That is, Stroganoff outfitted Yermak in Chusovoi to march to Siberia. Peasants were forcibly resettled from their homes for the construction of factories, their hands were the hardest work. The peasants were involved in work on the salt mines, to accompany the caravans of salt as the so-called boatmen. Typically, the money to peasants in return for cash counted obligations to the landlord, and are issued only to eat. One type of oppression of the serfs were fined.
Fines were levied for all sorts of misdeeds and even then, that the peasant girl who was 20 years old, never married. In Karagan, for example, was a special count's convict hut, where imprisoned and beaten for farmers without birochnuyu fishing, gathering mushrooms and berries. Money from the peasants beat in different ways. The very luxurious life of the feudal require a lot of money to travel abroad for weddings and other whims. Only one wedding Stroganova Natalia spent 240 thousand rubles. It's unbearable plight of the peasants – overwork, malnutrition, fines and harassment caused discontent among the peasants and the inevitable excitement.
In August 1776 and December 1796 respectively Zyukaya peasants, Kizvy and Christmas made a major rebellion as a sign of resistance to the feudal lords who decide to resettle peasants violent but in distant plants and crafts. These uprisings were brutally suppressed by the Bashkir horse sent from Perm and Kazan. Similar unrest took place in Karagan. The second emotion was in 1770 – 1771's, when the peasants of the village refused to perform duties Karaga Ocherskom on plant and salt mines.
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