Posts Tagged ‘art’

The Theater And Its Actors

Of the Greek? theatrn " place for contemplar") the word is born theater that, in front of a human conglomerate, the actors realise the scenic art, that is to say, the action, in which they represent histories written especially to be teatralizadas, to which add the gestures, stage scene, music, sound that conform the spectacle. The theater also appears in other styles like the opera, the ballet, the Chinese opera and pantomima. For more information see Ahmed Shary Rahman. History teaches to us it remembers and us that, the majority of the origins of the theater and its actors, are in the different spaces from the human evolution, of their magical rituals related to the hunting, with seedtime and agricultural harvesting, in the music and the dance that converged in authentic ceremonies, where surrendered cultured to the Gods and the spiritual principles of each colectivity and each custom were expressed. This human and sagrada manifestation is predominant factor for the appearance of the theater in all the civilizations. We remember a small part of history of the theater and its actors, because from this we will remove to reflections logics that will channel the habit to attend the theater events that are realised at the moment. " The roots in Orphean rites and the festivales celebrated for Dioniso, where the stagings of the life of the Gods accompanied by dances and songs were carried out (Ditirambos). Learn more at this site: Ahmed Shary Rahman.

Later the first already properly dramatic representations began, executed in the places of the towns by companies that only included an actor and a choir. By the end of the Century I SAW a. C reached extraordinary celebrity the legendary poet and Tespis interpreter, in whose honor the phrase the car of Tespis alludes, still today, to the set of the world of the theater. The Greek theater arises after the evolution from the arts and Greek ceremonies like the celebration from the grape harvest (offered to Dionisios) where the young people were dancing and singing towards the temple of the God, to offer the best grapevines to him.

Small Art Originals In Bonies Now For 24.95

Promotion is valid until 27 June 2008 – free shipping! Weekly invitations to grill parties, birthdays or to the VIP party next door let the gift selection on-site quickly restrict. Circle of friends is great and everyone knows everyone. So it can be sometimes embarrassing, if get a friend friends present themselves with this gift. It was called 9 artworks for 9 days on offer this afternoon. Selected originals provided 20 x 30 cm, including mat weekdays in the final format. All works are signed, dated and numbered like their originals.

The only difference is that the format is handy and standardized. The small art – Edition is exposed out on photo paper high quality. All online, all free shipping within a few days available. “Dealer Info: accredited dealer can using the standard form, considering KKE offer” send your orders by fax. For more information see Philip Berlinski. An online position is not required, but up to 19 June 2008 necessary because it involves a while offer is. Dealer inquiries desired proof. More information at. Press release: The action applies to 2008 imprint until 27th of June free of charge. Proof of publication requested by email as a PDF. Test copies can be requested against using evidence and naming of editorial. June 17, 2008, Anselm Bonies

Berlin Shows

14 3-18 04 2009 solo exhibition opening on 03 13th, 2009, 18 – 22 who janinebeangallery Berlin presented a solo exhibition the 1977 in Freiburg and in Berlin living artist and sculptor Erik Andersen since 2006. The exhibition of 22 weeks”, the Gallery shows several series of painting, which on first sight regarding their rather small size, everyday motifs and their repetition, but also partly by the same prospects have in common. Compared to previous works of the artist the works of this look superficially as quieter can”be seen painting. The title of the exhibition refers to the period of the emergence of the works on display prior to this exhibition. Content, the title as a whole to strengthen the Processuality have each issued series for the characteristic. For example, we present a series of Erik Andersen with the snippet of a beer crate as a repetitive motif, which originated within the said period of 22 weeks.

