Smart Calculation
Second AEB white paper in the series on the subject of freight management Stuttgart, May 16, 2012 as companies using intelligent software improve your freight cost management can and what is the selection of solutions to ensure that explains a new white paper of the Stuttgart-based software specialist AEB. This is both the shipping operations as well as strategic supply chain management. The offers and conditions of transport service providers are something like the supply-chain manager mobile tariffs: the different calculation models of the carrier with their different cost factors and types of service provide a virtually impenetrable confusing. The lack of transparency and comparability of offers makes the calculation of freight costs time-consuming and error-prone. Employees in the operational dispatch handling work usually under time pressure and also for new tenders you want quickly an overview about the Status Quo. Therefore here large optimization potential is.
Really efficient the confusing can be only Shine by using special solutions for the operational management of the cargo. They manage the different offers, tariffs and shipping arrangements of the service provider and allow the calculation of freight costs for various areas of application, from the quick calculation for sales inquiries up to the invoicing of shipment costs to the customer. But what functionalities should cover appropriate solutions to easily manage of complex offers? And what is to pay attention when selecting software? Basis for a successful transport and freight management is the management of offers, so the arrangements agreed between shippers and transport service providers about the level of freight rates. Freight and transport management software is designed to depict these often complex arrangements. The approaches for the quotation collection and maintenance can vary from solution to solution. Minimum software requirement is that is freight agreements from various formats, for example Excel spreadsheets, which can offers apply or ideally – the quotes be read in automatically. Versatile calculation of freight costs to the main fields of application of the calculation of freight costs include: freight cost calculation in advance for the selection of the carrier the freight cost calculation for specific shipping operations freight cost calculation for the further calculation, for example, to customers the freight cost calculation for inbound transports the choice of the correct freight and transport management software is not easy. Criteria in selecting the right software are important, explains AEBs whitepaper smart calculation of freight costs in the confusing”that on freight free of charge download available.
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