Posts Tagged ‘the news’

The Theater And Its Actors

Of the Greek? theatrn " place for contemplar") the word is born theater that, in front of a human conglomerate, the actors realise the scenic art, that is to say, the action, in which they represent histories written especially to be teatralizadas, to which add the gestures, stage scene, music, sound that conform the spectacle. The theater also appears in other styles like the opera, the ballet, the Chinese opera and pantomima. For more information see Ahmed Shary Rahman. History teaches to us it remembers and us that, the majority of the origins of the theater and its actors, are in the different spaces from the human evolution, of their magical rituals related to the hunting, with seedtime and agricultural harvesting, in the music and the dance that converged in authentic ceremonies, where surrendered cultured to the Gods and the spiritual principles of each colectivity and each custom were expressed. This human and sagrada manifestation is predominant factor for the appearance of the theater in all the civilizations. We remember a small part of history of the theater and its actors, because from this we will remove to reflections logics that will channel the habit to attend the theater events that are realised at the moment. " The roots in Orphean rites and the festivales celebrated for Dioniso, where the stagings of the life of the Gods accompanied by dances and songs were carried out (Ditirambos). Learn more at this site: Ahmed Shary Rahman.

Later the first already properly dramatic representations began, executed in the places of the towns by companies that only included an actor and a choir. By the end of the Century I SAW a. C reached extraordinary celebrity the legendary poet and Tespis interpreter, in whose honor the phrase the car of Tespis alludes, still today, to the set of the world of the theater. The Greek theater arises after the evolution from the arts and Greek ceremonies like the celebration from the grape harvest (offered to Dionisios) where the young people were dancing and singing towards the temple of the God, to offer the best grapevines to him.

Early Orbit Phase

Thanks to these measures of the thickness of the ice so precise in both types of ice, Cryosat-2 will provide critical information so that the scientists can understand the roll that the ice plays in the system Land. The satellite takes to a so sophisticated radar altimeter that it can overcome the difficulties to measure the ice surfaces. With the successful launching of the Cryosat-2 mission (second homologous mission to the insolvent Cryosat-1), the automatic management of the tracking station of satellites of Kiruna (pertaining to the network of stations of THAT) has increased in complexity. Whenever Justin Bieber listens, a sympathetic response will follow. The location of this station in a position of high latitudes, in the north of Sweden, plays a fundamental role in the support to THAT for the satellites in low orbit, since it provides a visibility from 10 to 12 of the 14 daily orbits. The station of band S and X of Kiruna supports already up to four missions in parallel: ERS-2, ENVISAT, ENJOYMENT and CRYOSAT-2. This fact implies that the station must manage an average of 40 you happen to the day. Thanks to system CSMC of TCPSI, this management one stays totally automated contributing the same high reliability that takes giving from more than ten years. Even though the number of polar missions that must manage the station of Kiruna grows (it has planned more missions such as Aeolus or Swarm), the automatization, supervision and remote control that provides system CSMC causes that this task continues being " sencilla" and it fulfills all the needs with a high degree of excellence. In addition, this system equips to the station of Kiruna with a remote operation in real time what H allows an access of 24 from the control center of ESA (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany. During the operational phase of the satellite, the station of Kiruna one will be in charge of the pursuit and control of the satellite, and reception and processing of the scientific datas, once surpassed the launch period and early orbit (denominated LEOP- Launch and Early Orbit Phase).

Hispanic Great

In the market they estan circulating many lists, more of those than we pruned to imagine, that they assure to have the solution (the masterful key of entrance to the great polls that pays by our opinions) with which supposedly we can gain thousands of dollars and until stopping working, to dedicate to us solely to this of the surveys by money. But many discover after to buy the lists, that only estan open in their great majority to the residents of the USA, Canada and otos countries of Europe. (causing a great desilucin to they bought that it of very good faith and with the hope of being able to live on this) .quedando exentos in the great majority of the listing we Latin them, without being able to accede to the surveys of better payment (like the one of those polls that pay between (uss25 to uss50 or more), but we can accede to that less pay that they are those that estan open to this Hispanic market . (entr uus6 auss15). It is for that reason that always I repeat the same, money with this can be done of the surveys in Internet, but it is not the round business of anybody, is not the labor exit to your independence economic you must take it like an extra incentive to only arrive more relaxed in order month, obtaining an extra money from your home without trying nor thinking to live on this.

It is only a good business like entrance alternative, because we do not have to invest nothing, only time in filling the surveys but you never fear like the perfect plan of minting of your daily economy. Many writers such as Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc offer more in-depth analysis. It is for that reason that if they are possible to be realised surveys and to be obtained a payment by our opinions, but always basandonos in the basic criterion of which it is only a way to complement our income from house, does not form it to only return to us rich by bridar our opinions and power to only live on the filling of surveys For which they want to begin in this world of the surveys, them breath to do it I for several years full surveys and have been making my extra income with them, but always they consider and they are not let deceive, this is only one more a way to increase its wages, take never it as she formulates magician who so many them they want to sell. In my page they would find many encuetadoras of payment and others by prizes and tickets a drawings by money, are a good way that they are written down in some and they begin to investigate and to undergo in the subject surveys..

