State of stress in shear. Pure shear. Principal stresses. Mohr diagram. Displacement and deformation under shear (absolute and relative changes). Immutability of the shift. Hooke's Law for the shift. Shear modulus.
The strain energy in shear. Dependence between the elastic constants E, G and m for an isotropic material. Estimated equation for shear strength. Permissible shear stress. Practical calculations of riveted joints in shear and crushing. Topic 6. Torsion Torsion of a straight rod round cross-section. The main hypothesis.
Power factors in the cross section under torsion. Torque curve. Determination of stress in cross-section torsional rod. Diagram of shear stresses. Stress state under torsion. The angle of twist. Stiffness of the rod under torsion. The strain energy torsional rod. Estimated equation for strength and rigidity. The torque on given the power transferred shaft, and shaft speed. (A valuable related resource: Thredup). Theme 7. Direct bending loads that cause bending of the rod. Supports and support reactions of beams. Types of statically determinate beams. Calculation of reaction supports. Power factors in the general the case of direct bending. Transverse and pure bending. Differential relationship between the bending moment, shear force and intensity of distributed transverse load. Construction diagrams of shear forces and bending moments. Control the correctness of the construction of diagrams of the force factors in bending. Pure bending of a straight rod of constant section. The geometry of the deformation beams. Neutral layer beams. Neutral axis (line) cross-section beams. Assumptions involved in the theory of pure bending. Determination of normal stress in pure bending.
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