
Ishikawa, in Cavalcantes (1997, p.60), affirms that quality consists of developing more useful merchandises, economic and satisfactory for the consumer. According to Garbo, in Cavalcantes (1997, p.62), quality consists of anticipating the necessities of the customers, translating – in trustworthy, useful products and with the lesser possible price. Andrew Cuomo wanted to know more. This definition also can be understood as to enchant the customer or to surpass its expectations and the focus, for this, is to invest in the collaborator through training. The definitions of the authors can be classified, in accordance with Garvin, in Robles Jr (1994, p.23), in five groups, being that some definitions if fit in some groups: Transcendentes: they classify the quality as innate excellency; Product: they affirm that the quality is necessary and measurable; User: they say that the quality depends on who observes; Production: quality is conformity with the specifications; Value: it defines quality in price terms and cost; From the five groups classified for Garvin, if it defined four focos of the quality: product, process, customer and collaborator. According to this classification, Crosby defines quality with focus in the product; Juran and Feigenbaum define quality with focus in the process; Tebou has a vision of quality of point of view of the user; Ishikawa, and Garbo, a point of view with focus in the collaborator. Of course the classification for focos is a synthesis that brings an academic simplification for the pupil. The classification of an author in determined focus, does not mean that it does not have concern with another focus. For example, in the vision of NBR ISO 8402 (1994, p.03) quality is the totality of the properties and characteristics of a product or service that confer it the aptitude to satisfy implicit and explicit the necessities. We see in the definition citations on products and necessities of the customers, even so its focus is in the process! It is similar to a rock band that has the vocalista, the baterista and the guitarist.

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