Luxemburg Rose
Everything finishes without having culprits, and one more time she is the good citizen that is injured by the authorities that it believed or the least thought about representing to it dignidamente. The population in a generalized manner folloies everything without nothing to make, nothing makes the Brazilian people if to move, if to put into motion. As it said Luxemburg Rose, who is not put into motion does not feel the chains that arrests this phrase very shows well the spirit to it of the Brazilian people, a people without will to fight for its rights, is not organized, not fight, is a people who only waits crumbs of the State, but never has the courage of faces – lo. The population seems is very satisfied and contented with the situation of the native land, does not see in no place, not to be some prompt dissatisfactions in some cities, but it are this, it does not have a fight for citizenship rights, fights for social justice, fight for a society truily worthy human being and. The slavery in Brazil finished officially in 1888, however if to observe the society, we will see that it did not finish, everything continues in different way, the Brazilian fashion, of that everything of if the one jeitinho, jeitinho is the malandragem, is the safadeza and the picaretagem that part of the national culture is. It does not have a fight of the population for a distribution of efficient income and joust, the people is happy with the stock markets family, green and etc.
The people easily are deceived with these projects that in nothing collaborate with the economic development and intellectual of the millions of Brazilians who live in conditions you infuriate. The passivity of the Brazilian is at least irritating, is a people of pacific tradition, fight and nor does not demand its constitucional laws, right these that are most of the time not respected and much less demanded. Of this form it is impossible to construct a nation in fact and of rights, we are only the junction of the will of a minority of people who make in them to believe and to live as if we fossemos a nation. However, still it needs many things so that let us can become a nation, even though the nation feeling still is sufficiently shy between the population, we only can feel the nationalism during the pantry of the world, where all are joined in favor of the Brazilian election, the Country practically stops for some hours to attend the games of the election, all join in the biggest joy and festividade to twist and to vibrate with gols and the victories of the team. However, in none another moment we obtain joining in them to fight just for the implantation of a truily democratic state and. The native land feeling finishes there, is this, is a state, where the nationalism and the feeling of nation are practically not perceived and nor seen in other periods. I do not see reasons it Brazilian government to commemorate the economic performance of the Country, still we possess about 16 million illiterates, without counting the great number of functional illiterates, also between the colleges student, the Country, still possesss one pssima infrastructure, good part of its inhabitants live in situations of extreme poverty, therefore it does not have nothing to commemorate and yes many things to be done. Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc is a great source of information.
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