Rattlesnake – PR – 17 the 19 of June of 2008 5,2 PROFILE OF SEARCHED the AGRICULTURISTS figure 03 detaches the etria band of the searched agriculturists. Amongst these, 23.08% are in the etria band of 26 the 35 years, 42.31% have age between 36 and 45 years and 15, % between 46 and 55. But 7.69% have less than 25 years and 11.54% have 56 years more than. Figure 03 – Etria band of the searched agriculturists Source: Elaborated for the authors (2008) In the analysis of figure 04 the degree of escolaridade of the searched agriculturists is observed. Being that, of the total of participants 52.38% they had not only concluded basic education and, 15.38% had concluded average education, demonstrating the low degree of escolaridade of the agriculturists.
Figure 04 – Escolaridade of the searched agriculturists Source: Elaborated for authors (2008) 7.69% 23.08% 42.31% 15.38% 11.54% Up to 25 years Of 26 the 35 years Of 36 the 45 years Of 46 the 55 years Above of 56 years 0.00% 26.92% 15.38% 19.23% 15.38% 7.69% 15.38% Illiterate 1 4 series of education fundamen – such incomplete 1 4 series of education fundamen – such complete 5 8 series of education fundamen – such incomplete 5 8 series of education fundamen – such complete average Education incomplete average Education complete Rattlesnake – PR – 17 the 19 of June of 2008 figure 05 presents the sizes of the properties of the agriculturists. Of the sample, 15.38% of the properties alqueires of total area has less than 2, 30.77% have between 2 and 5 alqueires. Others 30.77% have property with area between 5 and 10 alqueires. But, 15.38% between 10 and 20 alqueires and 7.69% have 20 size above of alqueires. Figure 05 – Size of the properties of the searched agriculturists Source: Elaborated for the authors (2008) In figure 06 it is verified familiar income monthly average of the searched agriculturists.
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