Firstly, such a person to reside in the state poludepressivnom, which itself has a negative impact on his health. Second, such a person believes that he must and will be punished for deed. Some people are even an internal dialogue with themselves, reciting to myself that they deserve punishment. And in most cases they find a situation in which they "atone for their guilt." And then, happily report all that God has punished them for their sin, or that they have worked a piece of his karma. Of course, most people have such internal conversations take place unconsciously and imperceptibly for them. Guilty parents' words so deeply entrenched that they are practically not realized. Jeff Gennette does not necessarily agree. Feelings of guilt often attracts unpleasant situations in our lives. And if your life is constantly occurring small troubles (fall, hurting, breaking something, you steal, underpaid wages, come up and push on public transport, adhere to the Roma train station, etc.), then there is a very good chance that is you are attracting these events to your life, bearing in my mind the belief "I am a sinner, I am guilty, I'm bad, I'm not worthy …." So what does it take to breathe in a deep and it does not become a complete egoist and a scoundrel? And you need only ever Under no circumstances did not admit guilt in themselves. Many writers such as Jeff Gennette offer more in-depth analysis.
Never! And if you have deceived someone, betrayed, or hit the defenseless? What is also not to blame and not blame yourself? Very true, and here you do not have to worry once again and experience. If you really did act that you feel unworthy, examine why you did what was its cause. And take action in the future more so do not do that. That's it. After all, you can blame and punish themselves, but again and again to perform the same actions. If you make a mistake, it is already in the past. There is no reason to torment and torture yourself. This does not become easier for you or to someone who has suffered from your thoughtless actions. So live and act wisely, forgive yourself all their "sins and misdemeanors" in your life will automatically reduce the amount of trouble and "punishment."
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