easier for you or to someone who has suffered from your thoughtless actions. So live and act wisely, forgive yourself all their "sins and misdemeanors" in your life will automatically reduce the amount of trouble and "punishment."


The difference meets in the comment of such act. During sleep REM a variation in the Independent Nervous System is observed, the breath and the cardiac rhythm is irregular and faster, the arterial pressure is higher and has an increase in the hormone production supplies-renais. Inside of sleep REM, in the boys and the girls the erection occurs. Such research is measured through a study made in called laboratory eletroencefalograma, in which it measures the cerebral waves. In sleep REM it has four periods of training, where each one is characterized by a standard of cerebral waves. The first one is called light sleep, with duration of some minutes and is the beginning of sleep, the individual in this period of training can, depending on the individual, can give beginning to the dreams; already as the called period of training of intermediate sleep, where it has a bigger relaxation, can occur sensorial experiences, hallucinations, example of this is when we have the sensation of that we are falling; the period of training of deep sleep, thus called third, is characterized by becoming the individual insensitive to the sounds and already it offers resistance when waking up. The room and I finish period of training called deeper sleep, has one ' ' total entrega' ' , a total relaxation, in what it says respect to the individual; it is the deepest disconnection of the exterior world, in this phase can have irregularities as the sonambulismo. The dream also is called onrico, such content is basic for the psychoanalysis, therefore it is through it that great part of the interpretation of &#039 is fact; ' conflito' ' that the patient brings for the therapy. Through the discovery of Freud, of that the dreams have basic contents for analysis of a patient, we take off for concluding of that, is through the same that we can enjoy for our true pleasures, running away from a society that censorship and said character rules, as much and behavior, is in it and through it that we can in fact live deeply what we would really like to live.

ICON Margin

In this direction, to look the peace it are of us more still moves away in them from it. It is as if we despaired in them to arrive at some place, when none does not have place to go, everything is same here. The peace is not something that we can understand with a logical reasoning, therefore, is not possible to idealize it, to only recognize it and lives it. ‘ ‘ Our problem is that we do not know to recognize the positividade. First, she is necessary to recognize internal peace, stop later developing it, seno will lose it novamente’ ‘. (Gangchen Rinpoche).

The first step is to recognize the presence of a satisfied and happy mind. We can only start identifying this mental state at the moment where in them we refresh the hot body with a cool water bath, when we feel in them in tune with the look or with the words of one another person, with the scene of a film that moves in them, with our tunning with the nature, with the tranquillity that we are feeling at an accurate moment, or when we make or we live something that makes in them happy, rough calculation that momentarily. It can excessively seem simple, but the logical one is well clear: the effect of the mental states is similar to that one cultivated. That is, peace only generates peace. In this direction, the insatisfao in itself never can become satisfaction, as well as the sadness is not changedded of course into happiness. When learning to recognize in our mind the peace and the satisfaction, we will be training the confidence in our potential of delivery and sensation of fullness.


The aim of advertising to promote your product or service is to render a product brand image so that is established and/or create a base of customer loyalty and increase sales. Without effective advertising objectives, a business cannot prosper. There are many types of advertising that a company can use in its effort to increase sales. Below are listed a number of types of effective advertising: Radio and Television since television was introduced for the first time, the companies have had a tremendous success using this as a means of advertising. This is due to the increase of consumers watching commercials on TV.

Television cost depends on the time of day/night of advertising, the popularity of the series of television (how many viewers), and the duration of advertising. Television advertising can reach millions of people. Radio advertising is a form of traditional advertising that uses voice and jingles. Print this includes newspapers, magazines, flyers, brochures, etc… Insertion of ads in magazines and newspapers is an age old method of advertising. Newspapers and magazines sell advertising space. The prices depend on the location, size, colors and graphics. Advertising success often depends on the number of subscribers.

Print advertising allows a business to reach a specific demographic. Flyers and brochures are a way of promoting sales and the launch of special programmes for the promotion of the product. Online advertising online advertising consists of small ads, banner ads, text ads, video, pay per click ads, and reciprocal links to other web sites. The effectiveness of online advertising depends on exposure and how many people actually see the ad. Internet advertising allows the advertiser to track the number of impressions that receives an announcement (do many people see you), and how many visits receive your web site’s business of ads in particular, so it is easy to find out what kind of conversion rates advertisers get.