Archive for October, 2016

The Calibration

Theory and practice of the rolling process have developed certain rules of placing the gauge in the rolls, to ensure optimal operating conditions of rolls and maximum performance rolling mill. These rules and the choice of the calibration circuits are the subject of sizing rolls. Thus, when calculating the calibration rolls value drawing the aisles must be taken together with the definition of successive shapes and sizes caliber, providing the reception quality of steel and the exact dimensions of the profile. It should also consider the possibility of creating an environment that would ensure maximum performance of the camp, the minimum energy expenditure and consumption of rolling tool. A very important element calibration rolls is a rational distribution of gauge on rollers, allows you to roll assortment of camp with minimal time for handling rolls and change calibers, the use of gauges and preparatory drafts stands no one profile for a group rolled products. The most optimal solution of all issues in obtaining this type of rolled (the required size profile, mechanical properties, surface condition, etc.) can be carried out only in full consideration of the features of the rolling mill.

However, many factors that should be taken into account when sizing rolls, and no established exact relationships allow to solve this engineering problem only by repeated approximations. Gauges used in rolling is subdivided into the following groups according to their purpose: – crimping, or exhaust, gauges used to reduce cross-sectional area of the ingot or billet. Exhaust gauges are the drawer, the square with a diagonal, rhombic, oval. Some combination of these calibers forms a system of calibers, such as a diamond – a diamond, the diamond – square, square – oval, etc. – drafts, or preparations, gauges, which along with a further decrease in cross-section profile of the strip is processed with a gradual approximation of its size and shape to the final section – predotdelochnye or predchistovye gauges prior to finishing – finishing, or Chistov, gauges, giving final shape to the profile section. The sizes of these calibers almost coincide with the transverse dimensions of the finished profile, the difference in 1,2-1,5% of the big party given for shrinkage during cooling. By way of crashing into the roller gauges are divided into the open when the line connector roll falls within the caliber, and closed, at which the line connector is located outside the fire.


The main objective of pr is to find a criterion that expresses the importance of the page. In the case of PageRank as such a criterion was chosen as the theoretical attendance page. To this end, consider the transition user on the links. Most often it begins to view sites with a randomly selected pages. Then on the download link it “clicks” to other resources. Moreover, there is a strong likelihood that the visitor will come out of the site and will resume the search from a random page (PageRank probability of 0.15 adopted at each stage).

Hence, with probability 0.85 he will continue the chosen path, “clicking” on one of them available on the open page of links (all Links for this have equal rights). So, traveling endlessly, he can go to popular pages many times, but on lesser-known – less. Accordingly, pr pages is calculated as the probability of finding a user on this page. The sum of the probabilities of all the pages in the network is equal to unity, since the user should be on any page. Due to the fact that use is probably not very comfortable.


And then shabby men liquid humps Venerku dragged naked on the roof of a stone hut. This was a zelo comely and round, quite simple and naked, yes, we see patients with severe! And the horse thought: 'narodec weak! Although there is not life, and grace – this is not a woman with a stone, And with a simple can not cope! Help them, whether that, in this really? ' And, rolling up his sleeves and went to the workers that galdeli and hail were thrown in the word. He shouted to them: 'Guys! Hush! " Venerku forcibly dragged, one dragged her onto the roof and there he built into a corner. Horse left in the collective farm: What are two such hands! and rolled, flew its overseas Days! One day a rumor was that the current building will survey itself Innocent Barbarina, Pisa old engineer. And so, gray and , old man piercing stares, throws a quick question and really seems angry. He leafed through his notebook – Calculation of yellow leaves: Its construction was not enough flight in the sky. Height! Beard, a narrow, like radish, thin fingers Sutch, he did not see that behind Fyodor He looked in his notebook over his shoulder. To clearer impact, hands Fyodor beckoned and the famous pizantsu In Russian said: 'Hey! Not so! " And nail Fedkin, hard and dirty, according to the draft drew a line, and Barbarina old Fryazinov, saw in the building height! And he said to envy of other things, that the horse – a very capable skiff, he can be a great architect, Secrets of the case studied. .

