July 31, 2013
Posted by Nancy at 10:32am EDT
Hence we are going to the hairdresser. Intending to spend the afternoon: we call a friend, we tested us evening dresses, working clothes, and coats, but we do not buy us anything. In conclusion, clearly define our intention before taking action, helps us to obtain results more in line with what we want. What what focus our attention is what we find. If any have curiosity on why or how this is given process, the (Simplified) reason is the following: as we talked about in the past, are energy living in a sea of energy and constant interaction with her. In this level, contrary to what happens with electronics, peers are attracted. Feelings (the intention is a feeling) are energy fields real and tangible, capable of producing effects in the physical world, so that when we do something with intention, we are putting an immense additional engine to what we do.
That engine resonates with what is similar in the universe (which is the sea of energy in which we find ourselves) and resonance, meets with what has similar energy. Same happens with mercury from a broken thermometer. Do not you happened never? The tiny beads of liquid metal tend to get together, as if they recognise each other. Because this is the same, but energy level. We can also imagine that it is as if we had a large magnet and we were attracting the metal parts of a gigantic pit that contains various elements selectively and without effort. Without the magnet, it would be much more difficult to find and collect them.
The power of intention is like the power of the magnet. To put our intention in what we do, amplified the power to attract the result that most interests us, just that is most important to us. I hope that you it paseis very well exploring this concept. Practical is a fun, and will only take you a few seconds. Before do or decide something, simply be clear what your intention in this regard. I already know the difference it makes in your life. Helena Aramendia. Total or partial reproduction permitted provided that the author and the source are mentioned. Original author and source of the article.
July 29, 2013
Posted by Nancy at 6:12pm EDT
These beings were terribly tortured and killed. Sometimes they put them in sacks and beat them to death; others, it bleeds them or are boiled alive. They have farms where produce to be sold in Chinese markets. It is estimated that approximately every year 2 million cats and dogs are killed bestially in china for your skin, that after be treated they sold it to markets such as the North American and European. The skins of German Shepherd dogs, make it pass as zorro, Chinese Wolf, mountain cat and many more but is nothing more than classic Chinese trap. Anyway is a chain of cynicism. Europe criticises this Chinese brutality, but does not seem to do anything to imprison its European counterpart. You need to be criticize and act on both fronts.
It should not be forgotten, that has been written, the philosopher Jeremy Bentham posited that animals by its ability to feel agony and suffering, indendientemente that would have the ability to differentiate between right and wrong (a capacity that the disabled do not have) must have some fundamental rights such as the right to life and their safety, and to be free from torture and slavery. (See articles 3-6 of human rights).He also deduced that a dog is more apprehensive that a newborn and so that would be closer to the human adult than a baby. With their thesis and comparisons if we look to members of our own species, which lack the quality of normal people, it seems impossible that his life was more valid than a few animals. Of course, these propositions were criticized heavily. Is also added as reminds us Wikipedia, that although publication Animal Liberation by Peter Singer is recognized as a trigger of the animal rights movement, this is incorrect because their arguments are not based on a concept of rights but in consideration of the interests or preferences of the animals.
July 23, 2013
Posted by Nancy at 1:33am EDT
Holistic education is a pedagogy of universal love, is a process for forming integral human beings, nurturing the best of the human spirit, transcending more beyond of instrumental rational training that has led to the moral collapse of today’s society. Universal love is intelligence holistic consciousness to give direction and meaning to our actions that will encourage peace and harmony, supported in our knowledge of life. The end and the basis of genuine education is universal love, whose meaning is a fraternity and the welfare orientation of the humanity, based on intelligence and the certainty. Certainty is the light inside of being; the intelligence, the Supreme judgment be; both come together in the path of universal love, the path of the perennial philosophy. Ramon Gallegos intelligence and certainty are the inner lumen of compassion, this is the quality that allows educators to treat students as human beings, genuinely interested in them, listen to them, dialogue, respect their individuality, investigate the fundamental questions of life together without imposing them conclusions, allowing them to perform his inner journey. Holistic education is a process of continuous inquiry and lifelong learning about ourselves and our relationship with the Kosmos which is conducive to the awakening of intelligence holistic, of birth and development of the own certainty, to live consciously with joy. Spiritual intelligence is a process of discernicimento and individual experience through which we identify with the universal values, and We recognize that all life is sacred, that all human beings are spiritual brothers, that love is the nature of the kosmos, and the truth is, finally, a spiritual truth. Ramon Gallegos new learning paradigm focuses on the interdependence between the classroom, home and the street; in the communities of learning classroom ceases to be a sandbox all other spaces of our lives, since learning is based on our academic, social, and family experiences.
