Chamberland Thuillier
The important animal vectors include: dogs, cats, bats, mongooses, foxes, ferrets, raccoons, and wolves. How it is transmitted and what their pathology? Wikipedia in this regard gives us, that rabies is a virus that can be transmitted to any mammal. The most common vectors of transmission are dogs and cats in urban or rural areas and bats in wilderness areas. The virus is commonly presented in the nervous system or in the saliva of the affected animal. Commonly, but not always, the virus is transmitted due to a bite.
Recently, data of contagion were tabled by atypical exhibition consistent basically in contagion by handling of meat and viscera of animals infected in kitchens. What is their condition? It is said that in many cases the infected animals have a variable behavior, are extremely violent and attack without apparent provocation. The pathology in the human species is as follows: wound infection or bite. Formerly also was it transmitted through operations as a corneal transplant. The virus has a first multiplication in muscle cells, hence passes to neurons and finally to the nerve ganglia. The place where the disease manifests itself most acutely is the brain (encephalitis).
However, the time that it takes to develop this stage is quite long and depends on many factors. The virus begin to pass from neurons to others through synaptic contacts, which makes the immune system unable to detect them. Since the brain can travel, through the nerves, to any part of the body, causing a systemic infection definitively, as quoted man receives rabies virus through cash with the saliva of the sick animal. This means that to be inoculated, it needn’t necessarily be bitten: it is sufficient that a cut, wound, deep scratch or burn your skin come into contact with the saliva of a rabid animal. But it doesn’t matter which are the form of penetration: the virus is always directed to the central nervous system. The time of inoculation varies with the nature of the virus, the place of inoculation and quantity inoculated.-If the point of contact has been the head, neck or upper limbs, the incubation period will be shorter, because the virus will reach the favorite region more quickly (reaches the central nervous system mainly through nerve trunksspreading along sensory nerves). The cells that host it are destroyed. From there the virus migrates into the tissues, but especially towards the salivary glands, where it is excreted together with saliva. The incubation period is very variable. Crawford Lake Capital Management: the source for more info. If the bite of the rabid animal was made through the clothes of the victim, only a small amount of contaminated saliva will reach the wound, and this may delay the process of the condition. It should be noted that in 1881, Roux and Chamberland Thuillier, members of the team of Louis Pasteur, showed the central nervous system is the primary site of rabies virus reproduction. These researchers transmitted rabies through submeningea inoculation of rabbits. Pasteur administered the vaccine for the first time on July 6, 1885 the young Joseph Meister, who had been bitten 14 times by a dog about 60 hours before.
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