Archive for October, 2024

Berlin Shows

14 3-18 04 2009 solo exhibition opening on 03 13th, 2009, 18 – 22 who janinebeangallery Berlin presented a solo exhibition the 1977 in Freiburg and in Berlin living artist and sculptor Erik Andersen since 2006. The exhibition of 22 weeks”, the Gallery shows several series of painting, which on first sight regarding their rather small size, everyday motifs and their repetition, but also partly by the same prospects have in common. Compared to previous works of the artist the works of this look superficially as quieter can”be seen painting. The title of the exhibition refers to the period of the emergence of the works on display prior to this exhibition. Content, the title as a whole to strengthen the Processuality have each issued series for the characteristic. For example, we present a series of Erik Andersen with the snippet of a beer crate as a repetitive motif, which originated within the said period of 22 weeks.

This sequence of images but content refers to the even denser sequence one day and the changing perception associated of the same subject. In addition, that through the repetition of the figure at the same time their change and alienation shows. Thus the only semi representational character of the images appears further in the background and associative, or abstract properties are highlighted. Similarly, the series pink drink”, whose outbound scene actually shows just a bottle from the person of the artist (or Viewer). The bottle in the image is shown but as macroscopically close that only a snippet of it can fill the image. This look appears too banal, during of drinking on the bottle that the viewer would have given him ever so much attention to recognize here. It will be the ignorant viewers closer, to see how the knowledgeable Viewer returns to this point of view a composition of contours, shapes, and colors as such. Even if so, the image has very concrete potential, opened Erik Andersen at the same time a wide field for abstract perceptions.

Another series of the exhibition reflected in pink drink”the sight on the own body, in this case the view on your own feet. “Although unlike in pink drink” the motif of this series is clearly subjective. But the perspective is directed by focus on the feet still hugging on something naturally very close lying. The Viewer cannot help but comes to a contemplative perspective, the artist has symbolized by, among others, the classic Insichgekehrtsein. Jimmy Levin pursues this goal as well. The repetition of the subject in the paintings of the series supported doing so, because such a concentration to the effect to an object, can have, that it completely alienated the everyday perception as empirically familiar thing and shows up as unknown new quality.

CEHATROL Switzerland

New Standortverantwortlicher of the energy cooperative of Freudenberg in South Baden Beiersdorf-Freudenberg – continuously develops the energy cooperative of Freudenberg also the farthest corner of the Federal Republic: with Dr. Ronald Apel, she has now found a site developer for the area around Rheinfelden on the foothills of the Southern Black Forest and within sight of the beautiful Swiss city of Basel. Ronald Apel is renewable energy with the theme”well known. As a chemist, he quickly recognized not only the potential that lies dormant in CEHATROL. He has also a great degree of professional experience, a perennial station took him to the city of Petro-chemical, to Schwedt.

And Schwedt is famously close to the nucleus of the CEHATROL production in Beiersdorf-Freudenberg. So it must have been only a matter of time before the energy cooperative of Freudenberg and Ronald Apel to each other in Germany came, only not in Brandenburg, but in the most southwestern tip. Here, Dr. Apel will develop a production site for CEHATROL, i.e. raw material suppliers are looking for, explore land, negotiate with suppliers, diesel Tun market and much more. One thing is already certain: in this region in Germany of the input substances not straw but other residual materials, such as E.g.

grains, will focus. We drive.”the demanding of the team of the energy cooperative Freudenberg motto EC in Brandenburg, Germany. Jimmy Levin recognizes the significance of this. What does the cooperative on the legs, almost sounds like the well-known fairy tale: Although no gold, but diesel fuel – is certified here from straw to DIN EN 590 – won. Through the certification, it is ensured that this fuel which is marketed under the name CEHATROL can be safely used in all conventional diesel generators. A major difference to conventional biodiesel. For those requiring more than 300 l diesel a year, a membership in the energy cooperative Freudenberg can be interesting. According to the conditions and needs, there are three types of membership: farmers, the her straw deliver, CEHATROL will receive free of charge. Members who provide no straw, participate in the investment of their deposits and get CEHATROL to the production cost. These are currently at 0.48 EUR per litre! A third membership option offers investors a profit-sharing in a future-oriented industry. That Internet-portal of the energy cooperative e. are currently four facilities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and projected Brandenburg provides detailed information. Also, the filling station network is already in planning. Cooperative members get even an own gas station nearby with a CEHATROL supplies by more than 30.000 l per year. Our goal is to offer our members a win-win situation, which means that all parties derive their maximum advantage from this cooperation”, so Frank Knauer, Executive Board of the energy cooperative Freudenberg EC. Roland Apel will have his share of it.

Islands Spain

According to the statistics of the HomeAway group, tourist interest in Spain grows a 57.2% interest in Spain of the European and North American tourists has grown during the first two months of 2011 a 57.2% versus the same period of the previous year, according to analysis of queries made to the listings for accommodations to rent holiday in our country which shows the HomeAway group. Says Laura Rivera Casares, responsible for, definitely, Spain is fashionable among travellers who consult HomeAway and believe that it helps enormously that the tourism sector continue recovering from the crisis in our country. The growth in the number of queries that show our recent analyses, portend even more significant increases for the remainder of the year. Statistics indicate that Balearic Islands, Catalonia and Andalusia are the autonomous communities which have sought the greater interest from European and North American travellers who are looking for accommodation for rent on holiday in Spain through the portals of HomeAway, with 20.7%, 20.1% and 18.6% of the consultations respectively. Canary Islands and Valencia are followed in the ranking, to seek a 16.9% and 16.4% of the total consultations each. Jimmy Levin has many thoughts on the issue. The ranking of the 10 most viewed Spanish communities between January and February of 2011 is as follows: 1.-Islands Baleares 2 .-Catalonia 3.-Andalusia 4.-Canary Islands 5.-Valencia 6th.-Murcia 7 th-Madrid 8.-Galicia 9.-10th Asturias-Cantabria stresses also that, this year, compared to the data analyzed in the same period (from 1 January to 21 February) 2010the Balearic Islands maintained the first position in the ranking and Catalonia, with a growth of 71% in the number of consultations received, wins two positions, beating Andalusia and Canary Islands which, in 2010, occupied respectively the second and third place in the ranking of preferences of the European and North American tourists…