The treatment is available only from physicians who work with the LipoSonix system. The suitability of the patients for LipoSonix treatment is to determine in the context of a conversation with the attending physician. The LipoSonix technology was developed nine years of research and testing, and has a well defined security profile both during and after treatment. Clinical studies show that unwanted adipose tissue with the LipoSonix treatment without harming the surrounding tissue is removed. About Medicis Technologies Corporation, the Medicis Technologies Corporation (MTC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation (NYSE: MRX). MTC employs approximately 55 scientists, engineers and clinical professionals in Bothell, Washington, a town near Seattle in the USBundesstaat of Washington. MTC is responsible for the development and production of LipoSonix technology. The personnel of the company has together over more than 200 years of experience in the development of therapeutic and diagnostic ultrasound devices, as well as incoming scientific knowledge for tissue interact to achieve consistent, measurable and repeatable results.
Important safety information discomfort, pain, feeling cold, tingling, tingling sensation or a feeling of warmth can be felt during the treatment. After the treatment, it can cause a temporary redness, bruising, discomfort and swelling. The treatment with the LipoSonix system is not suitable for everyone. It is intended not for the treatment of obesity or of regions with low fat in the abdominal area. The LipoSonix treatment may not people perform, which suffer from bleeding disorders or taking blood-thinning or anti-clotting medication, have been operated in the region to be treated, have cancer, or wear an electric implant (E.g. a pacemaker). If one of these conditions is true, the doctor is to inform. The LipoSonix treatment must be moved during pregnancy or potential pregnancy. The suitability for the treatment must be determined by your doctor.
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