Winter Recreation

The first choice in the ussr, snowmobiling, Leonid. Previously, this type of vacation would allow only the party elite. But fortunately those days are gone. Today, many snowmobiles for recreation. Our otechnstvennye snowmobiles can not boast of good technical performance and reliability. For these reasons, many opt for foreign modelyah.Ih value ranges from 5000 for supported and up to 15000 dollars for snowmobiles premium. All snowmobiles are divided into four classes: utilitarian, travel, sports and children.

Utilitarian created as to work. They have wide tracks, a reliable engine great resource, neubivaemy suspension. In tourist snowmobiles are done for the comfort of the driver and passenger. They calculated the most driving long distances at high speed. Tourists have a softer suspension than utilitarian snowmobiles, heated handles driver and passenger, navigator. In sports snegohodahvse taken for a ride at maximum speed. They have a narrow gussennitsa, powerful engine (170 hp), lightweight frame.

If the utilitarian Snowmobiles have a cruising speed of 120 cms hour, then sports, it surpasses 200mkmv hour. But the snowmobile, as well as any technique has a number of problems that many do not want to face, such as repairs, costly maintenance, insurance, preservation of the summer, registration, obtaining the rights, thus passing In addition, not everyone can afford an expensive purchase, but the desire to skate great. In this case, helps the rental snowmobiles. Rentals For several years been actively developing in Russia, especially at ski resorts. In many rentals there as hourly wages and per night. Also very popular Saffar snowmobiling. In any case, for those wishing to engage in recreational activities there snowmobile, the main desire.

More Important Business

On the rules of writing a tactical business cases, and the importance of compliance. How to make top managers from the secretaries and assistants coaches, skillfully giving the millions of clarifying questions about the problem-solvers. Rule: heads of line units are business cases, and the top managers are addressing these business cases. Solution business cases (complicated or unusual cases) has occupied its niche in education, including mba, and self-education. Internet is replete with references are invited to participate in the decision to create its own carrying case. And the game is quite entertaining and exciting.

Until then, until this game. In the activities of a real company, managers each day engaged in just the solution business cases. Large and small, strategic and tactical, and more tactical. Their main difference from the training cases is that of each particular decision depends future transactions, employee and sometimes the entire company. This article is not about the case study the strategic level. It's about that same daily routine, which runs daily leader – the decision of the cases of interaction with external and internal clients. And well, if such a case as regards staff unit that is in our direct supervision.

Thought for a moment, ask clarifying questions, made a decision, denounced him to the singers – done. The company is mechanism, which interact with many elements. And if you have a company for more than one leader, then there is a chain solutions case. Appear the business processes of interaction between units, and in this interaction daily crashes.

Domesticated Cows

A number of scholars believe and insist that wild and old bulls and cows (rounds) was domesticated about eight or nine thousand years ago. According to their calculations it happened in those places where it was particularly well developed agriculture, and namely – the peoples who lived in the valleys of the great rivers of the Tigris, Euphrates and the Nile, in the ducts of the Indus and . It is in those places, people bred in the most productive, demographics of those areas dramatically gathered momentum. And there, in the valleys of these rivers, many people have need of priority in power and muscle of animals. It was there that people are catching of wild animals, ruthless force and constant beatings (and often under threat of death) have led the poor and natured wild herbivores bulls pull heavy plows for many hours a day. The ancient people called this phenomenon is a beautiful expression: domestication (domestication) of wild cows, bulls, and tours. Yet not one of bulls used local residents who lived in those places, they were forced to pull plows, even cows, who, in connection with his feminine weaker (compared with the bulls), obedient, and the nature quieter. When the bulls are properly handled the cultivating, and they remained free time, people decided that the bulls should not relax. And the clever, while selfish, but weak people quickly adapted and used oxen and other heavy work. Bulls clock spun millstones, carried any weight, faithful companions of the same bull – cow, the man decided just to milk and eat.

