Description of a mathematics lesson. Lesson given to a group of 9 year. Subject: Radicals – nth roots. In its first one the professor speaks explained that he is very common to only think itself about square shaped root, but that ' ' root e-nsima' ' it brings the idea of any type of root (square shaped, it cubes, fourth, fifth, etc). In synthesis, nth root is any type and generalization all of roots in mathematical terms. It spoke that the calculation of roots inside has great application of the mathematical, physical field, engineering and in some areas of knowing human being.

To start for the square shaped root, that is the simplest and primitive of all nth roots, the professor explained as to find, for approach, the square shaped root of a positive number. Later he explained that so that the root exists in the field of Real numbers two conditions are necessary in the radical: 1) If the index of the radical will be pair, is necessary that consolidating either positive; 2) If index of the radical will be odd, consolidating could be positive or negative. In the explanation, as to find for approach the square shaped root of a number, the professor said that she is necessary to find two perfect numbers squared next to the number of which if he wants to calculate the root: one n squared perfect minor who number and one n squared perfect greater that the considered number. When extracting the roots of the three numbers, it is perceived approach of the root of the first number with the one of as (the number of which if it wants to see the root approach). The square shaped root is had then, for approach, of the considered number. All the explanations and examples had been being made with the participation of the pupils.

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