In the allocation of donations and the definition of order transitions is that the odd couple (or half of the table) Represents a full table. For example, if you want to install four and a half tables set five tables, if necessary, install seven and a half Noah tables – eight tables, etc. reconciliation of results doubles Mitchell all pairs of North-South play the same hand, and the same applies to the pairs of East and West. In this connection, each pair has the ability to compare their results with other pairs (of course, with a similar seating arrangement). One can argue that there are two separate competitions: one for pairs of North-South, the other – for a couple of East-West. In each group, determined One pair of winners, who should receive equivalent awards.
calculation of results in match points counting results for match points is the most equitable and therefore most often used in duplicate bridge. In this system, all scored by pairs of North-South cooperation in the delivery, are recorded for comparison in a vertical column of the table. For example, if the game is played on seven tables and will be received seven of the results table with the high result receives six points Match as he won over all other tables, table runner, gets five points as he defeated the remaining five tables, etc. Similarly, recorded and compared the results of pairs of East and West. Each delivery is evaluated separately, and then calculated the total number of Match points awarded to each pair. Match the number of points on each deposit is number of couples who lost in the draw date. Consequently, the total number of Match points represents the total number of couples who lost all surrender.
Couple with largest number of Match Points in each group is the winner in this group. Entry points to the easiest, provided each purse transition score card, which stays with the bag throughout the game. In this card are entered all results of the drawing of the bag. Transition scorecard develops in such a way that was not visible to its front side, and embedded in one of the pockets of each handbag. After completing the drawing of the bag at each table a player deploys North transitional scorecard on the row corresponding to the number of his pair, and writes an account (plus or minus), after which again puts the card in the pocket of a handbag.
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