Differentiated Marketing Strategies
Micro-geographical data as a grid for segment-specific actions allow geographic market information system to analyze information about customers, products and markets in its spatial relation. For example, can matching own customer data with geographical information the current customer profile further complement. Source: Macy’s Inc.. Using a customer structure analysis based on the addresses stored in the customers database answers to questions can be searched with micro-geographical support among other things such as: in which areas of the nationwide or regional market was the potential over-/ below average exhausted? which micro-geographic variable combinations characterize the existing customers? where is still free potential for acquiring new customers available? on the basis of which variable combinations can different customer groups be differ? How big is the cross-selling potential within the customer base? Complementary versions can be found in connection with concepts for an intellectual capital report Becker, Jorg: marketing controlling and intellectual ISBN 978-3-8370-7132-0. For example, thematic maps can be used for the visualization of data that represent special characteristics or data values and make recognizable trends in an intuitive way. With the shading of the cards with different colors, line types and symbols the concerned data values can be processed more interpretable (for example, for the presentation of the income and age structure in zip code areas). In addition to purely spatial characteristics, E.g. purchasing power level road section, also scoring can be included in the micro-geographic systems models with features such as personal data, housing situation, budgetary data and purchasing power as a micro-geographical data from different sources and levels of aggregation.
In connection with concepts for a balance of knowledge, complementary designs with Becker find Jorg,: intellectual capital report with customer barometer ISBN 9783837051773. segmentation regularly undergo as a loop: with Means of segmentation methods the main criteria and strengths of individual business areas can be worked out. Analog can be developed different sales strategies, i.e.: for each segment specific standard strategies can be backed, according to which different sales activities are developed. In connection direct planning specifications you can use such structured segments derive gain hints for differentiated marketing strategies.The segments shown within a portfolio are divisions own opportunities and risks and individually to identify on the basis of their profits, their Cash Flow or its potential. On the horizontal axis of the portfolio, for example, the relative competitive position of the segment can be specified, i.e. the position relative to the competition. On the vertical axis of the portfolio, you could specify the market attractiveness of the segment. Special segmentation potential is to deal more with the realities of the markets rather than exclusively from your own provider world to act out. The segmentation must run in a loop to iterate regularly. In connection with concepts for a balance of knowledge, complementary designs with Becker find Jorg,: intellectual capital report with customer barometer ISBN 9783837051773. Jorg Becker
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