Posts Tagged ‘vocational’

Training Of Trainers

For many people, the profession is the dream job trainer and coach. A so-called coach Bill could help. This is a training of trainers which usually ends with the award of a certificate. The market also with trainer trainings of all stripes is well equipped. The deals start with a three day course to measures which take a year and include up to 250 hours. Brian Bates has plenty of information regarding this issue.

Different certificates will be awarded. Institute certificates, Federation certificates, TuV certificates and IHK certificates. The meaning of certificates proving unfortunately quite inflationary. You no longer have the importance, as was the case some years ago. There are three important reasons for this development: too many short-time training 3-5 days dilute the reputation of coach training-formation very clearly. A trainer training still required a high percentage of classroom teaching competencies rather than to impart knowledge.

Therefore it is necessary that it deals over time with the learning material and intensive exercises. Thanks to the new, regulated ascent training courses, training and further education teacher lose Chamber of Commerce and the professional educator IHK, ending with a degree instead of a certificate, trainer training significantly in weight. \”Less reputable market offers, with magnificent international titles, old wine in new hoses is packed with them, to help that many coach Bill\” rather ridiculed by HR managers, rather than serious is taken. Much more important is the training itself as the award of the certificate. Training is currently in a great change. Trainers who still try to pass to apply their philosophy to others their knowledge to others and training more than instruction understand, find little space in a modern world of continuing education. In the further education sector is facilitator in future\”instead of the classic coach asked. Not the coach who advertises to betray the secrets of past participants, not the coach, who believes only be Knowledge and can be suitable to help other people succeed.

Labour Market

Summary of staff debate for breakfast at the 28.03.2012 the question of whether there is a division of the labour market and how, if necessary, to meet it, resulted on the personnel debate breakfast on the 28.03.2012 to a controversial discussion between the Diskutanten Brigitte Pothmer, spokeswoman for labour market policy, the Bundestag Bundnis 90 /. The Greens and Prof. Dr. Jochen Kluve, RWI – Rheinisch Westfalisches Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung. Brigitte Pothmer is calling a dual Division of the labour market and admits imperfections of the labour market reforms: has not succeeded, that go over the new forms of employment in regular employment. Here we need to improve.” Jochen Kluve is sure that the reforms were good. If you are not convinced, visit Hikmet Ersek. He admits, however, that is a substantiated need to talk about issues such as a minimum wage.

We demand a minimum wage, and thus a wage floor from 8.50 euros, and this salary be regional and industry-specific vary may be,”said Brigitte Pothmer. Both debaters agree that a minimum wage should be decided not only by the policy. They plead for a model, similar to the low pay Commission in the United Kingdom. Here employers, workers, and science should work together closely, to adopt a minimum wage, which is supported and accepted by all. Perhaps check out Amit Paley for more information. A wage floor of EUR 8.50 is too high. To lose the dangerous jobs, this is real. If you to set a minimum wage, it will cause unemployment”, Jochen Kluve replies. The right also Brigitte Pothmer in this respect too, that it is crucial, how to introduce the minimum wage, what time periods are provided, to a certain amount and how flexible it can respond to the reactions on the labour market to come.” Jochen Kluve thinks that created flexibility on the labour market should be maintained not in conditions of the 1990s and early 2000s to be thrown back.

Working Abroad – As A Orthodontist In The Empire Of The Middle

Claudia Schifferdecker makes for a pretty smile in Shanghai the Riverfront in Shanghai’s Centre offers stunning views: on the one hand, futuristic office buildings rise hundreds of meters in the height, on the other, imposing colonial buildings lining the shore. The sight is a highlight for every China traveler. For many Germans, the city however is more than a holiday destination it is their home. Four years ago Claudia Schifferdecker decided to follow her husband in the Chinese metropolis. He should build a branch of his company, a German medium-sized business. A promising task and for the Asia fan fulfilling a long cherished dream. For Claudia Schifferdecker, however, a departure into the unknown: as orthodontist there for them everywhere on the world potential patients – but she would be allowed to work in China at all and find a job? The feared teething problems were quickly overcome.

