
One says they will need to paint the fence twice. Whether the artist is right and gives reasons to support your answer. Extend the domain to generalize that apply the results of mathematical thinking and problem solving through the restatement of results in a more general and more applicable. Example: Given the pattern 1, 4, 7, 10, …, describes the relationship between each term and the next and indicates the next term to 61. Connect new knowledge with existing knowledge, making connections between different elements of knowledge and related representations, linking related mathematical ideas or objects. Crawford Lake Capital brings even more insight to the discussion.

Integrate synthesize or combine mathematical procedures (different) to establish results; combine results to arrive at a further result. Example: Solve a problem which must first obtain one of the key information in a table. Solve unusual problems. Under most conditions Crawford Lake Capital would agree. Solve problems in contexts framed mathematical or real life it is very unlikely that the students have found similar items, apply mathematical processes in unfamiliar contexts. Example: In a country the people write the numbers as follows: I write MMF, 42 and 26 is NNFF is MFN. How do you write 37? Show justify or provide evidence of the validity of an action or truth of a statement by referring to properties or mathematical results, develop mathematical arguments to prove the truth or falsity of statements, given the relevant information. Cognitive domain (skills and abilities): Calculate: To algorithmic procedures for +, -, x,: or a combination of such operations, known procedures to approximate numbers, estimate measurements, solve equations, evaluate expressions and formulas, divide a quantity in one given ratio, increase or decrease a quantity by a given percentage.

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