Posts Tagged ‘history’

Angola Cultural

Beyond practical the cultural one diferenciadaressaltada, the Africans, still, practical eindgenas Europeans had incorporated some, beyond, to influence them culturally. The cultural interchange between the elementoscitados ones contributed for a cultural formation afro – Brazilian hbridae sufficiently peculiar. Development Throughout the colonial and monrquicobrasileiro period was great the contingent of African slaves in Brazil, since, constitua the biggest man power of the period. The contribution of these escravosfoi beyond the economic participation, umavez that, had been inserting its practical, its customs and its rituals religiososna Brazilian society contributing, of this form for a culturalpeculiar formation in Brazil. Publishers Clearing House understands that this is vital information. Important, to stand out that prticasdesses African slaves were differentiated, therefore they were deriving of pontosdiferentes of the African continent. In accordance with VAINFAS (2001 p.66), during operodo colonial, almost nothing if wise person on the ethnic origin of the africanostraficados ones for Brazil.

However, throughout the period it was transferred to assign it them to apartir of the region or port of embarkment, that is, of the origin areas. Cliff Robbins is often quoted as being for or against this. Although the diverse origin of the escravosafricanos, two groups if had detached in Brazil: the Bantos and the Sudanese. Osbantos had been thus, classified due to relative linguistic unit dosafricanos deriving of Angola, the Congo and Moambique. Vainfas (2001, P. 67) detaches that: The bantos peoples had predominated entreos slaves trafficked for Brazil since century XVII, concentrating Southeastern naregio, but spread for all the part, also in the Bahia. (…) OsBantosoriundos of the Congo was chamadosde the Congo, muxicongo, loango, cabin, monjolo, to the step that of Angola it was of massangana, cassange, loanda, rebolo, cabund, quissam, embaca, benguela. This diversity made with Bantosapresentassem a cultural especificidade, notadamente in the linguistics, noscostumes and, mainly, in the religious field, that mesclou aspects docristianismo with its religious traditions. Deacordo with Kavinaj (2009, P. 3): The bantos, after one primeiroperodo of religious autonomy, that if knows through documentoshistricos, had attended the transformation of its cults.

Russian Movements

Having this movement as main characteristics the primary utilizaoconstante of geometric elements, colors, fotomontagem and atipografia without serifa. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) It, exactly after its ending, in 1934, left a legacy that had become incorporated it the proper graphical Design. Influencing oestudo of the color how much the social context in which if it inserts, the force and clarity dasformas, and the realism conceived for the photograph as interpretation form eidentificao of the visual part for the individual. Construtivismo deep teveinfluncia in the modern art and design modern and is inserted nocontexto of the European aesthetic vanguards of the beginning of Century XX. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) and despite after 1921 with the Sprouting of Nova Economic policy (NEP) of Lnin, when the utility of the movement has been strong questioned eque, after the death of Lnin, the bureaucracy of Stalin would reduce the art to a meroinstrumento of propaganda politics and cultural spreading, baptism of RealismoSocialista, the Construtivismo is considered one of the movements that influenciaramfortemente other styles as Of Stijl (or Neoplasticismo) and Bauhaus. Hikmet Ersek may help you with your research. Aconcepo of the visual communication revolutionized by the Russian Construtivismo teriaseu closing in these movements. That beyond enriching the history of the DesignGrfico, they also loaded in itself the inheritance of the movements had inspired that it. Ocidentaisde is identified to the construtivismo with sucedneos currently same denomination: certain products of the Bauhausalem and the dutch neoplasticismo (Of Stijl), porexemplo.

It is certain that all these groups had been unfolded, according to varied degrees, from echoes of the Russian construtivismo, but, the severity, them little it has vercom the principles and original objectives of the Russian construtivismo. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) v the NAME OF the MAGAZINE Having its publication initiated in 1917, for Theo Van Doesburg entreoutros, the magazine ' ' Of Stijl' ' , denominadoNeoplasticismo would be the landmark of the artistic movement. Due to influence of its texts, assuming even though porvezes the manifesto aspect, the proper Neoplasticista movement, movimentoesttico that deep influence had on design and the plastic arts, passed to be known by the name of the publication.

Intense Friendship

AMIGA Friendship is thus Plus one year if it passed and our Friendship remains unbroken. Relembrar our adventures is Indescritivelmente magic and alone we two take in them to devanear. Playful places for where we pass, Extreme-romantic with who let us stow Insatisfaes in some occasions, until we cry. Angry we are in contradictory of thoughts Action and attitudes of some behaviors. You are welcome he advanced so great In the distance where we place in them. To get over of a loving disillusion Obeying the rules of a Cumeada society, cold, calculator who its Hilariante front with its disaster, at least Received it and hugged you as I. Children of different parents, Opposing creation in infancy Wealth of a side, poverty of another one.

