The Lesser
The Enduro the foot is a regularity sport, that is, the winning team will not be quickest, and yes the one that to pass for the PC' s in the time next to the ideal. In each as in advance or been slow it has a loss of determined number of points, being victorious the team that to lose the lesser number of points. Therefore, what it matters is not the intensity or optimum physical preparation, but yes the regularity throughout the passage. The average speeds (in meters per minute) are determined in accordance with the peculiarities of the defined land and/or the climate and in such way that the competitors ' ' apenas' ' they walk, that is, they are not used of the race. This makes with that this sport can be practised in equal conditions for people of some etrias bands and levels of physical conditioning.
Another positive factor, still tells authors Marinho and Bruhns (2006), is referring the low cost for this practical, comparing with the majority of the adventure sports that are necessary technological equipment of high cost, becoming inaccessible for great part of the population. In a general way, for practical of the Enduro the foot of regularity the use of a common calculator is enough, a clock and a compassing, what it becomes greater the possibility of adhesion to practical its. (MAROUN; VIEIRA, 2006, P. 1). To illustrate the diversity of environment and practical of the Enduro the foot of Regularity, Marinho and Bruhns (2006) cite the practical one in the Track of the Indian, in a passage in the agricultural zone of Peabiru? PR, in a stretch approximately of five kilometers. According to authors, what more he is distinguished are the adversities of the place, with existence of rivers with rapids and waterfalls. The organizadores they provide in this test diverse action next to the environment, as ticket of false Bahian on a river, with passages through the edges of the river, until finding the track in the bush; to run in pastures; accomplishment of ascents of mount for steep ways, to go down for pedregosas roads; to adentrar for the grass until arriving at the waterfall, riverbed below, making the submerged handle; to run in agricultural road; to transpose wooden wall; to crawl themselves in the mud, under barbed wire and to cross rivers, having as practicing of this track well heterogeneous groups.
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