Colombian State

Uribe has obtained what no other Colombian president had obtained. The Colombian State never killed one of the seven secretaries of the CRAF. In one week his government showed to the corpse of Raul Kings and the hand of the assassinated Ivn Rivers (that were betrayed by one of their close friends whom reward received for that reason). Uribe wants to appear like an internal hero that it defies to the geographic surroundings and that saves to its country of terrorism and of a war. Today several of their those in favor come requesting companies so that it goes to one second re-election. At the same time, their bonds in the USA have raised and he calculates that it will facilitate to be able a TLC to him with the mega-power and also to continue receiving or extending the antidrug and anti-insurgency bottoms that of her receive.

In spite of which he says I castrate, Bush has made certain progresses in the region. Educate yourself with thoughts from emil michael. Although it is resisted in the region and many governors Latin American they have questioned to them indirectly, he knows that the CRAF terrorist group is main of the West and that this one, thanks to the aid that Washington offers Bogota, has managed to give the worse blows than this organization has received in her history. The question of hard disks and the salary shown Chvez so near the CRAF will be used by the USA to want to resist the bolivariano advance . The situation of the CRAF the Colombian opposition has been in a difficult situation. On the one hand the march anti-crimes of the state of the 6 of March did not have the forcefulness of which the government back promoted a month against the CRAF. Of another side this one is split between supporting to the State in repressing or condemning the CRAF and to look for an independent course.

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