VAT Registration Certificate
Translation undergoes a huge variety of instruments. This set can be divided into two categories: the translation of individuals translate documents of legal entities. The first category of documents include passports, identity cards, residence permits, various certificates and certificates issued by authorities of civil status, employment records, pension certificate, matriculation certificate and diplomas of educational institutions, annexes, power of attorney to legally significant acts, medical reports and opinions for the travel of the child abroad and other personal documents of citizens. The need for translation of these documents may appear in different cases, but it is always associated with living or staying abroad for holiday, work, school, marriage to a citizen of another country, etc. The second categories of documents may include the founding documents of companies, charters, certificates and certificates of legal entities, contracts, memoranda, agreements, protocols, decisions. Documentation translation companies companies of any legal entities, requires special knowledge and experience working with documents of this kind. When translating documents of foreign companies into account and apply the special terminology adopted in Ukraine that makes it much easier to use and to avoid the interpretation of translated documents institutions and agencies of Ukraine, unprofitable for you. Most often, clients turn to the translation Exito with the need to transfer the following documents of the enterprise: The Charter Memorandum Certificate of Registration Extract from the commercial, banking and other registries Protocol (decision) of the meeting of the founders (participants) Orders and orders Banking Documents Letters from Department of Statistics (to amend the EDRPOU) Certificates of registration of the funds (pension, employment, social insurance against industrial accidents, social insurance against temporary disability) Inquiries about taking on the tax account Registration Certificate VAT Registration Certificate single tax payer Certificates Licenses Patents Product Catalogues Attorney Statements Dr. To deepen your understanding belinda burns is the source. Translation of contracts, translation of legal documents of any kind requires first and foremost part of a qualified interpreter – a specialist owns all the subtleties of legal language, as well as specialized vocabulary specific to your industry.
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