The use of the natural attributes of one determined area I appeal to generate it tourist is known fact. Although the tourism has its positive impacts, under the social and economic aspects, the intensive exploration of these coastal landscapes finishes for degrading them, a time that had to the particularitities of the coast, in its geoambientais aspects, exists a significant vulnerability to the degradation, to the consuming, staining and destroying the proper object of the tourism. Such fact occurs when the tourist activity is carried through without an exhausting planning that has led in account there present natural dynamics. On decurrent the ambient and social impacts of the tourist expansion and intense occupation of the Andalusian coastal zone, which if is similar to our reality, in it affirms Martinez to them (1994: 133): (…) There creciente presin coastal human being on el, related con there ‘ ‘ trend woollen centrifugal machine poblacin espaola’ ‘ that ha determined, aunque in the ground for workmanship del tourism, there transformacin, in muy well tiempo, of los uses agotamiento tradicionales y el of muchos of los resources. Of ah that el coastal, that ha been y you are siempre un espacio fragile, escaso, y auction rare, if haya seen restricted maximum amenazado y al, acumulndose wools afecciones on los hdricos resources, el paisaje and los singular values. Here the author points in them that the trend of population growth and the incessant search for lands in the coast have caused brusque transformations in the use ways and occupation of the Andalusian coast..
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