Steuerberater Jurgen Dieter
Tax advisor Jurgen Dieter grainy informs many a taxpayer thinks of religious disaffiliation, if it should go to saving. Because the Church seems to many as easy to streichender items of expenditure. The church tax is a statutory levy of church members in Germany and will be confiscated by the State tax authorities and forwarded to the churches. The church tax of tax advisers informed grainy from Mannheim. Is carried out according to the income level church tax pay rated all church members, who have their residence or their usual place of residence in the territory of the respective church.
The amount of the church tax varies according to the amount of the wage or income tax or according to the amount of taxable income. Who less deserves pays fewer taxes those who earn more, pay according to more. Thus, the church tax is graduated according to social position and ensures justice among the church members from financial point of view. In a confession-same marriage both spouses of thereof are tax-gathering Church. With cooperation assessment to income tax, the church tax from the jointly determined basis calculated.
In separate investment or the separate disposition in the year of the marriage the church tax from the income tax liability of each spouse is calculated. Interdenominational marriages, a corresponding to the einkommensteuerlichen splitting half Division of marital income is made for the calculation of the respective church. This means that spouses, of which only one belongs to a tax-gathering Church, the church tax is tied only to income taxable Church spouse. Children, students or the unemployed who have no taxable income, are obliged not to evacuate the church tax. The rules for determining the church tax are not uniform for the entire Federal territory. The rate varies between 8% and 9%.
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