The Buyer
It can be observed in the example. Gasoline prices are rising and rising, people are more outraged, but, nevertheless, demand for gasoline is not falling. Buyer is willing to spend their money on what will benefit him. This kind of investment. Each individual adds his own personal opinion about the price, based on the useful properties of the product. The more in demand product, the customer is willing to pay more.
Immediately call the price inefficient. In this case, everything will depend on the already existing representation rights on the product and its benefits. Far effectively delay the moment. Thus, to give people time to understand what is really a commodity. Show its beneficial properties and benefits that a customer after the purchase. Demonstrate value goods. Please note the customer to design, prestige, comfort, comfort, safety, reliability, etc. This immediately give weight items.
And only then call price. A premature question, "How much will my apartment?" I usually replied: "You must first identify and take into account all your preferences and wishes, and only then will I be able to name the exact price …." Or you can paraphrase as follows: "First we need to calculate how much suits you, and only then will I be able to name the exact price … "Another option:" I hope that you will not mind if I tell you a little first about the product? "Very often it works. Postpone discussion of price should always be, until you be sure that the client know the basic advantages of the product and its useful properties. Otherwise, you dramatically reduce your chances of success! If a customer requests a discount, you know, this is the first signal to the fact that you pierced. Discount – a defensive reaction. This way the client is trying to get at least some benefit from the deal.
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