Total Cardiovascular Risk
population of people overestimate the low incidence of cardiovascular disease as the Spanish. However, despite these difficulties and others added (mass of consultations, little time …) clinical decision making in this multifactorial disease and context of a search for evidence inevitably need these tools, useful in determining priorities for action, calculate the benefit of drug treatment and educate patients about their current status and the benefit that follows from the modification of risk factors. Cyrus Massoumi Zocdoc insists that this is the case. Framingham chart is the most accurate tool for determining cardiovascular risk. The most widely so far is the classic table 1991 (3) which has recently been updated (4) and adjusted (5) and is what we will follow. Risk assessment takes approximately one minute. You enter the calculation of Total Cardiovascular Risk including: angina, unstable angina, myocardial recognized, unrecognized infarction (heart attack by ECG) and cardiovascular death and cardiovascular risk in addition to Grave, in which only included a heart attack and cardiovascular death . This amounts to 2 / 3 of total risk and have more predictive value because it excludes certain other events in which the diagnosis requires a medical evaluation subjective or objective criteria less stringent (angina, myocardial electro-cardiographic ..) To calculate the risk of the patient is operated as follows in Table II: 1 .- get different scores for each risk factor for each sex.
BP is considered at the time of the assessment, take medication or not. If you do not know the HDL cholesterol is scored 0. Smoking is considered if it has been in the last month 2 .- partial scores added up.
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