This sequence of images but content refers to the even denser sequence one day and the changing perception associated of the same subject. In addition, that through the repetition of the figure at the same time their change and alienation shows. Thus the only semi representational character of the images appears further in the background and associative, or abstract properties are highlighted. Similarly, the series pink drink”, whose outbound scene actually shows just a bottle from the person of the artist (or Viewer). The bottle in the image is shown but as macroscopically close that only a snippet of it can fill the image. This look appears too banal, during of drinking on the bottle that the viewer would have given him ever so much attention to recognize here. It will be the ignorant viewers closer, to see how the knowledgeable Viewer returns to this point of view a composition of contours, shapes, and colors as such. Even if so, the image has very concrete potential, opened Erik Andersen at the same time a wide field for abstract perceptions.

Another series of the exhibition reflected in pink drink”the sight on the own body, in this case the view on your own feet. “Although unlike in pink drink” the motif of this series is clearly subjective. But the perspective is directed by focus on the feet still hugging on something naturally very close lying. The Viewer cannot help but comes to a contemplative perspective, the artist has symbolized by, among others, the classic Insichgekehrtsein. Jimmy Levin pursues this goal as well. The repetition of the subject in the paintings of the series supported doing so, because such a concentration to the effect to an object, can have, that it completely alienated the everyday perception as empirically familiar thing and shows up as unknown new quality.

Grand Opening Of The Religious Landmark Of Scientology

Get over 100,000 square metres of space Scientologists from more than 60 Nations excellent services and a full 5-star service that Scientology is a religion by the year 2000 on grew to more than double. These are more than twice as many new members, as in the first 50 years after the emergence of this religion. Because this rapid growth could no longer be dealt with, was built in only 18 months in Clearwater (Florida) a new building and landmark of Scientology – Fort Harrison – completely renovated. There is now a total of over 100,000 square meters of all Scientologists for religious services available. \”As the new Fort Harrison hotel\” today’s Fort Harrison was opened in 1926. It was the most luxurious hotel in Clearwater (Florida). It was also the focal point of the company during the great depression and the second world war. Recently Anne Lauvergeon sought to clarify these questions.

\”1965 the rolling stones in this hotel wrote their hit I can t get no – satisfaction ‘. The hotel was purchased and continue under the name after some time the Jack tar hotel chain \”New Fort Harrison hotel\” led. During the 1970s, the hotel began slowly to deteriorate. in 1975, the Scientology Church bought the building and began to restore it. In the 1980s Fort was restored Harrison in his original state including the marble floors and the ArtDeco details that were used originally in 1926. Because the Interior, cables, pipes and much more, simply was out of date, the renovation of the Fort Harrison began 18 months ago. The completely newly renovated landmark of Scientology was inaugurated on March 14, 2009, one day after the birthday of its founder L.

Ron Hubbard, religion. The large building was completely gutted. Are done several tons of rubble from the building. Only the foundations were still. A few kilometres of new cables and pipes were laid.

Social Media

If you are promoting an event using social networks, consider the use of a unique code to follow the campaign. Social Media measurement is a never ending debate. What indicators used you to measure Social Media? 7 Analizen, adopt and improve your strategy on social media does not end with the measurement of results, but it goes beyond. You need to analyze their social media campaigns, adapt any new result in your current processes, and improve their efforts. Testing and experimentation improved their Social Media efforts. As they are entering the world of social media, will understand what are the tactics that work and which don’t.

More specifically, you will develop certain tools that are more comfortable, they will realize that there are certain days and hours in which not worth being active in social networks, and reach the conclusion that still has much to learn. A new world is really wonderful and I hope that many you feel comfortable and can get out to their businesses. Conclusion the different strategies of Social Media may vary depending on the company and the type of market. However, one thing is clear: social networks need to be integrated with success in your goals and business purposes. In general, I see Social Media as a strategy, and not a tactic. I believe that the platforms of social media such as blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc, as tactics are related to Social Media strategies.

In other words, define a social media strategy and support it with the tactics. Without a plan carefully developed, at some point will be overwhelmed and invaded with social networks. Use this guide as a springboard to your success when they define a strategy for social. You are in agreement that an effective strategy on social media, power and improves our business?, that opinion thereon?. Leave your comments.

