Posts Tagged ‘economy’

South Congress Real Estate

The Real estate South Congress already mobilized professionals of the area in 3 editions, and now it prepares 4 edition of the event, that happens in Estuary of the Iguau in days 29 and 30 of September and 1 of October of 2011. The Consim has for objective to analyze the situation of the real estate market and to guide the involved ones, to improve the incomes of the sector. For this, it congregates representatives of Real estate of Curitiba, Estuary of iguau, Maring, and of other cities, not only of the Paran, as of the south region of our country and neighboring countries. The focus of 4 Consim is the development that if announces with the arrival of the two great events confirmed for Brazil: of the 2014 Olimpadas and the Pantry World of 2016. For the organizadores of the event, these events will bring to the real estate market of the great cities, a development notable. But, they alert, that to be able to use to advantage this growth, are necessary to be prepared to face and to lead the chances in favor of the businesses. The president of the CRECI-PR, Alfredo Canezin, if says honored in receiving the neighboring representatives of states and countries for this edition from the event, that, according to it, has the basic paper to ahead argue the forecast of the situation of the real estate market of the events, and enabling the professionals, so that the market change has positive impact, and either duly used to advantage by the real estate ones of the Paran, of Santa Catarina and the Rio Grande Do Sul, that are the participant states of the event.

United States

The countries most affected by unemployment in recent times were the Asian and Central and Eastern Europe, ie those who are called developing or underdeveloped countries. First, in East and Southeast Asia, after living three decades of sustained growth (at an average rate of nearly 8% per annum) the financial crisis triggered an unprecedented recession. In this sense, there were massive layoffs totaling 10 million new unemployed. Added to that, unemployment rates have doubled and sometimes tripled. Second, in Central and Eastern Europe as a result of economic restructuring (changes in the forms of production in the industrial sector, etc.), real wages have declined and there is greater income inequality. Unemployment rates rose rapidly from nearly 0% to over 9%.

Third, in Latin America, even though production indicators have improved, unemployment also increased, reaching a value of 7.4% in 1997 for the entire region. Get more background information with materials from Hikmet Ersek. This increase is explained by the reduction of social protection to employment and increased competition from imports, since their prices are lower in relation to products produced in this region. In turn, in Africa the situation is not encouraging. Most new jobs correspond to the primary sector of low productivity. On the other hand, the growth of the working population is 3% per annum, which implies the incorporation to the labor market of about 9 million people each year.

What is observed in the foregoing is that in underdeveloped countries, is evidence of a common stamp: mass unemployment, lack of infrastructure coupled with the retraction of the state in the social area. However, among developed countries unemployment has an uneven performance. In European countries is much higher than in the United States. This is because, among other factors, to social security contributions on wages (unemployment and medical insurance, etc.) represent between 16% and 18% in the U.S. and 25% in major European countries. Thus, while U.S. unemployment is around 5% in the countries of the European Union average is 10%

Understanding The Argentine Government

Beyond that Uruguay wants to get away from the problems in the Argentina, it is often inevitable that they affect the economy of this country (whether for better or for worse). The conflict between the Argentine government and the field has led, as I said in an article last month, a real invasion of Argentine investment in agriculture, which alerted the government of Tabare Vazquez, who will announce shortly implementing a system that promotes good agricultural practices and proper land use, and punish those who breach the rules. Argentina is that this invasion came from the labor practices that destroy the soil if not halted in time, can generate more costs than benefits that occur in the short term for the country. But as Uruguay receives negative shocks from Argentina, also received positive impulses. Hikmet Ersek addresses the importance of the matter here. The Argentine government intervention in the beef market (with implications for beef exports, which led the country does not comply with the Hilton quota), leaving a space used by Uruguay would achieve an increase in agricultural exports during 2008 that would total, according to a study by the Ministry of Livestock and Agriculture, the U.S. $ 4,171 million, an increase of 51% compared to 2007, being the main item exporter beef, which will generate foreign exchange revenue of U.S. $ 1,462 million and represent 34.3% of total agribusiness exports.

