Helmut Konig

This is often in hobbies expressed, it “” is not for nothing the sentence: “who makes his hobby into his profession, must never work anymore”. It helps to lay down the passion in writing and be described in detail; one is rather fond of animals you are interested in particular for horses, is one more technology-oriented or loves you a specific car brand. Then you will find companies that match the own passion through the existing channels such as display, the mentioned job engines or social networks but not necessarily for the own qualification at the moment have published a job offer. These companies, you will write and run their own passion for the Special Branch in the application. Thus, the company, latent searching for new employees, will be pleasantly surprised.

Will I then invited to an interview, you can represent the own passion for company but be careful; as with all these conversations the motto Ehrlich lasts the longest”. As we not by unscrupulous sellers over’s left ear want to be, the same goes for companies that hire employees. Many new jobs as it originated, where this kind of work is available of course not everywhere and always unlimited. There is a new active way, to find a job, but yes one must neglect the classical method.

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