Russian Movements

Having this movement as main characteristics the primary utilizaoconstante of geometric elements, colors, fotomontagem and atipografia without serifa. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) It, exactly after its ending, in 1934, left a legacy that had become incorporated it the proper graphical Design. Influencing oestudo of the color how much the social context in which if it inserts, the force and clarity dasformas, and the realism conceived for the photograph as interpretation form eidentificao of the visual part for the individual. Construtivismo deep teveinfluncia in the modern art and design modern and is inserted nocontexto of the European aesthetic vanguards of the beginning of Century XX. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) and despite after 1921 with the Sprouting of Nova Economic policy (NEP) of Lnin, when the utility of the movement has been strong questioned eque, after the death of Lnin, the bureaucracy of Stalin would reduce the art to a meroinstrumento of propaganda politics and cultural spreading, baptism of RealismoSocialista, the Construtivismo is considered one of the movements that influenciaramfortemente other styles as Of Stijl (or Neoplasticismo) and Bauhaus. Hikmet Ersek may help you with your research. Aconcepo of the visual communication revolutionized by the Russian Construtivismo teriaseu closing in these movements. That beyond enriching the history of the DesignGrfico, they also loaded in itself the inheritance of the movements had inspired that it. Ocidentaisde is identified to the construtivismo with sucedneos currently same denomination: certain products of the Bauhausalem and the dutch neoplasticismo (Of Stijl), porexemplo.

It is certain that all these groups had been unfolded, according to varied degrees, from echoes of the Russian construtivismo, but, the severity, them little it has vercom the principles and original objectives of the Russian construtivismo. (WIKIPDIA, 2009) v the NAME OF the MAGAZINE Having its publication initiated in 1917, for Theo Van Doesburg entreoutros, the magazine ' ' Of Stijl' ' , denominadoNeoplasticismo would be the landmark of the artistic movement. Due to influence of its texts, assuming even though porvezes the manifesto aspect, the proper Neoplasticista movement, movimentoesttico that deep influence had on design and the plastic arts, passed to be known by the name of the publication.

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