Among the main markets for Uruguayan beef is the Russian market is showing strong growth. Uruguay improved their credit rating, earn good time taking advantage of market prices for food, but not content with this. Also like to take the price of oil … This is why in December this year, submit to international companies operating oil and gas, a seismic survey carried out on the ocean floor of its territorial sea, in order to entice these companies to begin the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. Daniel Martinez, the Uruguayan Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining said that it would open: “(a) begin new stage of interest to global players in oil exploration.” On the gas may be extracted, Martinez said that “would have a guaranteed placement level (because) the gas consumption has increased in the region and today the region has a very important gap.” The Uruguayan government is working hard on this plan and so that, later this year, will define the legal framework of contracts concluded with companies, since the tender will be opened in July 2009 from the award blocks 10 and 15 between 4000 and 8000 km2 each. Why S & P, Uruguay is better than Argentina? In short, because it strives to implement sound policies, and generate a stable institutional framework for the investor.

Because sees private investment as a key element for growth and is therefore seeking attract it. Uruguay are emerging in different investment opportunities that will surely attract private capital. The country already knows what to do to emulate it.

Real Plan

In third place, it was proceeded the analysis from the neoliberalismo, the globalization, the most varied the Real Plan and the unemployment under current of thought not only economic, but also under the prism of too much social sciences. Through the diverse theoretical lines examined here, one evidenced that the neoliberalismo is so exculpatory how much to the proper process of globalization and, as the Real Plan was constituted from these two boardings of reconstruction of the underdeveloped economies, became equally exculpatory it, pricnpalmente when exclusion is measured under the unemployment form. However, the question most important now is to verify if these the economic processes of we neoliberalimos and globalization poderm to be reverted or not, or if at least they can be modified. To this respect, the quarrel is not tame and pacific, it has infitas controversies on the subject. For some authors, such processes do not have more return, already they are installed and consolidated in the seio of the developed and underdeveloped nations. They are the calls ' ' globalistas' '. For other analysts, in such a way the neoliberalismo as the globalization can completely be reverted, needing for this great efforts mobilization the civil society in search alternatives regional development locale, opposing it everything how much it is global.

They are the calls ' ' cticos' '. Finally, those exist that believe that, although eses processes not to have more return, still is possible to make some adaptations to the estimated ones of the neoliberalismo and the globalization, conciliating the global actions with the local actions. They are the defending calls of the model ' ' glocal' '. Along with everything what if it asseverou preceding, it can be affirmed that the neoliberalismo even so contests to that if it questions on the capitalist system of production, much the evidences concerning the social exclusion that it has caused they cannot be denied and nor hidden.

General Regimen

Arajo (2008) finishes saying that the purpose of the beginning of the isonomy is to deliver to the judgement of igualitria form to all the jurisdicionados ones, excusing when necessary different different treatment to the e, equal treatment, in the terms of the law, to the equal ones in conditions. 3.4.1 Relation between the previdencirio factor and the beginning of the isonomy the sprouting of the law n 9,876, of 26 of November of 1999, that it instituted the previdencirio factor compelled that many of its insurers in such a way continued working and contributing for the social welfare. Although the intention to make with that the workers were available to the market for a bigger time, and of this form to guarantee atuarial balance of the Providence, is not what it sees, since many retire exactly with the reduced wages, either for not to have more conditions to work, or simply because already they had fulfilled the requirements to acquire the retirement and opt to it, exactly with reduced revenues. In accordance with Arajo (2008, P. 32-33): The existing relation between the previdencirio factor and the beginning of the isonomy, is in the fact to that with application of the related factor people in isonomy of conditions they will be dealt with different form being born to the unconstitutionality of the substance, therefore Law N. 9,876/99 when instituting the previdencirio factor, is giving to differentiated treatments the accurately equal people, in total disagreement with the Brazilian constitution. Therefore if a person starts to contribute for the General Regimen of the Social welfare? RGPS, before another one, being the only difference the age, for consequncia its supervened expectation of will diminish the benefit of the person who started to contribute with lesser age. Ahead of the displayed one, Gonalves (2000: P. 60) places that ' ' it is visualized initially that those will have to be benefited of if retiring later, and losing the ones that if to retire cedo&#039 more; '.