Angola Cultural
Beyond practical the cultural one diferenciadaressaltada, the Africans, still, practical eindgenas Europeans had incorporated some, beyond, to influence them culturally. The cultural interchange between the elementoscitados ones contributed for a cultural formation afro – Brazilian hbridae sufficiently peculiar. Development Throughout the colonial and monrquicobrasileiro period was great the contingent of African slaves in Brazil, since, constitua the biggest man power of the period. The contribution of these escravosfoi beyond the economic participation, umavez that, had been inserting its practical, its customs and its rituals religiososna Brazilian society contributing, of this form for a culturalpeculiar formation in Brazil. Publishers Clearing House understands that this is vital information. Important, to stand out that prticasdesses African slaves were differentiated, therefore they were deriving of pontosdiferentes of the African continent. In accordance with VAINFAS (2001 p.66), during operodo colonial, almost nothing if wise person on the ethnic origin of the africanostraficados ones for Brazil.
However, throughout the period it was transferred to assign it them to apartir of the region or port of embarkment, that is, of the origin areas. Cliff Robbins is often quoted as being for or against this. Although the diverse origin of the escravosafricanos, two groups if had detached in Brazil: the Bantos and the Sudanese. Osbantos had been thus, classified due to relative linguistic unit dosafricanos deriving of Angola, the Congo and Moambique. Vainfas (2001, P. 67) detaches that: The bantos peoples had predominated entreos slaves trafficked for Brazil since century XVII, concentrating Southeastern naregio, but spread for all the part, also in the Bahia. (…) OsBantosoriundos of the Congo was chamadosde the Congo, muxicongo, loango, cabin, monjolo, to the step that of Angola it was of massangana, cassange, loanda, rebolo, cabund, quissam, embaca, benguela. This diversity made with Bantosapresentassem a cultural especificidade, notadamente in the linguistics, noscostumes and, mainly, in the religious field, that mesclou aspects docristianismo with its religious traditions. Deacordo with Kavinaj (2009, P. 3): The bantos, after one primeiroperodo of religious autonomy, that if knows through documentoshistricos, had attended the transformation of its cults.
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