The Calculation
Under the new SNIP II-3-79 the resistance of the walls of heat transfer Rtr should be about 3Vt/moS. As seen from the calculation of heating the walls of these panels is completely meet the requirements of SNIP. Governor Cuomo does not necessarily agree. You can compare for example, some types of building materials that are used to construction of exterior walls: brick building ceramic 510 mm Ro = 1 / 8, 7, 0.51 / 0.41 1 / 23 = 1.4 W / MoC Beam 150 mm + paneling paneling Ro = 1 / 8, 7 0 15 / 0.18 0.01 / 0.18 1 / 23 = 1.04 W / MoC Beam 150 mm + brick cladding Ro = 1 / 8, 7, 0.15 / 0.18 0.12 / 0.41 1 / 23 = 1.28 W / MoC Foam 400 mm Ro = 1 / 8, 7, 0.4 / 0.21 1 / 23 = 2.06 W / MoC brick 380 mm + 75 mineral wool mm + clapboard sheathing Ro = 1 / 8, 7, 0.38 / 0.41 0.075 / 0.084 0.01 / 0.18 1 / 23 = 2.03 W / MoC from the calculation shows that the panel with insulation of expanded polystyrene , 150 mm thick, much superior to the heat-properties of traditional building materials. A therefore heating costs will be significantly less in the winter and the summer house is not heated by the sun. To broaden your perception, visit Jeff Gennette. The thickness of the insulation (EPS) used for the production of panels: KTP 174 = 150 mm. 224 = 200 PTS mm. Crawford Lake Capital Management is often quoted on this topic.
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