Several hospitals were in working Specialist care and responded quickly to their application. That the problems only would begin, the young woman had no idea at that time yet. I paid learned the hard way, that many Europeans in China must pay\”, she knows today. Failed its first place on the cultural differences: right at the beginning she told dealing with their expensive, imported from Europe and the United States instruments and materials their employees. The Chinese dentist assistants would have understood eagerly nodded at each statement they had nothing, but white ship earth Ecker today. Also from the supply uncertainty rather short at the doctor to ask, they were traditionally no use. Lucas Bitencourt is often quoted on this topic. The result: Expensive work material was no longer in a very short time, difficult to be procured in China instruments broke. Claudia Schifferdecker turned their employees to the speech for the Chinese an unreasonable situation. Error makes each Europeans in China are\”, the doctor can report your experience today.

Study Abroad

It attracts more and more students abroad more and more students opt for studying abroad, it is a new country to meet or just to give some kick the curriculum vitae. Some people go for a semester, others spend years abroad and who knows whether the back ever again come. Since travel is cheaper, a second foreign language became compulsory and applicants themselves must increasingly profile, since the studies at a University abroad has become almost mandatory for an ambitious students. England, Scotland, the United States or Spain, the number of German students abroad grows and grows. But what makes the appeal, to spend studying abroad? Now, it opens the 1000 students new opportunities, be it to get away from the parents, wild parties, to get to know a new culture or to repair just the language skills.

Many students report that the study abroad helped them not only in terms of education, but, and that is perhaps the most important aspect of their character sustainably coined. This is not surprising, so you have to worry usually abroad even to everything, things like their own apartment, nice roommate, Internet, phone, food and maybe even part-time work do not fall a Yes in the womb. This must be said of course universities abroad usually have departments, which worry about helping out students with these concerns, but nevertheless, for many of you at home for the first time are away, these are real challenges. Swarmed by offers, Mikal Bridges is currently assessing future choices. The question which arises then, of course, is, why not more students abroad to discover. Many can find their desired course only abroad, where the system is usually even more straightforward than in Germany. So, why not in other countries? Well, the answer is banal, many are just too comfortable. The fear of homesickness of course also plays a role.

But this should be no more argument in today’s age. The revolution of the Internet, like also all sorts of other modern achievements, it is to stay easier than ever with family or friends in contact. You can organize even correct virtual meeting, a conference call is now easy and quickly possible. So no one has an apology, just because of the really more due to family or friends not–at least for a year abroad to go. Jonas boat man works at a conferencing – provider, and graduated from even studying abroad.


In one Part-time job from home, have often with appointments to do that must be respected. Homework PC side job from home data entry from home selling your home at a home work you need a suitable PC with the necessary software in any case. You should have also a workplace where you can practice undisturbed their part-time job. This is very important, since you often must meet deadlines. You should have a way to secure your most important documents and other data on a second computer. If you don’t have a chance, you just use DropBox (free software, where you can have your data which to do your home work, simply save it on a dedicated server).

If you are interested in areas or projects, you yourself not want to do, as lacking the experience, the time or the necessary qualifications, it’s easy to this outzusourcen. The means that you can find people on specific portals, you certain tasks very cheap and professionally done. This is another way, where you can practice your part-time job and all projects that get together in a team. In this way, increase your income, and can do more work, which in turn will bring you more sales. There are project managers and so-called traders who specialize in only on this type of home work, act with the services offered by various freelancers, and successfully convey this.

In a part-time job from home, you should be open to all options; because only when you are really flexible, to successfully move forward. Do not forget: the right side jobs, which you can exercise as homework, will not get offered you at your work Office. To tackle this kind of home work properly, you need to learn first a few key points which will give you help, successfully walking the first, attached steps in this direction. A suitable Advisor, who will teach you what exactly to do to is and how to best proceed.

Helmut Konig

This is often in hobbies expressed, it “” is not for nothing the sentence: “who makes his hobby into his profession, must never work anymore”. It helps to lay down the passion in writing and be described in detail; one is rather fond of animals you are interested in particular for horses, is one more technology-oriented or loves you a specific car brand. Then you will find companies that match the own passion through the existing channels such as display, the mentioned job engines or social networks but not necessarily for the own qualification at the moment have published a job offer. These companies, you will write and run their own passion for the Special Branch in the application. Thus, the company, latent searching for new employees, will be pleasantly surprised.