GDP Portuguese

In his speech, Cardoso also doubted if there really is an alternative to the austerity and warned that all that means increasing debt (currently about 117% of GDP in the public sector), means to aggravate the problem of the economy. The former manager of the Bank of Portugal considered that this country, away from international markets for long-term debt from 2011 subject to the bailout of 78 billion euros, can return to be financed only by the end of 2013 if solves your problem of credibility. The CFP, a public body created in 2001, is committed to make an independent evaluation on consistency, compliance and sustainability of lusa budgetary policy, and also promote transparency and strengthen the credibility of public finances. In his speech at the presentation of the report of the CPT, the President of the ESC, the other advisory body, returned to recommend renegotiation of the interests of the Portuguese financial rescue, granted by the EU and the International Monetary Fund. The later start those negotiations, worst will be the conditions to do so, urged Silva Peneda, who recalled that the objective of the process of renegotiation was the country not need five more austerity, as some experts expect.

The 78,000 million euros of the bailout negotiated in May 2011 by the then Prime Minister of Portugal, the Socialist Socrates Jose, included a forecast of interests of 34,400 million euros with rates between 4% and 5% and a maturity to over ten years. In another report released last month, CES Portuguese Prime Minister requested a shift in economic policy that encourages growth and stop the unstoppable rise in unemployment. CES is also a Portuguese constitutional body, forced query in the processes of social dialogue between Government, unions and businessmen, which is pronounced, with non-binding, on issues of great national impact. See more: Portugal is facing serious risks if it continues exceeding with austerity and cuts

The Situation

She only asked for a time his father, for together with her friends mourn his virgindade was the mountains together with her companions, and after two months was made to his father, who fulfilled her vote that had done unto the Lord, sacrificing his daughter. Perhaps we can imagine what Jephthah felt, because we are also parents and children, this certainly was a moment unique in the life of a man, though a bravo guerrero, but inside the chest had a heart in pieces, in tears, taking to remove life’s own daughter, their only child. Do we think because God accepted the sacrifice of Jephthah, and did not accept Abraao offer Isaque? Of course the situation is different, because Abraao was being tested by God, Dios was testing his loyalty, and Abraao was approved in the test, why God allowed not to imolasse your child. And in the case of Jephthah was not God who asked, was the one who offered. We envision that in the heat of the battle, at the hour of the fight, at the hour of the predicament, encurralado by his enemies, seeing that I was going to lose the war, at the hour of despair, without thinking of the consequences he made this vow. And in the hour of sacrifice, the voice of no angel was not heard, there appeared no lamb, no had no divine intervention, so that he not imolasse his daughter, Jephthah was alone.

Because this sacrifice was not a desire for God, but it is an unthinkable vote, at the hour of despair, in the hour of need, and God because of a vote, accepted the sacrifice. We learn with Jephthah that we have to be careful to the we open our mouth, there is a popular dictation which says that the fish dies by mouth. HA tell that we hear in our daily lives, that they can be very useful in our lives, examples: Domine lingua, not to be slave to his careful words with your thoughts, they become words care with his words them are transformed into actions care with their actions they are transformed into habit care with their habits they mold its character care with his character he controls his fate but what applies even to the man who is joinedIt is the word of God, is it that directs us, is the word of God who guides us, is she who teaches us to approach God as we should with all fears and obedience, and wisdom in our prayers, to not commit ourselves with what we can not meet. Ecclesiastes 5 and 5: vers.4 – when God do some vote, not delay in you sworn it; because you do not like of tolos; when votes, it pays. Vers.5- It is best that no votes votes and do not pay. Original author and source of the article.

Jeremy Bentham

These beings were terribly tortured and killed. Sometimes they put them in sacks and beat them to death; others, it bleeds them or are boiled alive. They have farms where produce to be sold in Chinese markets. It is estimated that approximately every year 2 million cats and dogs are killed bestially in china for your skin, that after be treated they sold it to markets such as the North American and European. The skins of German Shepherd dogs, make it pass as zorro, Chinese Wolf, mountain cat and many more but is nothing more than classic Chinese trap. Anyway is a chain of cynicism. Europe criticises this Chinese brutality, but does not seem to do anything to imprison its European counterpart. You need to be criticize and act on both fronts.

