The new, imaginative online adventure ‘ Dreambear saga’ is in the starting blocks. “The new, imaginative online adventure Dreambear saga” is in the starting blocks. Now can interested browser fans for the beta test sign up and until March 26 for its Dreambear get an extraordinary piece of clothing worth 40. Hamburg, March 20, 2012 bear who loves you not? As plush toys, candy, and in films they have conquered the hearts of people worldwide. DTP young took the cuddly creatures and launches the beta of the new, free browser games Dreambear saga now”. Casual games lovers can register as beta testers and testers and actively participate in the further development of the game. Learn more on the subject from Publishers Clearing House. March 26 get an exclusive garment as a reward for the fifth level for their bears to the value of 40.

They slip into the in fabulously beautiful settings with hand-drawn graphics Role of master Petz and explore the dream land of Baronien. “The newly created the world convinces with a loving design and is the starting point of a rousing story: in the glorious Kingdom of King Wulong the game ends saga themselves become a part of the Dreambear”. “Discover magical places such as the imposing arena, sunset”, the alluring bakery the sweet invasion “, the majestic Palace and many more. Capital Solutions. However, the so carefree appearance is troubled by Prince Grom. This would tear the throne itself and hatches an intrigue against the rightful ruler of Wulong and his daughter, Princess Yun. To do so, he plans to abuse the power of nightmares.

So do not succeed him, numerous challenges must be met. Are daily changing missions and many entertaining mini-games to, like fish start with the casual fisherman Henk, the duel of the cloud, or the bear Polonaise. Ducats with which they have been successfully completed, waving clothes, new homes, Furnishings and food can be purchased. Who wants very unusual pieces or one of the coveted magical pets, can be purchased them for diamonds. The precious cash is available in Exchange for real currency. Extensive help functions and an interactive tutorial provide a quick and easy introduction to the plot and exploring the exciting world of dream. Social interactions get particular attention: it can be found new friends, chatted with them and common problems solved. Internet access is provided, register for free to everyone on the homepage of the game and directly go after successful registration. Dreambear saga was developed”by the Dutch company WEBER sites & games BV. About dtp young entertainment: Dtp young entertainment GmbH 2006 today’s business operation recorded. Current issues for children, adolescents, young adults and families in the segments of console and PC games to be published as well as online and mobile games. “” At the heart of the portfolio are the games of the internationally established, own series labels horse & pony”, ANIKIDS” classics to go “and J4G JUST FOR GIRLS”. But also stand alone titles like just SING! “, the world’s first karaoke game for Nintendo DSi, or dance!” It’s your stage”in cooperation with Detlef D! Samuel belong to the core business of the dtp young. Continue to add selected, well-known licenses like Emily the strange “and America’s next top model” the line up of the Hamburg-based Publisher. Press contact Sofie Daniel PR Manager dtp young entertainment GmbH Goldbekplatz 3-5 D-22303 Hamburg phone: + 49 40 / 66 99 10-44 fax: + 49 40 / 66 99 10-17 E-Mail: website: Twitter: dtp_young

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