The Signal
For in such a way, it can be said that this technique also is, of certain form, quantitative, since the area presented for the integrator supplies information on the hydrogen atom number that composes the molecule of a composition in analysis for RMN 1H. The signal of a hydrogen can be ' ' desdobrado' ' for one another hydrogen atom ' ' vizinho' ' , in case that they are in different chemical environments. In HC? CHb, assuming that the hydrogen atoms (Ha and Hb) are not chemically equivalents, the signal of Ha will be ' ' desdobrado' ' for the Hb and dubleto will appear in the one form. Then, the hydrogen atoms Ha and Hb (of adjacent carbons) connect between itself and the constant of coupling (j) is calculated in hertz (Hz). In case that Hb had two, the signal of Ha would be verified as one tripleto, having the central peak, the double of size of each one of the lateral peaks (with in the distance between the peaks, J can be calculated). In molecules of methane and etano, the hydrogen atoms are equivalents and the referring signal to these will be one singleto, for each composition. In the procloth, the two metilnicos hidrognios (CH2) are equivalents between itself, however they are in one ' ' environment qumico' ' different of the six methylic hidrognios (that they are equivalents between itself), then one is verified tripleto (in relation to 6H) and one multipleto (in relation to 2H). The RMN specter 1H of etanol shows to one singleto in d 4,50 (referring to the hydrogen atom ' ' trocvel' ' of the group hidroxila), one quarteto centered in d 3,40 (referring to the two metilnicos hidrognios) and one tripleto centered in d 1,20 (referring to three hydrogen atoms terminals, that is, of the group metila). The integrator discloses areas under ' ' picos' ' in the ratio 1:2: 3, coherent with the hydrogen atom number presented.
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