Rio De Janeiro

The queen started to pitar and, although not to exist cure registers, the noblemen of the cuts of other countries had imitated the habit and to the few all the population already used the tobacco. The tobacco that was consumed for the cut was different of the used one for the sailors and soldiers, in rope, smoked or chewed. The queen used one another reduced a dust to pitar, known as rap. This type of product needed leves of better quality and passed for a process manufacter to be considered a luxury article. 2.

The Initial Culture the search for the plant made to foment the demand of the European population and despertou the interest of the traders of the colonies that had started to look the product. Approximately in 1580, as Heifer (2001) the first farmings had still started to be formed in Cuba, the just-established colony of Virginia and the Caribbean. The exactness of the beginning of the plantations in Brazil well is not known by or cited historians, however, the first register of the culture of the leaf is from century XVII. Although not to posarmos to inform with accurate appropriation, for the lack of registers, is presumed that the Eva started to be cultivated since the arrival of the Portuguese, who changed the tobacco with the indians. The techniques for the culture had been being improved in agreement ground and climate. The region of the Bahian Recncavo added excellent conditions for culture of the tobacco: temperature between 17 and 27, arenaceous or argillaceous humidity, ground.

Beyond the Bahia, the farmings if had spread for Pernambuco, Rio De Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Maranho. 3. The Production of A priori Fumo, the process of plantation harvest and production of the tobacco consisted of vary stages and could be considered an artistic and artisan work, in view of, the wealth of steps that had beginning in the preparation of the ground – the cattle was left in an area for fertilization – and the perforation of the hollows.

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