Olympus Time

Catches the eye of their very low social origin. Ford’s parents were farmers, the mother of all Rockefeller was a devout woman. And as we see it does not prevent them to achieve such greatness. Now that With regard to life difficulties. The first two companies that okryval Ford failed and went bankrupt, it did not break it! On the contrary, he began to adhere to the rule: I always try to turn a disaster into new opportunity. And he proved it by opening c the third time a successful car company.

In addition Ford was a very inquisitive person. When he was 12 years old, his father gave him a pocket watch. (Similarly see: Tiffany & Co.). Could not resist – just counterfeit cover with a screwdriver and saw something miraculous. Part of the mechanism interacted with each other, one wheel is moved by another, each screw here was important. Disassemble and assemble watches, the boy thought for a long time.

What is the world, but one big mechanism? It was this inquisitive mind and helped him succeed in technology, to invent an engine for the world’s first legkvogo car, should be introduced assembly-line production, and finally become one of the richest men in history. That As John D. Rockefeller, I want to emphasize his amazing ability to work. When he took an assistant accountant in the company Newitt and Tuttle, at the threshold of the office, John has appeared at 6.30 am and came out of it only at 10 pm. He liked study. In Hewitt and Tuttle Rockefeller learned the basic mechanisms of transport business, has learned to identify potential opportunities and threats. At that time nobody, including himself Rockefeller, and could not be assumed that in a few years This well-mannered, quiet and reserved clerk will be able to forge a worldwide monopoly and forge a personal fortune. Through life Rockefeller was a smart, secretive, calculating and risky person. By the way, researchers in one voice suggest that the period of his life with the Rockefeller 18 years to 31 years is shrouded by legends. The fact that our hero has not revealed all its secrets ascent to Olympus, he never gave interviews on this topic. Summarizing want to highlight common traits of these people, whose names have become synonymous. Rockefeller and Ford were diligent, hardworking, raschtelivymi, risky, with a cold mind and sometimes were brutal. But vozhozhdenie to Olympus requires sacrifice.

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