American Employees

Complexity that acquire, in some companies, interpersonal relationships, makes really difficult to innovate, make decisions, diversify business interests, or even, work effectively. And often, faced with these challenges, responding with dysfunction. The philosopher and famed American author Eric Hoffer, who was one of the first thinkers who recognized the critical importance of self-esteem and control of emotions for a psychological well-being, wrote: in times of change, those who are open to learning aduenaran of the future. In both, those who think they know everything, you will find beautifully equipped to operate in a world that ceased to exist. Therefore the challenge is raised: a complex network of interrelational scenarios, and a few unpredictable global contexts, which we reported increasingly more uncertainty, it seems that, in order to optimize results and prevent an excessive stress, a management model is required (and personally, a learning model) based on the constant questioning, with the objective of expanding our personal knowledge, and thus to expand our boundaries of action.

In other words: learn yourself in the diversity of scenarios in which is exposed, making that his attitude evolves perceive them as a threat to perceive them as an opportunity. In this line, every day more companies (employees, managers or entrepreneurs), put in the hands of external, professional specialists of the coaching, the analysis of the emotional difficulties that they alienate the company where they work, be a smart and effective organization. A business environment, in which create an emotional context so that, in addition to the achievement of the business achievements, the achievements of each of its members. In short, a shared vision, in which interests of company and employees They are aligned, not confronted. Original author and source of the article

Argentine Century

By Alfredo Armando Aguirre a few days ago was commemoro for these latitudes, half a century of the death of Eva Peron (this was not obstacle for in speech that seldom is reflected in the media, an important but not majority sector as that follows her admiring, follow expressing visceral hatred that passed you your predecessors gorillas, as here are called who professed aversion to everything related to the Argentine Peronist phenomenon). Digression aside, the lines that follow spend remember also met half a century of crisis in the Argentine memory that allows you to give perspective to these days crespusculares in both bands of the Rio de La Plata. When one gets is diachronic retrospectives (which are not usual for seekers of explanations in the previous mid-term), is tempted to continue tracking the alleged ills, from the stance that: in the spiritual, the past and the future are born and grow together. They coexist and will permeate one another, (Alberto Rouges, 1942), believes perceive that the Argentina comes contrahecha from its origins, when along with the rest of the Spanish colonies, they initiated a process of formal, too functional emancipation to the wishes of diplomacy and business British at beginning of 19th century. There are those who risk and with enough basis, that the ills start with the very beginning of the colonization and evangelization hispanica in the first third of the 16th century, arguing that now Spain was declining. In 1912, the Rosario-born thinker Juan Alvarez, public an essay about the Argentine civil wars, drawing conclusions about the power struggles, accompanied by physical violence, which began at the moment of emancipation..

New Medium Payment Cards

Online campaigns is more than evident that the financial system should focus on increasing their presence online. There is no doubt that the new production cycle, the world of business and ultimately, return to the path of an economy on the rise today, is impossible without a good online campaign and an associated reputation. Credit and debit cards, bank cards in short, although they have suffered the stakes of a global crisis unprecedented even behaves like one of the more virulent history by its effect he dominated, carry several years accumulating activity levels far below what is formerly considered the Belle epoque of the credit. At the present time, the best online campaigns to recruit competitive credit cards, moved its focus to mobile. The rise of smartphones has consolidated these devices as the ultimate expression of the communication business and finances, variable all very relevant in the context of the evolution of the economy. Traditional plastics they have their days numbered but is still not certain of when, banks, issuers, application developers, businesses and ultimately all actors involved in the means of payment, will manage to smooth their differences all of them focusing on the need to hold the leadership, and combine their efforts in order to optimise purchases online only booming sector both at the actual time as aspects related to security and the prevention of fraud. That said, today the internet plays a very important role, our lives this every day more linked to the online world, by which any company that respects should launch your campaign online.