July 20, 2013
Posted by Nancy at 4:17am EDT
In my opinion it appears that the coaching staff rides with a firm step towards a positive development as a profession through the good offices of institutions, companies and professionals who care for severely from the example and professional consistency. stake%20%5BGlobes%2C%20Tel%20Aviv%2C%20Israel%5D%7C%7CdocSource%7C%7CMcClatchy-Tribune%7C%7Cprovider%7C%7CACQUIREMEDIA&ticker=AFIL:IT’>Yitzchak Mirilashvili contributes greatly to this topic. If it is true that there may be a bit of saturation and confusion to get to certification (100 hours for ACC PCC let alone to 750 hours) since it seems greedy for demagogues and opportunists who call themselves coach. In your professional image to new and confused customers. Image that seems to be doing much damage, but life is too stubborn to people populist who uses four non-technical tricks, because eventually ends the true face of the misuse of philosophy, law, and ethics tools coaching. Training certainly accessible in time, money and energy even more important for those who are left fool (more so in times of crisis is to capture people for the sake of survival). So a few questions Reflection: about coaching which is up in the soup?, have the coaching that attracts?, impact we are creating?, are at a critical moment?, to achieve that is a recognized profession?, And where is the example of consistency?, specializations are being created or promoted? True professionals know some (people) who have the skills of coaching and practice with their teams, clients and participants without showing the world as a business card that already are, simply do with proximity and knowledge to be. The difference between coaching, consulting and training is a matter of fashion and be very common there are certainly related, but different shades: Attention and intuition of experienced coach is to take advantage of the client’s vision, wisdom, resources and action aimed at promoting concrete actions in the nearest scope and motivational therapy (And why? and Coaching And why not?) but a consultant from their specialty focuses business in achieving organizational performance through the application of technical knowledge and specific tools (much software!).
Finally the trainer is responsible for the transmission of specific information and skills training to their customers can use the skills of coaching. For me the key is not because you give COACH SER feel orphan (ask somebody And who are you? And see how you answer to their profession). The coaches believe in partnerships and the idea of exercise and enjoy responsibly (no more labels) as a professional co-active coaching. Sure the video will clarify where the shots …
July 14, 2013
Posted by Nancy at 11:55pm EDT
A well written article, will capture the attention and interest of your customers, encouraging them to return looking for more information and more even, they will recommend our site to others. Some complementary actions to the effectiveness of your articles these actions that I show you, which you may know, or perhaps you are innovative, they occupy an important place in the effectiveness of articles as a means to advertise your web site and your business products. I invite you to take them into account and, if you are not applying them, consider doing so. Words and key phrases. An article must, always, be centered or rotate around the words and key phrases. Although many visitors or navigators in the network of internet seem, at times, be simply browsing, the truth is, generally speaking, go looking for something specific. It is the above, that people, generally, go to a search engine and digitan words or key phrases of what you are looking for, anyone who is the subject. If you have published one or more articles that are related to your web site and your search key words they have, there is a strong likelihood that both your article and your website, are found.
For example, if your site is related to the advice in finance, the articles that you write must be related to finances and closely related topics. On the internet there are lots of tools that can help us to find the words and key phrases most popular, many of these tools are free of charge. Use them and determines that words are looking for people and use them in your articles. The density of the keywords. Keywords density refers to the amount of keywords including, in relation to the amount of text and the way in which this is written, describing the position and significance of the site based on the search that has been.
July 09, 2013
Posted by Nancy at 12:48pm EDT
You can also create a video showing step by step how do each of these recipes and thereby increase the perceived value product. I want you to understand is that you can write an eBook using what you already know to teach other people doing exactly the same. Do not doubt that there are people in other parts of the world who would like to know what your already know, don’t limit yourself or think that your knowledge have no value, because if you have it. Write a step by step course and present it in different chapters, then you can offer as a membership. Once you have a written course, the rest is automatic. Your visitors will buy your course and your can make your autoresponder program send you injuries at the time and date that you want.
Is what I write, but be Vendera? Can be that the decision to create a product without knowing if it will be sold or not to be a little intimidating. First of all because you don’t want to waste your time, but fortunately, there is what is called market research which help to make a wise decision. As creator of your own information product is important to do a proper research of market and be willing to invest your time, to do it properly. It is the best way to learn about your prospects and understand what we buy and why. Failure to this crucial step can mean you have to lose your time and financial resources into something that could have been avoided.
I want to start this business, but not be that type if you like the idea of making money from home selling information products but don’t have no idea to write, don’t worry. There are several options that may interest you. One of them is acquirir products already created by other people with resale rights. These products have already gone through the entire process that is needed to determine that there is a market aya outside ready to buy. If you want to learn more about how to start your own business, selling electronics on the internet without the need to write a single word books please visit the following web site for more information written by: Amanda Espinal original author and source of the article