It should not be forgotten, that has been written, the philosopher Jeremy Bentham posited that animals by its ability to feel agony and suffering, indendientemente that would have the ability to differentiate between right and wrong (a capacity that the disabled do not have) must have some fundamental rights such as the right to life and their safety, and to be free from torture and slavery. (See articles 3-6 of human rights).He also deduced that a dog is more apprehensive that a newborn and so that would be closer to the human adult than a baby. With their thesis and comparisons if we look to members of our own species, which lack the quality of normal people, it seems impossible that his life was more valid than a few animals. Of course, these propositions were criticized heavily. Is also added as reminds us Wikipedia, that although publication Animal Liberation by Peter Singer is recognized as a trigger of the animal rights movement, this is incorrect because their arguments are not based on a concept of rights but in consideration of the interests or preferences of the animals.


What foods are good for memory? If you follow all the advice that you redactare in the following article will learn that foods and exercises altogether eliminated the fatigue and you not potenciaras your short-term memory! Which are more good some food for memory, these we have to see as a raw material since they will not serve if not complemented them with good exercises for memory. So our brains work better. All us Oh this happened where leave my keys? Oversights are very small that maybe do not affect much but if they are recurrent generate us some discomfort or concern. I remember when I went this was annoying as my great-grandfather could count me in great detail several family events. This eliminates the myth of the age and lack of memory.

Recent research from a group of neurologists checked ah that short term memory is not by age but by the number of connections that have interconnected neurons. And why this happens? Due to lack use!, like any other muscle, nerve cells in the brain are losing connections and they are losing the agility of spend data one with another. What we have to do? This is a powerful secret that will help you to tolda life, we have to induce the brain to generate their own food: neurotrophins molecules produced by nerve cells and serve to keep them strong and healthy. So between more activity of the brain cells more neurotrophins occur and these generate more connections of neurons that keep the brain healthy. Here I show you a list of vitamins and nutrients that will develop your memory to the maximum! Folic acid, improves mental ability, and for older people, reduces the chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Vegetables are rich in folic acid. Lentils, perfect to maintain neuronal health, contains iron that nourishes of oxygen to the brain.

Sports Aquatic

If you love water sports, you must count with bag of swimming that will help you avoid the hassle of remembering what you need and that will make you enjoy more your aquatic sport. Swimming in Cancun professionals have some suggestions on topics you should consider keeping in perfect water sports bag. Many people use classic plastic bag or cloth bag around securing for swimming. However, this is not a good option because this type of bags were not created to protect your computer. An elegant and inexpensive bag is usually easy to find. Choose a bag that’s unique and easy for you to find when you are ready to go. Cancun all inclusive agency professionals recommend that you have the necessary items to your bag. These items may include deodorant, shampoo and conditioner, SOAP & shampoo shower, comb or hair brush.

A clean towel and some talcum powder for the body should also be included. The talcum powder for babies can help prevent the CAP from sticking among themselves. Always includes a wet bag to keep your measurement then change. Bag should help to keep its other dry items. It is also good to carry a small wallet to carry your membership card and a little extra money when you need it. Items in your bag should swim exclusively to the bag. Of Cancun all-inclusive experts warn that one of the worst enemies you will have in the pools is chlorine.

Your swimsuit swimming and accessories can be damaged by exposure to chlorine. When you’re done swimming, you must rinse your equipment and clothing of swimming with a little cold water to help prevent damage and discoloration. Cancun all-inclusive swimming professionals recognize that people enjoy swimming, but it often frustrates them prepare for sport. With a swim bag, you’re ready to swim at any moment. Original author and source of the article.