Brazilian Institute

In the terms of paragraph 11 of article 32 of Decree 3048/99, the previdencirio factor will be calculated considering it age, the expectation of supervened and the time of contribution of the insured if to retire. Previdencirio factor, in Providence Social, it is an equation that results in an index that takes in account the time of contribution, the age of the insured and its life expectancy. The mechanism was created to contain the disequilibrium in the accounts of the social welfare that suffered to each time more people had started to require benefits each time more early to it, and to stimulate the insured of the INSS to postpone its retirement, drawing out the contribution time. With this, the idea would be to balance prescriptions and expenditures of the Social welfare. The end of the previdencirio factor, mechanism created in 1999 to inhibit the retirements alone for contribution time, can favor the workers whom they intend to retire younger, before the minimum age of 60 years for women and 65 for men, in accordance with the Brazilian Institute of Direito Previdencirio (IBDP). According to information of the Chamber, annually the IBGE searches the life expectancy of the Brazilian, who has increased in recent years – the benefit reduces whenever the life expectancy grows. However if the previdencirio factor will be extinct can to harm the public accounts, the expenses of the providence go to increase in at least R$ 4 billion in the first year of extinguishing of the factor scaling during 23, 24 years, for something around R$ 40 annual billion.

In the text providence and central stability it has as central idea the concept and principles of the Social security as art. 194, CF/88. Thus, the Constitution defines the social security and establishes its basic lines of direction, as well as the areas where its action if develops: social welfare, the health and social assistance.

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