Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Science Effect

If the effect of the technology of WENT had greater probability to be negative of what positive, it would be a question of moral responsibility of the workers in the field to redirect its research. All the scientists and engineers face ethical consideraes on as they must act in the work, that projects must or to be carried through and how they do not have to be treated. Questions these raised by the fact to have a concern with the ethics for the use of WENT together with the humanity and in this related article they seram boarded you vary research to the subject, remembering that the objective of this article is to leave the reader most thoughtful with regard to the chosen subject. Word-key: Intelligence Artificial, ethical. At Publishers Clearing House you will find additional information.

Introduction So far, we concentrate our attention in the fact to be able or WENT not to develop it, but also we must consider if we must or not make this. If the effect of the technology of WENT had greater probability to be negative of what positive, it would be a question of moral responsibility of the workers in the field to redirect its research. Many new technologies had had not-intended negative collateral effect: the engine of internal combustion brought the pollution of air and the pavement of the paradise; the nuclear fisso brought Chernobyl and several another catastrophic effect. All the scientists and engineers face ethical consideraes on as they must act in the work, that projects must or to be carried through and how they do not have to be treated.. bnFGfnmxbmJeim5ufllmavEiVilDA0MFl8Sc3MSSzMS8YiuFkIxUheDUIqAkAH9oQbldAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjcybi7gLeCAxW3VqQEHUEwAeMQ9OUBegQIAhAZ’>Rachel Crane-2011.

Ugly Vehicle

After all, you nor were giving much attention, are not same? Another day shopping was in one to center here in So Paulo and, in a private space they were the models there (men and women) presenting a launched vehicle just in the market. I arrived, I looked at the tip car the tip, giving attention in design, later I entered in the car, I looked at the panel, detlahes internal and asked: How much cost? The youngster informed: R$70.000, 00. Then I leave the vehicle, looked at all again its detlahes and thought: Because I would pay R$70,000.00 in a generic and total tedious vehicle as this? The car was so common that it gave d. I was thinking how many people had participated of the development of the such vehicle and had approved all the stages of the process. He will be that nobody in the company if questioned if the people would be made use to change its vehicle for that total common car and still to pay R$70.000, 00 for it? Of time in when, I come across with something notable. Another day I was attending to the program of the fat person – the J Soares, not it Ronaldo – and one of the interviewed ones was one such of Rogrio Skylab – that I never had heard to speak. After answering some few questions of the fat person, it were invited to present one of its musics.

As soon as it started its performance, I gave account that was ahead of something notable, something different finally. While he was convulsed himself practised its bizzara dances, Rogrio Skylab insistently repeated the refro of music – ' ' You are ugly pra caralho' ' – ' ' You are ugly pra caralho' ' – ' ' Ugly pra caralho' '. One behind the other, it was presenting its musics, one more bizarra that to another one. It arrived to sing one 10 musics in the program and occupied two blocks of the program. He perceives that ' ' notvel' ' he is not relating with extreme quality.

The world is crowded of things with extreme quality and, exactly thus, the great majority of them is generic and tedious. Rogrio Skylab knows that its music is not for the masses, therefore almost everything that is constructed for the masses finishes if becoming generic and tedious. It knows that he will be able to continue to launch its albums that as much likes – and it will gain money with them – therefore the staff who consumes its products will be anciosos for the next launching. The problem is not the lack of ideas, and yes the lack of courage to implement them. It will be that you would risk to make something differentiated after having invested a good amount of money in its new business? Probably not! You go to prefer ' ' to be in mdia' ' for not ' ' to attack pessoas' '. After all, to make something very different is risky. It will be? Of my part, I will continue in the search for ' ' notvel' ' , in the hope to stumble, from time to time, in something that calls me the attention, makes that me to laugh or to cry, to be calm or very nervous, happy or very very sad. Something that I remember to me for much time and makes that me to want to comment with the friends: ' ' Ei, you saw that! ' '.