August 20, 2024
Posted by Nancy at 11:26am EDT
We develop to raising capital capital market prospectuses, Fund prospectuses and bond prospectuses for raising capital. Dr. Werner and its funding partners (with network founder and namesake Dr. Horst S. Werner) offer in the Group of Dr. Werner financial services group since 29 years independent bank capital increases, financing and credit advice, capital raising and venture capital through the equity markets (free market) by private financiers and mezzanine investors non-influence of donors on the basis of silent participations (silent capital), profit-sharing certificates or bearer bonds (bond capital) at a dividend of 7.5% – 9.5% p.a…
We develop to raising capital capital market prospectuses, Fund prospectuses and bond prospectuses for raising capital; for smaller volumes from Euro 50.000,-with a BFin-free participation Expose. With mezzanine capital, medium-sized undertaking retains its autonomy and financial independence, and it avoids a dependency from the House bank. In addition, we provide assistance in obtaining funds capital and project financing. Renovation capital is also available, as far as running a tighter cost management. Investors and others obtained via the investors platform and financial services. We sell shelf companies to the immediate start of business and Auffanggesellschaften to restart with new credit and new account (see also our network partner). We advise free of charge and are available for all forms of financing or financing ways without banks.
August 06, 2019
Posted by Nancy at 3:48am EDT
This extensive permissions as in the scope of the change of master data can cause serious risks.” Therefore the topic IT controls in the manual of the AuditFactory was particularly taken into account by the IT specialists from RoverBronner. What can’t the Forum, is to measure the actual impact of an anti-fraud-management system and to evaluate. Educate yourself with thoughts from Crawford Lake Capital. There are numerous interactions between the existing processes of such a system, often weaknesses in the planning and implementation, as well as strong influences of the specific situation of an organization”, so Dr. Brombacher next. For this reason, we recommend to evaluate the existing system and to capture the actual effect. Only then you can suggest based on sound improvements on the results.” The manual can at the Internet address are achieved. It will be continuously expanded and supplemented.
The monthly newsletter of the AuditFactory who wants to inform about changes, can relate. About the AuditFactory: The AuditFactory offers services to internal audit (internal audit) and for combating the economic crimes (forensic services) and consists of a network of about twenty experts for risk – and process-oriented audit and consulting services in organizations of all kinds. Thus, the 2005 founded company headquartered in Bietigheim – Bissingen, Germany contributes to the systematic improvement of risk management and the internal monitoring system. The AuditFactory combines the idea of network as a single company with the bundling of audit and forensic services to a total package. Its customers include well-known German companies who hire audit and consulting services in the country and abroad, among others in the top ten of German engineering. The network of the AuditFactory includes specialists for Process and participation exams, risk analyses, building audit, IT audit and IT security, human resources tests and various specialists in forensic topics such as hard drive backups and evaluations.
March 13, 2019
Posted by Nancy at 1:48am EDT
Collection costs are recovered with emphasis and judicial assistance and filed. Collection costs are a damages to be refunded the creditors accepted and by the debtor according to the law. Contrary to the opinions prevailing in the Internet forums are by default, so not timely and already unsuccessfully have demands of damages which is the creditor (principal), but not the arbitrary charges a Rechtsdienstleisters rather. The charges claim is simplicity given to the debtor by the first collection letter and immediately along with the principal, the reminders and the interest claimed. As always more debtors seek their salvation in the Internet forums also inevitably to misguided opinions such as, collection fees would not to pay fees it’s that are unjust done, come up.
This is however not the case. The damages in the proceedings cause such so-called tips instead that if only the principal paid the rest, is, so claims is made. The damage of the creditor will be enforced here. No creditor would like to sit because of non-paying customer on the costs incurred. Therefore even the judicial procedure. That was a long time because of grace raise the debt collection costs of the creditor pursued so not also reveals himself today, that is taken here stringent than ever before.
There is in fact no free collection, although this is seemingly occasionally offered on the Internet. The collection agency must succeed here harder because otherwise this your existence lose permission. Agent WFI collection calls in Offenbach am Main, Germany has always been the fees incurred by the client by the debtor with a. If it must be in a judicial proceeding. Lost was still no process, on the contrary the costs of the proceedings, as well as the damages were then fully beige drives of the contracting authority to the obligor. An expensive pleasure for advice from the Internet. Company Description agent WFI collection in Offenbach am Main, your supra-regional and nationwide contact person when it comes to recovery of debts collection. Right safe, experienced and reputable. Test us because we “earn” your trust. With agent collection to the success to more liquidity. Now place your collection request your reputable provider of debt collection among companies contact: Agent WFI collection Thomas Buck Hermann-stone houses-str. 43 47 63065 Offenbach Tel: 069 82379489-0 E-Mail: Web:
February 12, 2019
Posted by Nancy at 11:48pm EST
Tubingen invited to the big Podiumusdiskussion on the topic: ‘ future of food monitoring a release of control results ‘. Tubingen 24.02.2011 – was host to the 10-year anniversary of the Baden-Wurttemberg land Association of the food inspectors for participating members, guests and interested visitors of Veranstaltung.Im copper construction”of the University of Tubingen was from 15:00 the anniversary event on the future of food monitoring release of control results” in the form of a panel discussion. The President of the National Association of food inspectors of Baden-Wurttemberg, Rainer nut, explained the development of the Union in the past 10 years in his greeting. A total of 200 participants, including members of the Association, cooperation partners, invited guests, but also numerous interested traders and citizens had followed the invitation to this event. On the podium, representatives from politics and economy were opposite.So on the a page of Martin Muller (Chairman of the Federation of the food inspectors), Eckard Benner (consumer advice centre of Baden-Wurttemberg), Rita Haller-Haid (SPD) and Dr. Albrecht Rahman of the Department of rural areas, food and consumer protection BW. The side of the economy was represented by Waldemar Fretz (Chairman of the Division of gastronomy of the German of hotel and Restaurant Association DEHOGA Baden-Wurttemberg-), Johannes Schultheiss (National Guild master for the Wurttemberg bakery) and Kurt Matthes (National Guild master for the Baden-Wurttemberg butchery). Publication of results of control? how and in what form? This topic has been discussed heavily.
It is known that there will be a greater transparency in consumer protection in the future. It is still not known exactly how this should be done. The much-discussed Smiley”modelled on Danish complies with probably not completely, especially as it to do so in Baden-Wurttemberg are not sufficiently trained food inspectors indicates which could cover the necessary checks and check-ups. The legal requirements for this transparent consumer information should be made uniform nationwide, unfortunately the personal and objective conditions for the implementation are not the same.