The Scale
Ambitious plans operate on a horizontal level and help provide that to stand on the floor. But you need to think in three dimensions, if you want rationally utilize all the kitchen space. Use the free space, located above the eyes, hung shelves and cupboards, or the space located below this level, consider how furniture sections, and Equipment will be placed under a window sill, sink, etc. To take any practical solutions, you have to do the calculation of heights, that is to portray the scale of the wall shown on the plan all important components – Windows, doors, arches, pipes and electrical wiring. Immediately think about how many electrical outlets you need and where they need to place, and put them on the plan. Further details can be found at Publishers Clearing House, an internet resource. Do not forget about safety: Do not place stove near the window, where from burners can flare up curtains and where you have to lean over the fire, for example, to unearth the window. Do not place the stove near the door, which opened, may touch the dishes. Wall shelves should not hang too low, so you will not bump her head on them.
The best place for hanging cabinets and shelves – on household tehnikoy.Elektricheskie wire in any case should not hang over the sink, or in any way come in contact with water. Sharp and angles of kitchen furniture can cause injuries, so buy furniture with rounded corners. Even if your stove or oven is made of the most modern insulating materials, do not place it near refrigerator. .
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