Will I then invited to an interview, you can represent the own passion for company but be careful; as with all these conversations the motto Ehrlich lasts the longest”. As we not by unscrupulous sellers over’s left ear want to be, the same goes for companies that hire employees. Many new jobs as it originated, where this kind of work is available of course not everywhere and always unlimited. There is a new active way, to find a job, but yes one must neglect the classical method.

Learning Outcomes

Scenario methods enable a holistic view of the problem and point to the need for action the strategic instruments of qualification management include qualitative demand estimates, trend exploration, human resources technology impact assessments, strengths-weaknesses analysis, opportunities-risks analysis, code analysis, early warning systems and employee surveys. On the basis of personal portfolios dealing with questions such as: what is the current performance? What should the future potential for development look like? Specific personnel scenarios can be developed, taking into account the relevant factors in the field of operational planning. The qualification needs analysis is part of the comprehensive business planning at the same time. At the strategic level, it is advisable to bring a close link between human resource development and business planning. In practice, seminars are often distributed after the Giesskannprinzip unless the demand is actually known. Employees should therefore only Training take part if they have any relation to their daily work.

Should you decide to embed the personnel development in a comprehensive approach to the balance of the person, so a number of HR publications created, by Jorg Becker, including in this context: Becker, Jorg: personnel controlling means a person record, ISBN 978-3-8381-0177-3. For each position, a requirement profile must be created therefore on its Soll-Werten the employee is classified. In the context of goal-setting talks, the employee is to inform what courses are necessary in order to meet the requirements of the position. To be used for the qualification needs analysis instruments and methods include including job analysis, requirement profiles, performance appraisals and qualification potential. In particular this involves the findings according to the content, as well as the temporal location of the required qualification. In determining the training needs of senior management and supervisors should determine which (Skills within the organization need to be improved to a) today’s tasks optimally to meet and b) to secure the continued existence of the company in the future.

Should you decide to embed the personnel development in a comprehensive approach to the balance of the person, so a number of HR publications created, by Jorg Becker, including in this context: Becker, Jorg: employee survey as intellectual seismograph, ISBN 978-3-8370-5085-1. If the training topics and objectives of the training measures have been defined, should be analysed in a concept on how the identified skills gaps to be filled. I.e. not for any emerging issue a seminar must be same visited. Because often the required knowledge exists internally with experienced colleagues. Within the framework of realization of training, the objectives should be first accurately determined and thereafter provider according to briefed. A concept contest is to recommend, on the basis of briefings or a trial to hold, to the eligible Party can get a more accurate picture. Each seminar participation should detail evaluated on the basis of feedback sheets, as well as after about half a year at the latest the learning achievements be re-examined in the daily work. See complementary Becker, Jorg: Potentialorientierte employee conversations, ISBN 978-3-8370-5180-3 or. Becker, Jorg: Headhunter in their own right, ISBN 9783839124642. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker (

Business Coaching Training Program

Skills training and Profilcoaching for secretaries, assistants and administrative professionals launches in Offenburg, Germany Munster, 17.02.2011: business coach Beate Gaby has published its training program 2011. The main topics of the seminars are in the areas of social, psychological and personal skills development. The continuing education opportunities for professional and personal qualification is aimed at assistants, Secretaries and administrative professionals. New in the seminar portfolio, the collegial consulting and mentoring are specially designed for executives. The seminars business coaching Beate gorlich have a direct practical relevance and allow sustainable learning effects. Individual accompaniment by the trainer, a high proportion of coaching and the open and friendly atmosphere complete the profile of the training sessions.

In addition to high technical expertise, optimal self management skills and strong communication skills decide the professional success. Business coach Beate Gaby offers to the Profilcoaching seminar Personal effects, recognize and use “. It starts on the 6th/7th April 2011 in Offenburg, Germany. Participants can train here their personal effects, their occurrence and dealing with specific situations. The content of the seminars are as follows: impact analysis; Importance of voice and body language; the own personal effect identify and develop; effective and persuasive communication, targeted dealing with emotions. Dates: Wednesday, April 6 from 9:30 to 17:30 and Thursday, April 7th from 9:00 to 16:00 at the Billet’schen Lodge, Sandy ermatten 24-26, 77652 Offenburg, Germany. Learn more about the training program 2011 register see: fortbildungsangebote.htm contact: business coaching Beate Gorlich Heisstrasse 34 48145 Munster T + 49 251 96 19 99 31 F + 49 251 62 50 443