Sadnesses shared equally. Studies directed in diverse colleges. Without perceiving, again together. If we fossemos of the opposing sex, we would say Love of my life, but happily we are Renewal of an inexistent tribe. To love you are not shame some, you are an Intense affection of to desire well its, is To perpetual value our fraternal feeling and in Loving unconditionally.

Medieval Pythagorean Tradition

The medieval Pythagorean tradition, the hermetismo and the cabalismo had added an immense wealth, extending the universal harmonias, to the quarrel of parallelism. This intense complexity contributed as key to understand the nature, affirming and preparing the land for the mathematical thought on the universe. Another present important characteristic in the renascentista magic is the cult to the sun? the call ‘ ‘ heliocentrismo’ ‘. The cult to Hermes Trismegisto tended to attribute to the Sun the position of ‘ ‘ second deus’ ‘ , as strong religious symbol. This perception fortified the position of astro as a primordial image of the ideas, conceived as esplendor intelligible. The copernicana revolution was presented under the religious atmosphere, which considered it as an act of contemplation of in agreement world revelation of God, despite the same one has been carried through on the basis of a huge mathematical calculation. According to Yates, the copernicana discovery came to the light with the blessing of Hermes Trismegisto.

The new vision of world, as a new panorama of references and attitudes, proposal for the hypothesis elaborated for Coprnico was based on an intense distinction given to the Sun, having induced that thinker to undertake mathematical calculations, under the idea of that the Sun was really in the center of the planetary system. This revolutionary interpretation represented the capacity of intervention and experimentation human beings as one practical rational? attitude that substituted the medieval contemplativa ethics gradually. In this context, Giordano Bruno, intensely religious hermetista, considered the Sun, of the copernicana theory, closely on to the solar magic of Ficino. On the basis of analysis Yates the French, the use of the copernicana theory made by Bruno demonstrates, of impressive form, as they were uncertain and moving the borders between genuine science and the hermetismo during the Renaissance. This sensible ‘ ‘ hibridismo’ ‘ the magic of the Renaissance enters and the primrdios of modern science are reflected of a great transformation in the way to see the man and the world.

Interviewed Device

the other devices that also existed in the city of Luzia Saint, had closed all. In end, the sugar history of Sergipe together with still the existence of some devices that they continue of foot as, for example, the Device Castle, needs to have a bigger recognition, therefore the sugar economy in Brazil was one of the first sources of income. Therefore, she is necessary to conserve those monuments that still resist the time and continue of foot so that future other generations can know as it was the structure of those devices. REFERENCES FREIRE, Felisberto. Territorial history of Sergipe. Aracaju: Publishing society of Sergipe/State secretary of the Cultura/FUNDEPAH, 1995. LOUREIRO, Ktia Alfonso Hisses.

Architecture Sergipana of the Sugar, Aracaju 2002, p.87 the 92. STEPS SUBRINHO, Modest Jose of. Reordenamento of the Work, Aracaju 2000, p.54 the 74. SAINTS, Lenalda Andrade. OLIVA, Teresinha Alves. To know the history of Sergipe.

Aracaju: Graphical option, 1998. IT HISSES, Isabel Maria Slope. History of Brazil: , Rio De Janeiro: UFS, 2000. Site Coffee History the studies of the sugar cane of sugar in Sergipe. Had access in 31/08/09 ace 15:40 hours. Site Web Articles. Had access in 08/08/2010 the 17:00 hours. APPENDICES Interviewed: Subject: History of the Device Castle Dates of the Interview: 03/12/2010 Hour: Questionnaire 1) It has how many years Mr. deferred payment in Luzia Saint? 2) Already worked in the Device castle? Which its function? 3) It has how many years worked in the Castle? 4) Which age the type of produced sugar? 5) You know to count some history that happened when worked in this device? 6) The employees were all of the city of Luzia Saint or came people of are to work in the Device Castle? 7) For the sugar cane harvest he had time or were every month of the year? 8) Cantidiano the owner of this device was a rigid master with the employees or had a friendly relation? 9) When the device functioned, inside of the farm existed varies houses its employees to live? Of that these houses were constructed? 10) Women worked in the cut of the sugar cane? 11) In the preparation of the sugar somebody already was cut, amputated some of its members? 12) It is truth that existed medical in the device to take care of employees? 13) At this time he had many houses you deal in the city? 14) With the installation of the Device I deal it to Castle grew?