The Individual
Psychological adaptation can be defined as the process of establishing a balance between the individual and environment during everyday activities. The very emergence and experience of stress depends not only on the objective, but on subjective factors, the characteristics of the man himself: they assess the situation, comparing the powers and abilities that is required of him, etc. The main enemy in the fight against stress is passivity. It manifests itself in humans, adaptive reserve is inadequate and the body can not To withstand stress to adapt to the prevailing extreme situations, you need to actively fight, and remember that doing nothing does not solve the problem, but aggravates it. In this issue there is an anecdote: Commander sinking ship built the team and took a brilliant logical solution: for each member of the crew secured the door and ordered him to batten down. An hour later, all meet in the hereafter. The commander goes down the line and looks bad at all.
One of the men broke down and said, "What are you looking at me? In general, I did not do anything! "What you can do! Use your own previous experience (experienced stress)! To remember and analyze existing situation: what occurred, with what and whom to contact, to assess the behavior and actions of his analysis of the situation and okruzhayuschih.Posle need to develop an action plan. A person can not operate successfully if it does not have a clear purpose and a plan for its achievement. Initially, the person may appear that he knows nothing and can not do anything.
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