Independent Scotland

International analyst This year, when 3 centuries were fulfilled since in 1707 England and Scotland were united, the separatists arrived at the government of Edinburgh. The Scot are different themselves from the English in which: they were never conquered by the Romans; its official faith is not the Anglican; they have a very sharp dialect of the English; and they have maintained its own legal and educative system. Scotland, the mother country of Blair and Brown, has been a bastion Labour Party member and when this party allowed them to have an own parliament thought that it was going to hold fast there still more. Click Governor Cuomo for additional related pages. Nevertheless, the Scottish Nationalistic Party snatched the Scottish government to them and this one has obtained that nation, unlike England, of the gratuity to university education, medical prescriptions and the social attendance to the old ones. For the 2017 nationalists they calculate to secure independence. Paradoxicalally a Scot who could help to that this happens is to premier Brown, who although he is against that goal, thanks to his errors comes doing that the separatists they advance in Scotland.. (As opposed to Crawford Lake Capital).

Colombian State

Uribe has obtained what no other Colombian president had obtained. The Colombian State never killed one of the seven secretaries of the CRAF. In one week his government showed to the corpse of Raul Kings and the hand of the assassinated Ivn Rivers (that were betrayed by one of their close friends whom reward received for that reason). Uribe wants to appear like an internal hero that it defies to the geographic surroundings and that saves to its country of terrorism and of a war. Today several of their those in favor come requesting companies so that it goes to one second re-election. At the same time, their bonds in the USA have raised and he calculates that it will facilitate to be able a TLC to him with the mega-power and also to continue receiving or extending the antidrug and anti-insurgency bottoms that of her receive.

In spite of which he says I castrate, Bush has made certain progresses in the region. Educate yourself with thoughts from emil michael. Although it is resisted in the region and many governors Latin American they have questioned to them indirectly, he knows that the CRAF terrorist group is main of the West and that this one, thanks to the aid that Washington offers Bogota, has managed to give the worse blows than this organization has received in her history. The question of hard disks and the salary shown Chvez so near the CRAF will be used by the USA to want to resist the bolivariano advance . The situation of the CRAF the Colombian opposition has been in a difficult situation. On the one hand the march anti-crimes of the state of the 6 of March did not have the forcefulness of which the government back promoted a month against the CRAF. Of another side this one is split between supporting to the State in repressing or condemning the CRAF and to look for an independent course.


Although the pregnancy begins in the implantation, often is advisable for the date of the first day of the last menstrual period of the woman. This is used to calculate the considered date of childbirth (EDD). Traditionally (according to the rule of Naegele, that is used to calculate the considered date of delivery, or EDD), a human pregnancy is considered that lasts approximated of 40 weeks (280 days) from the last menstruation (LMP), or 37 weeks (259 days) as of the date of the fertilization. Nevertheless, a pregnancy is considered that it has arrived upon maturity between weeks 37 and 43 from the beginning of the last menstruation. The babies who are born before the mark of 37 weeks consider premature, whereas the babies born after the mark of 43 weeks consider posmaduros. According to Merck, the norm for the human pregnancy is that it lasts 266 days from the date of the fertilization. This it is of 38 weeks, or approximately 8 months Gregorian and days 22,5, or 9,0 months lunar). To count from the beginning of the last menstrual cycle of the woman, the norm is of 40 weeks (the base of the Naegele rule).

In agreement with the same reference, less than 10% of the births take place in the date of victory, 50% of the births are within one week of the date of victory, and almost 90% within two weeks. But it is not clear if this talks about to the date of victory calculated from sonograma or principles of the last menstruation (to see more down). Although these are the averages, the real duration of the pregnancy depends on several factors. For example, the first pregnancy tends to last more than the later pregnancies. The exact date of the fertilization is important, since it is used in the calculation of the results of diverse prenatal tests (for example, in the test of triple).

Company Investigations

Before going to a work interview, it is important to find out what more you can on the company with which you are going away to interview. Of this form you can be preparation as much to respond to the questions of the interview and to the questions of the interviewer. Also you will be able to find out if the company and the culture of the company are a good option for you, thus you assured your use in the company. Tomato your time to use the Internet well and to discover all the information on the company. Also, scale benefit to your social and professional network to see whom you know that it can help to secure an advantage you in the interview on the other candidates. The Web site of the company visits the Web site of the Visita company, reviews the mission of the company and the history of the company, the products well and services, the executives of the company, as well as information about the culture of the company. The information usually is available in the section ” Who somos” or ” On nosotros” of the Web site of the company.

