Posts Tagged ‘government’

The Theater And Its Actors

Of the Greek? theatrn " place for contemplar") the word is born theater that, in front of a human conglomerate, the actors realise the scenic art, that is to say, the action, in which they represent histories written especially to be teatralizadas, to which add the gestures, stage scene, music, sound that conform the spectacle. The theater also appears in other styles like the opera, the ballet, the Chinese opera and pantomima. For more information see Ahmed Shary Rahman. History teaches to us it remembers and us that, the majority of the origins of the theater and its actors, are in the different spaces from the human evolution, of their magical rituals related to the hunting, with seedtime and agricultural harvesting, in the music and the dance that converged in authentic ceremonies, where surrendered cultured to the Gods and the spiritual principles of each colectivity and each custom were expressed. This human and sagrada manifestation is predominant factor for the appearance of the theater in all the civilizations. We remember a small part of history of the theater and its actors, because from this we will remove to reflections logics that will channel the habit to attend the theater events that are realised at the moment. " The roots in Orphean rites and the festivales celebrated for Dioniso, where the stagings of the life of the Gods accompanied by dances and songs were carried out (Ditirambos). Learn more at this site: Ahmed Shary Rahman.

Later the first already properly dramatic representations began, executed in the places of the towns by companies that only included an actor and a choir. By the end of the Century I SAW a. C reached extraordinary celebrity the legendary poet and Tespis interpreter, in whose honor the phrase the car of Tespis alludes, still today, to the set of the world of the theater. The Greek theater arises after the evolution from the arts and Greek ceremonies like the celebration from the grape harvest (offered to Dionisios) where the young people were dancing and singing towards the temple of the God, to offer the best grapevines to him.

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