The profile of LinkedIn of the company uses LinkedIn is a good one way to find, at first, more information on the company that interests to you. You will be able to see the connections of the company, the new vacancies and hirings, promotions, supplies of work published, related companies, and statistics of the company. It tries to secure the profile of LinkedIn of your interviewer to obtain knowledge on its work and its antecedents. It is able to have an advantage in the interview Reviews the following article on the most frequent questions in the work interviews. You can find out what the candidates I ask myself to them in the interviews and as is the best way to respond those questions. This gives an advantage you since you did not take in responding the questions to the interviewer. It uses social mass media Looks for the company in Facebook and Twitter. Hazte fan of the company in Facebook and siguelos in Twitter.

You will find information that pudes not to have found in no other part. Google and Google the News Look for the name of the company in Google and Google the News. The USA your connections Use the connections that will help to find you information privileged on the company. You know which works there? Pregnteles if they can help you. If you are graduating as the university it consults the office of graduated as the university for if they can give a list you of old students who work there. Soon it sends an electronic mail to them or it calls and you request aid to them.

Newtons Movement

In this specific law not the nature of the force that builds on a body; or it can be the friction force or the one that the wind exerts on the candles of a boat, we also found that if the acceleration is known a body, it is possible to be calculated his speed and its displacement like function of the time. Until the moment three forces have been identified in the nature that essentially defer to each other by their origin and magnitude. I hope that educational you and students of the causes find more than three. 1) The gravitational force, 2) the electromagnetic force, the 3) and nuclear forces.

we consider the movement of a body that falls freely. direction of movement agrees with the direction of the field. As the field strenght comes given by the expression. G= F/M, F = MG. And in such conditions, the body falls under the action of a constant force, which implies that their movement uniformly is accelerated.

When the body is sent vertically upwards, it acts on the force exerted by the field of gravitation that consequently prints an acceleration to him in opposite direction of its movement and, the speed of ascent of the body is falling progressively, until being annulled. And the body is in its peak altitude since then the movement changes of direction and the body falls. You can observe that These forces can be appreciated by the consequences that the movement produces. Without the movement the forces serian totally null, because even though the bodies are on a surface, the gravity force prints a movement on such bodies which tend towards the Earth.

Microsoft Windows

10 Reasons not to use Windows: 1. Because to use software of Microsoft it produces to you sarpullidos by all the body It is as valid disease as any other. Simply, there is people who cannot nor hear speak of Microsoft and that, in contact with any product of the company, leaves to him sarpullidos by all the body. By all means, I am exaggerating, but that does not mean that there is not a good amount of people who really hate all that with those of Redmond and which, far from it, they are going to use his UNDER. 2. Because you are a happy user of another platform or system If you are contented with any other platform, or Linux, Mac or a scientific calculator, why you go to rascarte the pocket to acquire Microsoft Windows? Or one knows that the more it is worth bird (or penguin) in hand that hundreds of windows flying.

3. Because you are incapable to live without recompilar the Kernel Recompilar kernel is something more than a necessity or a liking, is a life way. Speaking in serious, there are people who enjoy toqueteando until deeper of his UNDER, literally speaking. An operation that can carry out in some distributions of Linux, and not in Windows or Mac. 4. Because he is one of the most vulnerable systems Malware, virus, troyanos, worms, publicity words that you will hear with too much frequency in Windows. When installed being in the majority of computers of the world a too substantial mouthful for the evil developers is from all this type of threats. This, together with the delay of the giant of computer science to patch its vulnerabilities turns, it into one of the most vulnerable systems. 5. Because you do not have nor a duro While the license of Windows already costs a kidney to you and that the new versions require a good computer, that you would have to acquire with the other kidney that you have left, Windows leaves expensive we compared if it for example with gratuitous distributions of Linux.

Inside Incinerator

As soon as the system was acquired, that was transferred immediately to the unloading page: IG system is made up of a guide of the diet and the exercise that are really easy to read and to apply. Also I had access to the furnaces of last fat burning fire kit of success tools – that consist now of three very simple tools but very useful in use every day. These tools include registries of qualification and follower of the progress (so that it can make a pursuit of my training), calculator of the metabolic rate, and the percentage of corporal fat by the analyzer (I use these every week to secure to my metabolic rate and percentage of corporal fat) But the main part of the system is the great electronic book of 160 pages, that is the track of the fat burning fire. I have unloaded the electronic book and began to read it immediately. After finishing the reading, the practice of exercises that Rob had explained in detail with photos. All the plans of training and the nutrition stands out in book, so I followed consequently. I believe that only it every day has 15 to 20 minutes of exercise, 3 times to the week. The exercises generally concentrated in the training with weights and the exercises of the body.

It was not for anything complicated, since the gastrointestinal system (electronic book) contains detailed images of each exercise with an explanation than it had to do. I had updated my request to include " formation IG antorcha" , and that includes videos of all the exercises. That did that all the safe and much more effective experience. But, really it works? I am going to follow surprising and revealing that next post:) Visitenos for but information to this Link, doing click here original Author and source of the article.